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From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.

Last modified 14:24, 5 April 2022
About WikiFur

U-18Chan is a mature furry imageboard hosted in Europe. Its name comes from a German submarine from the First World War . [1]

The site boards are split into five categories: Furry Related , The Basement , General , Indices and Misc .

The lounge board is a board for general chatting and random threads, while the discussion board is for discussions, debates or arguments.
The most popular of the furry boards is Gay Furry Comics , with double the number of threads of any other board. [2]

/r/ - Recent and Search had to be removed after security concerns. [3]

The Indices section is simply links to the Catalogues of the first five boards in Furry Related .

U-18Chan's first mascot , a cat in SS uniform, was taken from the German imageboard Krautchan. The second and current mascot, a sergal in SS uniform , was drawn by Yuuri and then named Valkyria through a competition held by Jay. Further drawings of Valkyria have been done by SpazzyKoneko including different versions for each holiday so far. Every drawing of the current mascot is hosted in full resolution on a special page .

Due to the limitations of Kusaba X , U-18Chan was forced to switch over to the more efficient ImageBoard4Free software, which was provided to U-18Chan by Infinitus of ib4f.com. U-18Chan successfully switched to ImageBoard4Free during summer 2011 [4] and was able to clean up some of the bugs created during the switch. U-18Chan has worked on new site software in the past but with the departure of the sole coder [5] there has been no further progress.

For April 1, 2012, the website's main page had an upside-down announcement that read "U-18Chan is now hosted in northern Australia. Edit: We have had some reports of the site appearing upside down for some users. This is most likely due to upside down packets coming from ISPs running outdated firmware. Please contact them and ask about Australian compatibility if you are experiencing this issue." [6] The site was not actually moved to Australia, but the news post has remained on the front page with the April 1st time stamp and upside down text.

On or before 2016 July 8, the website was reduced to a mainpage that said "Hello fellow users, we have unfortunately experienced a catastrophic failure at our datacenter we host at. As such we are working to recover the site as best we can with limited resources, we hope to see you all soon.
-Sincerely LeonFox." [7]

On or before 2016 September 14, a News announcement (with incorrect date of "24/09/12") was posted to the homepage that something had happened at the datacenter that U18 had used, and the website data had been lost. [8] Leonfox wrote that U18 "have moved to a new datacenter on hardware we own instead of renting. This way we have full say and control over the server and the drives in it. We are also implementing a 3rd party cloud storage service to be used for offsite backups of our content." [8]

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Being rammed by larger ships since 1914

Site Founders : Filthy, Jay, Spud

Administrators : Leonfox, Anon123212321, Marker, Spud, Trapper, Gilbert, Akamaru

Super Moderator : Virtualfox

Moderators : Etheral, Doridiand, Kit, Silver, Rick227, MetroSexual Hipster, Caid, Echofox, Rokoji

Minecraft Server: Support for U18-Chan: support@u18chan.com Support for the Guide: virtualfoxinformation@gmail.com We are not responsible for the content of external links, obviously.
Help, I'm locked in a basement under U-18Chan and Jay is hitting me with dragon dildos

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Art Whore | Member Since: Feb 26, 2013 11:33


Fav orite s

( http://u18chan.com )
U-18Chan is a mature furry image board
( http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/U-18Chan )
The official U-18Chan Mascot was drawn by SpazzyKoneko and then named Valkyria through a competition held by AlienSlothMan .
We have a Steam Group :3 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/u18chan?l=english
Minecraft Server Here (Whitelist Inquiries Http://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/v/topic/1201041 )
: Current Status:
Up and Running
This page will be updated periodically, but will be mostly used as a group, and a huge watch list/fave whore

3030-150 [MixTest}[Partial Cover]

Juno-king ,
faved: 8 years ago

Views: 82354
Submissions: 1
Favs: 10

Comments Earned: 174
Comments Made: 198
Journals: 1


Home Site

I keep getting "access denied" when trying to use the site, is it still down?

Please do something about the lack of search

I often wonder if there is a search bar on u-18chan?!? Cause if there is 1 I can never find it when I wanna search for comics & specific image threads. 💢

Please fix Report. How are people suppose to report stuff to the Admins and Mods if that command cannot be performed.

u18chan recent and search is not showing anything new anymore.

There are still issues. The site is still not fixed. New comic threads don't appear on the Comic Indexes and actions like Report cannot be performed. Please fix it!

U18 has been down almost 2 days now. Is something going on?

Getting "Bad Gateway" for all attempts to connect, even direct links to content bypassing the landing page. Don't see anything on the twitter/steam pages, and Facebook won't show without an acct. Any news here?

Your website keeps loading things very slow as of late. Is everything alright?

May i ask, why am i banned?
On blacklist no less since i have not done anything wrong.

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