UCT channels

UCT channels


You probably did not know this, but a lot of channels are part of the UCT. UCT stands for United Channels of Telegram. This helps us to have a base set of rules we apply to all channels which are part of the UCT:

  • Communicate in English only.
  • No racism, explicit content or bad words. (We actually are very serious about this. Suggestions containing words like 'sh*t' will not be posted.)
  • Stay on topic within the channel.
  • May or may not use @channelPostBot for suggestions. (But most of them do.)

Now you probably are wondering which channels are part of UCT. Here is the list of all current channels:





@worthReading (unfortunately this channel is inactive)




@UCT projects

You are more than welcome to take a look at all these channels and join the ones you think are fitting for you :)

PS: It is okay to contact @UCT_admin for questions. But please, don't ask if we want to buy members. We only want to provide our members with great content :)

Some of you ask where we (admins) are from. As we want to keep personal info private, we can share that we are from all over the globe.

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