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View allAll Photos Tagged castration
"I'm not sure about this vet thing"
Rekku Rescue foster kitten is visiting Vetek vet in Helsinki. They are great at neutering/castrating kittens starting from 1kg
Without them asking where I've been
This is a big fuck you to every single person who doesn't understand consent. Just because you're horny doesn't mean someone else owes you SHIT. Your body YOUR choice.
Please check link for full look info & LMs.
Living in a world where we are not castrated or limited.
I need to scream with you and feel that our souls are finally free".
Vivir en un mundo donde no nos castren ni limiten.
Necesito gritar contigo y sentir que nuestras almas por fin son libres".
*If you need any data about this photo, ask me please. Too, you can find the other products in older posts.
Sorry for him but we decided to get him fixed after careful consideration :'(
Barney doing his best "Oliver Twist" impression ;-)
My other dog Flynn has been really poorly the past few days, involving being rushed into the emergency vets in the middle of the night on Fri/Sat. He got so ill, so fast they suspected he'd got a foreign body but it turns out it was "just" an infection, which had caused a temperature spike & he'd basically gone into shock. The poor pup has had a couple of bladder infections recently & it looks like he either has prostate problems (despite being young & castrated), or a very oddly shaped bladder, that may need surgery!! The vet is quite confused at the moment but we're hopefully going to start getting answers soon.
Barney-dog has had a very boring time of it & was mostly left to his own devices all weekend. We finally managed to get the camera out on Sunday afternoon for a few minutes, while Flynn, who came home this morning, had a potter in the garden. I thought I'd get some training in whilst taking pictures, so we practised "hold" - the metal bowl nicely is quite a challenge for Barney - but he'll do it, as long as there's some good rewards afterwards :) Flynn made me smile, as like Barney, he's now learned to pose for the camera & kept wanting to join in - I'd turn round & he'd be standing with his front paws on a tree stump, waiting for a treat!
study for portrait of SS Oberfuhrer Dr. Victor Brack for "Doctors of Death" project shown at Southwest Texas State University art gallery in 1985. /from my own recently found notes on project a translation of a letter Dr. Brack send to Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, June 1942. Dear Reichsfuhrer! Allow me to remind you that it has been over a year now since we discussed the sterilization of some two million jews, so as to render them incapable to reproduce yet utilize them for labor. At that time you liked the idea but objected to the cost and time allocated to this enterprise. I am now happy to report to you that my staff ,working diligently came up with a new process which will accomplish the same results in the shortest of time and at a fraction of the cost, I am now talking about castration via X ray a method proven at various concentration camps, in short we can now sterilize thousands of Jews in the shortest time; considering the presen labour shortages I urge you to act quickly, so we can proceed. Let me assure you that my physicians and the entire medical staff is at your disposal. Should you, dear Reichsfuhrer decide to apply my castration method, kindly instruct Reichsfuhrer Bouhler so he may notify all departments of the approval of project. Heil Hitler, Yours truly. Victor
Our Lionhead Rabbits :) I would have photographed them together but Syrup needs castrating or we will have lots of baby waffle's and syrups hopping around!!!!
They are so sweet!! We've only had them a week but already we can tell she's a little madam and as brazen as you like! He's very quiet and shy...until he catches sight of her then he get a bit crazy for some bunny lovin!!
The Monument to the Running of the Bulls is an elegant cast bronze sculpture that stands in Avenida Roncesvalles and looks towards the emblematic Bull Ring of Pamplona.
The sculpture is an extension of the previous one, made by Rafael Huerta Celaya, a sculptor from Bilbao, in 1994. The present structure is a harmonious composition, eleven meters long and four wide, which the sculptor has created with great quality.
It is an impressive monument that celebrates the mythical Bull Run of Pamplona. It represents the moment of greatest tension for the runners with great effect, when they can sense the breath of the bulls behind them. Eleven young men try to lead the herd of 6 fighting bulls and 3 castrated bulls along the route at great speed.
