TzLibre alphanet → betanet migration

TzLibre alphanet → betanet migration

TzLibre Team

TzLibre betanet will go live on February 25th, 2020 H 16:00 UTC . If you are an alphanet baker, follow this guide to migrate to TzLibre betanet. TzLibre betanet node will be available starting from Feb 21, 2020 H 16:00 UTC on GitHub

1. Stop and delete all containers/images

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) && docker system prune -a -f

2. Delete all alphanet node files (maintaining keys!)

rm -rf ~/.tzlibre-{node-betanet,client-betanet/{blocks,endorsements,nonces,wallet_lock}}

3. Pull latest version of repo

cd tzlibre
git reset --hard && git clean -f && git pull origin betanet

4. Run TzLibre betanet node

cd tzlibre
docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d node && docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml logs -f node

Wait for identity generation. (Note: this may take a while). To detach from node logs hit Ctrl-c: node will continue to run in background.

5. Run baker

cd tzlibre
docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d baker && docker attach tzlibre_baker

Insert your password and hit Enter. Wait for string "Node synchronized." and detach from container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q.

6. Run endorser

cd tzlibre
docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d endorser && docker attach tzlibre_endorser

Insert your password and hit Enter. Wait for string "Node synchronized." and detach container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q.

7. Run accuser

cd tzlibre
docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d accuser && docker attach tzlibre_accuser

Wait for string "Node synchronized." and detach container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q.

That's all. You will start to bake from February 25th, 2020.

Stay tuned!

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