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When it comes to becoming a feminized sissy, it’s often useful to have at least some help. For most this can mean coming under the mentorship of an experienced Master or Mistress. They not only help coerce the individual in the feminine role but provide the support that a sissy needs to become her trus self.
Masters are particularly useful when creating a feminized sissy as they can play the role of the Alpha Male, something which is needed to guide and convince the person under training to submit to the role. A Master will often work with a subfemale or a Mistress in order to make sure that sissy begins to learn the true meaning of femininity.
This doesn’t just mean learning the right sexy clothes to wear and becoming proficient in makeup, it includes how the feminized sissy is able to take the ultimate step and please a man.
For some, the road to feminized sissy is a quick one – they are hardwired to learn how to look good in a panties, bra and stockings and love to wear high heels. Most targeted for feminizatioin, however, offer some resistance and don’t want to be changed. This initial steps implemented by the Master, therefore, are absolutely critical.
It’s about first breaking the feminized sissy’s will and then remoulding them so that they begin to live their girly self and forget that they were ever a man. To do this, the Master needs to exert complete control and exude total confidence.
There are several roads to feminization. The most often used by an experienced Master is the use of blackmail. This often works best when someone is reticent and can make a big difference on compliance. One Master I knew would get a potential sissy drunk and convince them to wear panties and bra – taking pictures that could later be used to encourage acquiesence.
Another route is to get a female partner or sister, even a mother or aunt, to play a role in the feminization of the individual. These often work on the initial stages of the transformation while the Master sits in the background like a puppet master. Sissies will often acquiesce to a stronger female role model and do as they say.
Certain tools can be used to push sissy further into their new role. That includes hypnosis which can be applied covertly to induce the right state of mind for the feminized sissy. Under the tutorship of the female role model, they can then begin to head down the rabbit hole and start wearing sexy lingerie and high heels.
This can often start as some form of sexy play but it is always recorded so that the protagonists can use evidence to further blackmail and coerce the sissy. Each time the feminized sissy is put in women’s clothing, their bond with playing the girly role grows stronger. It may not be long before they begin to accept their new future and even start to enjoy doing their own makeup and shopping for female clothes, particularly underwear.
It’s important at this stage to start keeping your feminized sissy in very pretty clothes. Stockings should be worn at all times and soft silky panties, even when they are working in their male role. When they return home, they should put on ultra-feminine clothing, do their makeup and act completely as a girl. It’s useful to also introduce some submission training here – for example, getting the feminized sissy to dress as a maid and do the housework. High heels are also a must and it’s important for sissy to get used to walking in a sexy and provocative way.
At this time, the feminized sissy should also be introduced to the concept of pleasing men. Allowing her to watch racy videos where scantily clad women or other sissies are shown giving men pleasure can help reinforce this mental attitude.
If the Master has remained hidden up until now, it’s important that they are soon seen by the sissy as the dominant person in the partnership. This could involve taking the feminized sissy out fully dressed for the first time and arranging a meeting with the Master at a local bar or in a nearby park. Make sure that sissy feels vulnerable and is wearing a very short skirt along with sheer stockings and their favourite silk panties.
Once this stage has been reached, your feminized sissy should be easy to subvert, making them the perfect slave for Master. The moment that sissy is deflowered in her sexy outfit is a pivotal moment and can determine what happens next. It’s important that she wants to be with a man so the conversion so far needs to have been effective.
Master will normally start slowly with sissy, wooing her and complimenting her on her appearance. Perhaps he might ask sissy to dance with him at a nightclub or enjoy a dinner together. It’s at this point that Master will start to set down the rules and tell the feminized sissy what is expected of them from now on.
The deflowering of sissy needs to be meaningful to her and she must enjoy it, whatever Master plans in the future. This is critical because the next step is to move sissy into her new life and leave her old one completely behind. This means setting up home with Master and only having access to female clothes and underwear. This might be a good time to commence physical changes such as taking the feminized sissy to their first appointment at a salon. It could also include taking feminizing hormones and having breast implants.
When sissy now looks in the mirror, she should see only a female who is subservient to her Master. She will be eager to please and will, at all times, maintain the illusion of complete femininity.
At this stage there really is no going back for sissy and they will have no choice but to embrace their role. The Master may wish to take things further, for example, putting their feminized sissy to work pleasing men for money. He may simply want a sissy maid at home who can satisfy his urges when needed.
Sissy will delight in buying new clothes and spending hours looking sexy for her Master. She will never be seen in anything but pretty frocks, skirts and silky blouses and her heels will always be high, revealing her silky calfs. Sissy will also practice daily how to please her man and making sure she is always ready for her Master.
Sissy captions have become very popular on the internet. Here a few that I created a while back to promote my new sissy training novels that are currently available on Amazon.     
"When Emma first came to me she was certainly very inexperienced and needed a strong hand. Now you wouldn't even think that she had ever been a male before." Mistress Zelda SUBHEADING What is a sissy mistress? A sissy mistress is someone who has experience and delights in transforming wayward…
 Ever thought of turning your guy into a girl? We offer you a complete guide to sissification. From waxing to hypnosis you can change the way your guy looks and feels about himself. Soon he’ll love the feel of lingerie next to his smooth skin, and he’ll be giggling…
Fiesty Tgirl with plenty of opinions. Erotic novel writer with a quirky smile. Trans domme for beta males who want to be feminized.
Now available on Smashwords! Crossdressing Tales: The Feminization of Mickey by Emma Laverne at #smashwords
Signup for free online Sissy training ♥
Link in bio
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Amazing Male to Female Transformations via @YouTube
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Full text of " The Daily Colonist (1928-03-11) "