Charles Gesner van der Voort (1916-1991) was part of a group of Dutch bachelors in pre-war Shanghai. Another member of this group was David van Gelderen (1908-1990), originally from Rotterdam. He arrived in Shanghai in 1933, working for Unilever, a merger of the operations of Dutch Margarine Unie and British soap maker Lever Brothers.
The photo albums of his China years contain many photos of the bachelor life in those days: travel, work, parties, trips within China and to Japan. They also include photos of the bombing of the Unilever factory during the 1937 Japanese attack of Shanghai, membership of the French Special Police and other unique photos.
Like Charles, David was interned in Chapei Civil Assembly Centre by the Japanese from 1943 to 1945.
Being Jewish, internment in Shanghai probably saved David’s life; since all of his family members in the Netherlands were killed by the Nazis.
David married, had two children and continued to work for Unilever. He became member of Nederlandse Reünisten Vereniging China (NRVC, Dutch Reunists Association China).
"The Ming Xiaoling (Chinese: 明孝陵; pinyin: Míng Xiào Líng; lit.: 'Filial mausoleum of Ming') is the mausoleum of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming dynasty. It lies at the southern foot of Purple Mountain, located east of the historical centre of Nanjing. Legend says that in order to prevent robbery of the tomb, 13 identical processions of funeral troops started from 13 city gates to obscure the real burying site.
The construction of the mausoleum began during the Hongwu Emperor's life in 1381 and ended in 1405, during the reign of his son the Yongle Emperor, with a huge expenditure of resources involving 100,000 labourers. The original wall of the mausoleum was more than 22.5 kilometres long. The mausoleum was built under heavy guard of 5,000 troops."
Four years after David van Gelderen's visit to Nanjing, the infamous Rape of Nanking took place.
"The Nanjing Massacre or the Rape of Nanjing (alternately written as the Nanking Massacre or the Rape of Nanking) was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Imperial Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing (Nanking), at that time the capital of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
The massacre occurred over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered disarmed combatants and Chinese civilians numbering an estimated 40,000 to over 300,000, and perpetrated widespread rape and looting.
Since most Japanese military records on the killings were kept secret or destroyed shortly after the surrender of Japan in 1945, historians have been unable to accurately estimate the death toll of the massacre. In 1946, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo estimated that over 200,000 Chinese were killed in the massacre. China's official estimate is more than 300,000 dead based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal in 1947. The death toll has been contested by scholars since the 1980s.
“…Nanking should be remembered not only for the number of people slaughtered but for the cruel manner in which many met their deaths. Chinese men were used for bayonet practice and in decapitation contests. An estimated 20,000 – 80,000 Chinese women were raped. Many soldiers went beyond rape to disembowel women, slice off their breasts, and nail them alive to walls. Fathers were forced to rape their daughters, and sons their mothers, as other family members watched. Not only did live burials, castration, the carving of organs, and the roasting of people become routine, but more diabolical tortures were practiced, such as hanging people by their tongues on iron hooks or burying people to their waists and watching them get torn apart by German shepherds. So sickening was the spectacle that even Nazis in the city were horrified, one proclaiming the massacre to be the work of bestial machinery.”
The event remains a contentious political issue and an obstacle in Sino-Japanese relations. The Chinese government has been accused of exaggerating aspects of the massacre such as the death toll by many Japanese; historical negationists and Japanese nationalists go as far as claiming the massacre was fabricated for propaganda purposes. The controversy surrounding the massacre remains a central issue in Japanese relations with other East Asian nations, such as South Korea.
The Government of Japan has admitted to the killing of many non-combatants, looting and other violence committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after the fall of Nanjing and Japanese veterans who served there have confirmed that a massacre took place. A small but vocal minority in the Japanese government and society have argued that the death toll was military in nature and that no such crimes ever occurred. Denial of the massacre and revisionist accounts of the killings have become a staple of Japanese nationalism. In Japan, public opinion of the massacre varies but few deny outright that the event occurred."
