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Art Whore | Member Since: Feb 26, 2013 11:33


Fav orite s

( http://u18chan.com )
U-18Chan is a mature furry image board
( http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/U-18Chan )
The official U-18Chan Mascot was drawn by SpazzyKoneko and then named Valkyria through a competition held by AlienSlothMan .
We have a Steam Group :3 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/u18chan?l=english
Minecraft Server Here (Whitelist Inquiries Http://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/v/topic/1201041 )
: Current Status:
Up and Running
This page will be updated periodically, but will be mostly used as a group, and a huge watch list/fave whore

3030-150 [MixTest}[Partial Cover]

Juno-king ,
faved: 8 years ago

Views: 81644
Submissions: 1
Favs: 10

Comments Earned: 174
Comments Made: 198
Journals: 1


Home Site

I keep getting "access denied" when trying to use the site, is it still down?

Please do something about the lack of search

I often wonder if there is a search bar on u-18chan?!? Cause if there is 1 I can never find it when I wanna search for comics & specific image threads. 💢

Please fix Report. How are people suppose to report stuff to the Admins and Mods if that command cannot be performed.

u18chan recent and search is not showing anything new anymore.

There are still issues. The site is still not fixed. New comic threads don't appear on the Comic Indexes and actions like Report cannot be performed. Please fix it!

U18 has been down almost 2 days now. Is something going on?

Getting "Bad Gateway" for all attempts to connect, even direct links to content bypassing the landing page. Don't see anything on the twitter/steam pages, and Facebook won't show without an acct. Any news here?

Your website keeps loading things very slow as of late. Is everything alright?

May i ask, why am i banned?
On blacklist no less since i have not done anything wrong.

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www.u18chan.com is 55 % geoptimaliseerd!

index Keyword does not appear in the title Keyword does not appear in any headings Keyword does not appear in any image alt descriptions Keyword does not appear in the first paragraph

De length of the title is 8 characters long.

being rammed by larger ships since 1914

De lenght of the meta description is 39 characters long.

0 % match
being rammed larger ships since

Great, there are no words found on www.u18chan.com that are used excessively

Perfect, we detected normalized headings !

0 % SEO Score
No headings were found !

0 emphasized words found on www.u18chan.com

0 % SEO Score
Nu emphasized (bold or italic) words detected !

0 % of the images have the with and height attribute set.

3.51 % of the images have the alt description attribute set.

0 % SEO Score

hide refresh

No ' Accelerated Mobile Pages ' technology detected! !

No mobile version detected

No flash detected !

We did not detect a conversion form on this page.

We did not detect a search form on this page.

Great, we detected web analytics on this page.

being rammed by larger ships since 1914

Constructed from the website domain instead of structured data.

Constructed from the meta description

15 characters long


No contextual keywords found in path

No structured data found on u18chan.com/igfur/0. We recommend that you structure data where possible so it will be picked up, and interpreted correctly by search engines.

Correct processing of non-existing pages?
HTML request without WWW redirected correctly?

A properly constructed navigation structure was found on www.u18chan.com.

No underscores ('_') found. Words in the url are separated correctly

We detected nice, clean, human readable links for your visitor.

on-page SEO 11
mobile 2
marketing / lead generation 6
seo advice 15
images 57

Content Intelligence |
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Yesterday we helped improve 19.992 pages. Today we will help you. Improve your SEO :: free trial!
Keywords are extracted from the main content of your website and are the primary indicator of the words this page could rank for. By frequenty count we expect your focus keyword to be index
The element of a u18chan.com/igfur/0 page is used to inform the browser and visitors of the page about

the general meta information. The head section of the page is where we place the page title, the

definition of the HTML version used, the language of in which the page is written. In the head section

we can also include JavaScript and CSS (markup) files for the page.

In this section we provide pointers on how you can to optimize your web page so it can be found more
easily by search engines and how to make it rank higher by optimizing the content of the page itself.
For each of the individual criteria the maximum score is 100%. A score below 70% is considered to
be indication that the page is not complying with general SEO standards and should be evaluated
and/or fixed. Not every factor is weighted the same and some are not as important as others.
Relatively unimportant factors like meta keywords are not included in the overall score.

How would you like to have SEO advice for all your pages ?? Start your SEO Dashboard and optimize your website!

57 images found at www.u18chan.com Images can improve the user experience for a website by

making a pag visually appealing Images can also add extra keyword relevance to a webpage by using

alt tags.

Images can also slow down a website. If the width and height for a picture is not specified for a

browser know in advance how large the image is. A browser must first load the picture and see

before it knows how much space should be on the page. Upon reservation In the meantime, the

browser can do little but wait. When the height and width for the plate are given in the HTML code, a

browser just continues to build for a page while the images load in the background.

How are images contributing to your SEO site-wise ? Your leading content tool has the awnsers!

Short Tail Keywords



long Tail Keywords (2 words)

no subject

furry comics

furries index

gay furries

comics index

long Tail Keywords (3 words)
gay furry comics
gay furries index
league of furries
furry comics index
technology literature indices
furries index gay
index gay furry

Far too many sites lack a page title. A page title is the first thing that shows in the search results so always use the title element.
A title should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 100 % match
Limit your title to anywhere between 40 and 70 characters. Your title was 9 characters long
A meta description is the second element that shows in the search results so always use the meta description.
The meta description should be between 145 and 160 characters. This meta description is 40 characters long.
Meta Description should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match
Linking to internal pages makes pages easier to find for search engines. Try to keep the number of links on your page roughly below 100. There are 112 internal links on this page.
We found a folder structure in the links on your page. A good folder structure makes a site easier to navigate. We found 2 level 1 folders and 5 folders above or in the first level of navigation.
Headers should reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match
Link anchors should to some degree reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 33 % match
Image alt tags should to some degree reflect the contents of a site. This site has a 0 % match
Try to keep the html / text ratio as low as possible. More html means longer loading times. Layout should be handled in a serpate css file
3.5087719298246 % of all images have been described via the "alt" attribute. Describing images with relevant text may lead to better results in the search engines.
Pages with no errors display significantly faster on most browsers. We detected 0 errors and warnings
An ideal page contains between 400 and 600 words.This page contains 292 words
A slow server slows down a website. This server responds 692.77% slower the average
This site uses Gzip compression to display faster
There are important keywords in your domain name
There are no important keywords in the domain path
Structured data makes it easier for search engines to index your website
Do not use inline css declarations. Inline css will slow down the rendering of the website. We detected 30 inline style declarations ( ) with a size of 1253 bytes
There is no indication that there are one or more keywords that are used excessively.
Perfect, detected not (i)frames on your webpagina
Perfect, we detected no flash objects on your page
Perfect, we did not detect too many CSS files
Wij detected too much (13) blocking JavaScript files. Try to combine or defer the loading of JavaScript files
We did not detect a mobile friendly version of this page. Mobile users make up for a large portion of internet traffic.
We did not detect a h1 heading element on your website. The h1 element is one of the most important elements for seo. Headings are used to create structure on a webpage
Perfect, we found a correct use of normalized headings !

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: hide

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: refresh

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attribute not set description: no alt description found

height: height attribute not set width: width attrib
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Tits And Pussy Pic

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