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The euphoric sex-on-the-beach atmosphere was full throttle from the get-go.

By Brandon Baker ·

8/12/2013, 4:04 p.m.

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If your gay-boy libido didn’t kick into overdrive at PhillyGayCalendar’s Boys of Summer event on Saturday at Voyeur, you should probably see a doctor — pronto. Titillating twinks, beefy bears, macho muscle studs, a bevy of queens gawking from a distance — to be sure, there was no lack of diversity (or sexual chemistry) populating this year’s Main Event. And though the summer soiree didn’t heat up until shortly after 11 p.m. (probably because of Tabu’s Bearlesque at 10), the euphoric sex-on-the-beach atmosphere was full throttle from the get-go. 
Promptly at 9 p.m., toned and tanned go-go boys took the stage in their undies to gyrate their hips around glowing, rainbow-colored hula hoops as chiseled men in their crotch-clutching swimsuits trickled into the venue. Prancing about all the while was MC-substitute drag diva Satine Harlow. (She was filling in for Goddess Isis, whose basement flooded earlier in the day — the basement where she keeps all her drag.) Natalia Kills took the stage around 1:30 a.m., after coming from Bearlesque where she watched and reportedly loved an all-bear’d-up version of her song, “ Problem .” Too cute!
But the gist of the night’s festivities boiled down to boys, boys and more boys – and that’s exactly what we captured while in attendance. See the man meat for yourself in the photos and video of Natalia Kills performing with nearly naked G Philly cover model Gunnar Montana below.
Satine Harlow and Boys of Summer Organizer Steve McCann.
G Philly summer-issue cover model Gunnar Montana (in pink undies) with Boys of Summer headliner Natalia Kills.
Stay abreast of Philly LGBT news and entertainment via G Philly ‘s weekly newsletter. Click here to sign up .
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Nothing. They’re boys. That’s what boys do. As long as they weren’t jacking each other off, let it be.

@TruthBTold :
I just meant in the fact that there's a weird tension between us. I'm ok with it, I mean as a single dad I do it all the time I just want them to know I'm ok with it

@Luis54 :
Make a joke about it and move on.

I have a 16yr old. My wife recently ran across some "used" towels and lotion under his bed when changing his sheets. I had to have a talk with him about being more discreet with the towels - mix'em in the laundry boy! I told him he just took some years off his mom's life... then moved on, nothing to see here!

Also had the talk with the wife about how he is old enough to take care of changing his sheets

I guess I do have to talk to them. I mean were pretty comfortable being nude around each other and I knew they masterbated. I just need to tell them to maybe put a socker on the door. Haha . I guess I just have to get used to it. We're all guys and my son's will be guys.maybe letting them know I do it too will make the awkwardness go away.

That's funny, SNDRR!
I do agree tho that you should just crack some Wise and move on. Especially now that they're as old as 17?? If I was barely 11 yrs old when I got in my 1st (of a buh-zillion) 'sticky situation', then this is certainly not their first shot at cumming of age. It definitely is not their first mutual wank-fest. They are obviously perfectly comfortable with their own bodies (and each other's) to get totally naked, bypassing the distraction of the initial akwardness
. They get charged up watching each other - watch each other jack off. And they're performing in person! Way better than video. No worries - whether it's 2 brother's, or 2 buddies, it's fine and they won't "catch gay" from mutual actions, the worst that can happen? They might end up being in very solid relationships due to the fact that they grew up more open-minded than most men. What they're doing at this age is fine. But yeah...Pop needs to give them a "heads up". NO woman needs to be changing Gooey sheets or reaching blindly into a sticky clothes hamper! Especially if they got no enjoyment in getting things gooed up'! Just sayin' .

Pretend you didn't see anything and keep on marching. Males jack off. Young males jack off very often. Learn to knock.

@LadyKat :
They saw me. I walked in on them. I mean I jack off all the time as a single dad. There's just that awkward tension of getting caught

@LadyKat :
True about the young men. That ship has sailed on up'to 54 yrs old. I still masturbate all the time - more so since I was dealt the blow of the ''Widower" Status. It's very healthy to keep a routine schedule of " preventative Maintenance" so the equipment stays in good working order and appearance too!

I taught my son to do his own laundry about 14 so I wouldn't have to deal with that part.

@fallen_angel :
Yes! Teach them soon! My husband is 23 and his mom is stilling willing to do his laundry and he lets her do it. Not good and im having a hard time "training" him to do his housechores but i have to!

Is it normal for siblings to masterbate in front of each other? THAT is what I would feel uncomfortable about.