Courtesy Van Gelderen family archives
The Oostvaardersplassen is a nature reserve in the Netherlands. Despite its young age, it is in a polder which was only created in 1968, it already has international importance as a European wetland. The Oostvaardersplassen can be divided into two areas: wet and dry. Before the establishment of the reserve, the dry area was a nursery for willow trees, and in the first year hundreds of seedlings could be found on each square metre. This led to concern that a dense woodland would develop, significantly reducing the value of the habitat for water birds. To avoid this, the park's managers brought in a number of large herbivores to keep the area more open, including Konik horses, Red deer and Heck cattle. These large grazing animals are kept out in the open all year round without supplemental feeding, and are allowed to behave as wild animals without, for example, castrating males. The ecosystem developing under their influence is thought to resemble those that would have existed on European river banks and deltas before human disturbance. Twelve hundred of the estimated thirty-six hundred cattle, horses, and deer have perished from today's winter starvation. Scientists and managers have deemed the deaths normal. People are not very happy that the government is letting the animals die. They see the Oostvaardersplassen as more of a zoo than a wild space. Well, I think the managers are doing the right thing to maintain a healthy population within the park’s carrying capacity.
A photo of Red Deer late in the afternoon, it was the whole day foggy. Food is very hard to find in the harsh winter taken at the Dutch nature reserve Oostvaardersplassen. He was very busy and didn't notice me at first sneaking towards him. A handheld shot at 1/15s. F3.7, ISO400 and 310mm Zoom. After my photo shot he noticed me. You can see the tree in front where he eat the fibres of tree trunks. He must have been very hungry. The national park is located between Almere and Lelystad. I did enter at the Kottertocht entrance. It is hard to survive the winter. All animals are kept without supplemental winter feeding. Many Red deer and Konik horses already crossed the frozen water in search for food. Some horses were stucked due to their weight did crush the too thin ice. These Red Deer where consuming the fibres of tree trunks, because food is very hard to find, although it is not there daily nutrition. Especially when there is deep snow, lack of food causes starvation among the weak and the strongest will survive . So the survival of the fittest keeps the herds strong and healthy. Also Foxes, which are quite common in this reserve, profit from carcasses of deer, cows and birds in winter. Maybe in future a pack of Wolves could do a great job as natural predators in this part of Holland.
Een bezoek aan de Oostvaardersplassen is een kennismaking met het Nederland van duizenden jaren geleden. Een ongerept moerasgebied, met uitgestrekte plassen en woeste graslanden. De natuur mag er onbelemmerd haar gang gaan. Uniek in Nederland én in Europa. Natuurliefhebbers komen hier helemaal aan hun trekken. Vogels kijken op de plassen, een excursie naar de edelherten, een fotosafari naar de grote grazers. Of maak een rustige wandeling naar een van de vogelobservatiehutten. De Oostvaardersplassen zijn het grootste moerasgebied van Nederland. De weidsheid is ongekend en de natuur heeft er vrij spel. Ontelbare vogels hebben bezit genomen van het gebied. Vooral in de winter is dat een spectaculair gezicht. Het witte besneeuwde winterlandschap is indrukwekkend kaal en stil. De natuur is er nog jong. Toch is het nu al een natuurgebied van internationale allure. De bomen, struiken en bossen zitten vol vogels, zoogdieren en insecten. Grauwe ganzen grazen in het moeras. En de honderden Heckrunderen, konikpaarden en edelherten geven het gebied een haast on-Nederlandse aanblik. Staatsbosbeheer verwacht dat door de strenge winter dit jaar 30 procent van de edelherten, heckrunderen en konikpaarden in het natuurgebied de Oostvaardersplassen dood gaan. Het gaat om ongeveer 1200 dieren. Op zich is 30 procent niet meer dan in voorgaande jaren", aldus Staatsbosbeheer. ,,Maar de kuddes zijn door de zachte omstandigheden van de afgelopen jaren flink gegroeid. In absolute cijfers is het aantal dieren dat dood gaat daarom wel hoger dan normaal." Voor de winter liepen er in het natuurgebied ongeveer 570 heckrunderen, 1140 konikpaarden en 2320 edelherten. In de winter is de sterfte, vooral onder jonge dieren, groot. In de Oostvaardersplassen worden ernstig verzwakte dieren die toch zouden sterven afgeschoten. Zo wordt hen nodeloos lijden bespaard.