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An i>^i ;'or:, i.rv fontrrfl n\rr Mif

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MCiUHlA, BKlilhU StlSDAV, M AKUl 11, 1928

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That Dissolution Will Conn
Before Another Parlia-
ment Sits Is Generally

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whenever the LcgUlature i« relieved
of the duties of tbe fesBlon.
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I Honor the UMHiant-Oovemor
I comet down to ifvt his coasent to
I the bills, and this will be followed
"later by dissolulloa when the Oov-
ernnient Is pre|Mni(|p appml to the

There Ls fH' " r no important
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befoic the I.eKultt, the KltuatlanMMs to warrant
fllhe belief (hat It M be a loan that
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Hew the House M| meet such a
,jiro|)onal. whleh rim mean only a
j^lKMtponlnR of declm on the con
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w : h ii>- ?. I' call for
'tniiioii on Ihl.s ^ubjer
IPublir opinion In the
'tli\ d< cl Into :i ; imbf

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'Willi the line. WnJe liu i.

pral dl.spofiitlon to trtasfer
'Ao any existing coaapany
IborporaUon that mlgbtglve .satisfac-
tory terms for the tirittng of It over,
^here remain varloM ideas as to

fchjit .Miould bo doniflliltnR the Ina-
of the enieriiriK by the prov-
. tiin' by soiii'- ot her dbpensution
i There arf tho:ie «bO would .s|>end
Ibo more in th'- w.if o:
resusciutlon of the project for a
steel plant on the Ooaat.

During the war years the matter
was very thorouglily investigated
Much data was i;uthercd. and a
tieputalion went to c^ttawa troni Hit
Island on the subject. A.s a con-
sequence an expert on the electric
smelting of ores wa, sent out. His
ivport was rather discouraging, on
the ground that electric current
production would have to be cheap-
er before ft would compete success-
fully with the production of Swed-
ish hematite, made electrically.

Recently a vi. if wa:i made to the
Courtenay are.i by representa-
tives of one ot the inter-
ests seelUng a franchise, and
coal and surface options have been
token on a number of properties be-
tween Courtenay and OomoK. and
in the valley whleh Were hooseetead-
ed before the Bsqulmalt ft Ha-
t.almo Kailway l.ind grant In tile
early cjghties The options have
been laken until Decrnitaer itl. .Sur-
face option riglit.s cover a consid-
erable stretch of land.

It is understood that a represen-
tative of a British syndicate ha.-?

r-n iin the Coast to re|x>rt to his
IJi .t;. .;'.: ■' > ) Ivivi^ patoiit ri»;hl.=!
_- . . ■ , to ,1 . ' ,.'■! I. ,ii pi >cc s which

The nartiar that servwl as a haven ',viu ..u,.idrrabi> reduce the cost of

i ■. ' tton of Iron ore

I'tie daU gathered by the Mines
Department of the province on
avmllable ore bodies on Vancouver
Island and adjacent Islands showed
that there wcro a number of do
pivsit.s.y particularly in Berkli
Sound iirre.i.sible to tidewater, and
on Islands round the coast close
to the aaaihWb nof bly Itaada

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l.rrn invited and will luwhatily .

The- layout •■hows P» H

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Lord Advocate o! S. .'tl-oi.l, will he t.hc K"'"st I't ll.r I .iikhIi.O'.

! 'Ins .in. I H.i'i Miik'. C I ir' Ju-' of
ojit I'^very province in Canada will br itprcsriitrd al this
' ^ igh Pattinson MacMillan, left. A tiru; < : Justice W. M.

Passengers aiuJ Crow
Saved fTorn Stcariici
Massachiisrtts Rocks —
Coastguard Boat Capsizes



PLYMOUTH Ma.v March 10
The \\\cs cf ihrcc i . >ast,k'uard8men
of the Manoniel Point Htation paid
the price of safety today for 376
men, women and children, the pas-
sengers and crew of the steamer
Robert B. Lee, hard aground on
Mary Ann Rock, off Manomet. The
Manomet OoaMguard Station
mourned the loss of its captain.
W. H. ('ashman, and two of his
rnen. Surf men Orlswold. of Mano-
■.' ' and !•: I' ,Sl.irk Taiitilon who
perushed when llu-ir Imut cap.i/.ed
I he construction of the i »fter they had rescued a number of

Manin, president of the Canadian B ar Association, centre, and Hon. Hugh Kennedy, right «

Link With CulonialDays
In Victoria Severed by
Death of Mrs, Powell


N Interesting career was brouRhf to an md ye.strrda:, 'i o
death of Mrs. I. W. Powell, widow of the lale Dr. i W.
Powell, a woman of much promlneaee, and an early pioneer
of this city. Mr». Powell had endeared herself in the hearts of all.
Even In the declining years of her life, when afflicled with blind-
ness, her kindness and thoughtfulnes;s won for her a position in
the e.steem of th-^ citi/rn.s of Victoria ttiat only a few attain

passengers from the Roiaert E. Lee.
Cashman and Orlswold were
drowned and Stark died while being
taken to the C h elsea Hosptui on
board the coastguam destnqrer


PLYMOUTH. Mass.. March 10 —

f" t'llr'iMi railior', l>e(^iiir n

( e made to. the Raaa Say

Bealdee a host of fMeddB ^
leaMMate mount her, four jdsun-
tela, Mrs. B. Langworthy. Ibv.
David Dolg, Mrs. Oonyers Bridge-
water, ot London, and Mrs. J. O.
Kordham of l.onden three .<:ons.
Mr E A I'oweU. Mr. B. W. Powell
and Mr. H. S. Powell, and four



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