I'm a single mom, every now and then I accidentally catch my 16 y/o son with his hand down his pants - he can't seem to do anything without touching himself. LOL. I just ignore or say, "Dude, keep it private, o.k.?" and then move on to other topics.

Leave lube, tissues, hygienic wipes and a bin in their room. It would be a good time to talk to them about sexual relationships, responsibility, protection etc. Let them know that masturbation is the safest form of sex and that you are OK with it. This may also be a time that they want to start sleeping naked, let them know that you are cool with it but establish some house rules.

Both at the same time and naked? Teach them about privacy first.

@George :
Lol! Agree.. how come no one else was concerned about this!?


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Cary Tennis

Published August 30, 2011 12:20AM (EDT)

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Several months ago, I took a trip with a longtime, close friend. We are both gay men and have traveled many times together over the years with few problems and a hell of a lot of fun. My friend can be high-maintenance but I am pretty low-key and we've managed to work out our different styles and to enjoy ourselves.

We have shared many rooms together over the years, but this time our housing arrangement required us to share a bed, which did not give me a moment of pause. Like many gay men, our platonic friendship began with a roll in the hay. That first time was something of a quirk for both of us, fueled by too much drinking and ecstasy. We are not each other's types at all. I should also mention that I have boyfriend and my friend is married, but neither of our partners came with us on this trip.

It was very early in the morning of our first full day of vacation when I woke up to feel him pressed up against me. I had already told him that I need my space when I sleep, so without rolling over I asked him to move, which he did with a snort of impatience. I went back to sleep but awoke some time later when he started to moan. I assumed he was a having a nightmare and decided to wait for a bit to let it pass before I woke him. It lasted only a few seconds. It did cross my mind that the noise he was making was also very similar to an ejaculation, but I instantly dismissed the idea.

Later that morning as we had breakfast with our housemates, I asked him if he'd had a nightmare. He said he didn't, but I wondered if he'd simply forgotten and gave it no more thought.

The next morning, I awoke again. I don't remember what woke me, but it was alarming enough for me to rise up and check my surroundings. There was no mistaking it this time -- he was looking at me while he masturbated. Stunned and confused, I plopped back down on the bed, ignored a brief caress and went back to sleep. (I can sleep through anything.)

Hours later, the implications of what happened suddenly occurred to me. Both times he must have shaken me awake, and I was incredulous that he thought it appropriate to interrupt my sleep just because he was horny. I can understand waking a spouse or a romantic partner for sex, but not a platonic friend. I also became angry when I realized that he had given me no choice in the matter -- at least I was awake for our 30-minute fling from years before. This time I was simply parachuted into a situation I didn't expect or want, and I had no say or control over what was happening. I was struck by how self-centered it was.

Needless to say, the rest of the week I slept on the sofa. Several times, he asked why I was sleeping in the living room, but always in front of others. Since our housemates have to count pennies for a trip like this, I did not want to create tension for them, and invented excuses. But I also began to suspect that my friend was manipulating the situation, forcing me to lie in front of others in order to create an "official" version of events that let him off the hook. In any case, we never discussed what happened.

His behavior also gave me new insight into the falling-out he had with a mutual friend several years ago, while we vacationed in the same resort town. They had been sharing a bed, and I noted that our other friend had begun to sleep on the sofa, too. They had an angry fight one night on that trip and they've never spoken to each other again.

I was deeply depressed and upset. I rarely left our vacation house and I began to see my friend in a new light. While I normally overlook his tendency to orchestrate plans, I became increasingly irritated and angry at the way he expected everyone else to conform to his schedule. He also takes great delight in discussing the shortcomings of mutual friends, and more than once I had to bite my tongue while he regaled others with his disdain for certain people. The behavior became more pronounced as the days went by, and the final morning he was so thoroughly obnoxious I could barely look at or speak to him during our plane ride back.

After we returned home, I decided I needed some space. For several weeks we had no contact and I kept up with him only through his posts on Facebook. I saw all of these in a new light as well, and became angry at the dishonesty -- he made several claims I knew firsthand to be untrue, and all of them seemed tailored to lead to a bitchy remark that would end his post with a flourish.

And then about a month later his mother died.

She had become seriously ill only a few months before, and they were very close. I was sorry for his pain -- I vividly recall the unbelievable shock at losing my father even though I knew he was dying for almost three years. He had very little time to adjust to the imminent loss of his mother, so I'm sure his pain was severe. I sent him a note to acknowledge his grief and he replied with a polite thank-you.

Through Facebook, I know the ceremony of his mother's dea
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