Hijra (for translations, see [n 1]) is a term used in South Asia – particularly in India and Pakistan – to refer to trans women (male-to-female transgender individuals).[1][2] In different areas of Pakistan and India, transgender people are also known as Aravani, Aruvani or Jagappa.[3]
In Pakistan and Bangladesh, the hijras are officially recognized as third gender by the government,[4][5] being neither completely male nor female. In India also, transgender people have been given the status of third gender and are protected as per the law despite the social ostracism. The term more commonly advocated by social workers and transgender community members themselves is khwaja sira (Urdu: خواجہ سرا‎) and can identify the individual as a transsexual person, transgender person (khusras), cross-dresser (zenanas) or eunuch (narnbans).[6][7]
Hijras have a recorded history in the Indian subcontinent from antiquity onwards as suggested by the Kama Sutra period. This history features a number of well-known roles within subcontinental cultures, part gender-liminal, part spiritual and part survival.
In South Asia, many hijras live in well-defined and organised all-hijra communities, led by a guru.[8][9] These communities have sustained themselves over generations by "adopting" boys who are in abject poverty, rejected by, or flee, their family of origin.[10] Many work as sex workers for survival.[11]
The word "hijra" is an Urdu word derived from the Semitic Arabic root hjr in its sense of "leaving one's tribe,"[12] and has been borrowed into Hindi. The Indian usage has traditionally been translated into English as "eunuch" or "hermaphrodite," where "the irregularity of the male genitalia is central to the definition."[13] However, in general hijras are born with typically male physiology, only a few having been born with intersex variations.[14] Some Hijras undergo an initiation rite into the hijra community called nirwaan, which refers to the removal of the penis, scrotum and testicles.[11]
Since the late 20th century, some hijra activists and Western non-government organizations (NGOs) have lobbied for official recognition of the hijra as a kind of "third sex" or "third gender," as neither man nor woman.[15] Hijras have successfully gained this recognition in Bangladesh and are eligible for priority in education.[16] In India, the Supreme Court in April 2014 recognised hijra and transgender people as a 'third gender' in law.[17][18][19]
Nepal, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh have all legally recognized the existence of a third gender, including on passports and other official documents.
The Urdu and Hindi word hijra may alternately be romanized as hijira, hijda, hijada, hijara, hijrah and is pronounced [ˈɦɪdʒɽaː]. This term is generally considered derogatory in Urdu and the word Khwaja Sara is used instead. Another such term is khasuaa (खसुआ) or khusaraa (खुसरा). In Bengali hijra is called হিজড়া, hijra, hijla, hijre, hizra, or hizre.
A number of terms across the culturally and linguistically diverse Indian subcontinent represent similar sex or gender categories. While these are rough synonyms, they may be better understood as separate identities due to regional cultural differences. In Odia, a hijra is referred to as hinjida, hinjda or napunsaka, in Telugu, as napunsakudu (నపుంసకుడు), kojja (కొజ్జ) or maada (మాడ), in Tamil Nadu, Thiru nangai (mister woman), Ali, aravanni, aravani, or aruvani, in Punjabi, khusra and jankha, in Sindhi khadra, in Gujarati, pavaiyaa (પાવૈયા).
In North India, the goddess Bahuchara Mata is worshipped by Pavaiyaa (પાવૈયા). In South India, the goddess Renuka is believed to have the power to change one's sex. Male devotees in female clothing are known as Jogappa. They perform similar roles to hijra, such as dancing and singing at birth ceremonies and weddings.[21]
The word kothi (or koti) is common across India, similar to the Kathoey of Thailand, although kothis are often distinguished from hijras. Kothis are regarded as feminine men or boys who take a feminine role in sex with men, but do not live in the kind of intentional communities that hijras usually live in. Additionally, not all kothis have undergone initiation rites or the body modification steps to become a hijra.[22] Local equivalents include durani (Kolkata), menaka (Cochin),[23] meti (Nepal), and zenana (Pakistan).
Hijra used to be translated in English as "eunuch" or "hermaphrodite,"[13] although LGBT historians or human rights activists have sou
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