Twink Being

Twink Being


Twink Being
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Celebrity · Posted on May 15, 2018

MJ Rymsza-Pawlowska


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"What is a twink?" —straight people, yesterday.
*It was honestly called "bob apple," which sounds pretty gay to me!
Look, I’ve lived in Illinois and seen a lot of Lincolns in my time but this is maybe one of the most unusual? C. 1940 sexy New Deal Lincoln at the DC Office of Public Records
Now excuse me while I hang out in the comments watching all you gays argue about who is and who is NOT a twink.
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Congratulations to skinny boys and men who are generally accepted as attractive! The New York Times has declared that we’re living in the Age of the Twink . For gaycists who don’t know, a twink is what gay culture calls a skinny and hairless man who is usually in his late teens to mid twenties. Twinks can be in their late twenties and early thirties if they moisturize or have some incredibly unfair genetics. However, it’s not gay men that have brought us the Age of the Twink. We rarely get credit in history classes for helping win World War II so why should we get credit for the dawn of a new era? Instead, the Times gives a few gay men a shout out for being skinny and hairless, but it applauds mostly straight white men for this new world order. At least this is an instance of straight media using queer terminology unlike when they tried to rebrand bears as guys with “dad bods.”
The Times tries to position this as a success in the fight against toxic masculinity. Isn’t it great that we have straight twink actors willing to play gay men? Well, not really when there are talented queer actors who don’t get cast enough or even land the roles that seem to be written for them. It’s become almost a cliché that straight actors will play queer characters and then be lauded for their performance – or even more insultingly be asked what it was like showing affection to someone of the same sex.
The piece even makes vague nods to the #MeToo movement. It says, “…alternatives to the ideal of imposing physicality have usually been ignored or lampooned. But as women continue to use their voices to undo that legacy of toxic masculinity…” As others have pointed out, it’s a complete fallacy that skinny boys don’t sexually assault or harass women. Look at Brock Turner. It was no doubt his white boyishness that made the judge only give him 6 months in jail for sexually abusing an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.
Another key part of the Times’ thesis is that we can now celebrate another kind of male body other than just the jacked superhero physique. Celebrating two body extremes isn’t body positivity. Uplifting the twink body as the answer to the pressure of being strong and muscular is inherently flawed. Being a twink is, by definition, temporary. It only applies to a certain age group and the physical attributes of it tend to disappear if you’re lucky enough to grow older. Where does this leave the vast majority of men who exist in the middle of this spectrum?
Gay men are more likely than straight men to suffer from eating disorders and body dysmorphia. Gay men’s magazines tend to overly focus on appearance and the value of being attractive, often by highlighting muscular men or twinks. It’s common to scroll through dating app profiles that state they’re only looking for twinks or jocks. It’s worth mentioning these “preferences” tend to be overtly racist as well. To overhype a temporary and often unachievable body type as the answer to toxic masculinity isn’t just ridiculous, it’s dangerous.
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I never message guys online whose profiles say they aren't into older guys. This seemingly ubiquitous statement began to lose any meaning when I turned 25 and started receiving messages from 19-year-old guys whose profiles unironically declared they were looking for a daddy.
I started going to gay bars when I was 15. Tired of being the punchline of my hetero peers' jokes, I desperately searched for a community to call my own. I was rebellious, angsty, but also damned crafty: I forged a fake membership card to the local disco by scanning my provisional driver's license, editing the birth date, and laminating the edited print-out opposite a downloaded JPEG of the club's logo from the their website. Nerds, FTW.
Having begun my training so young, by the time I was actually legally able to drink I had cultivated quite the twink aesthetic. Tight 29-inch-waist jeans. Platform heels. Blonde highlighted spiky hair to the heavens. I was basically a gay anime character a-la- Dragonball-Z , and I fucking loved it. My friends and I would roll up to the local dance hall three or four nights a week, polyester and glitter trailing behind us, dropping it like it was hot and cage-dancing the night away.
Going out dancing until 4 a.m. four nights a week, it turns out, is the cardio equivalent of running a marathon every week. After graduating college and growing up a smidge, those 29-inch jeans stopped fitting. Pile on a two-and-a-half year abusive relationship, and somehow I found myself an almost-30-something who avoided mirrors to not have to look at what I had become.
What happens to twinks when they grow up? I found myself wondering this out loud to my boyfriend this past weekend after we ran into an old friend of his, Jason, at the bar. Jason was probably 30 or so, white, with bleached blonde hair that was receding, a collared shirt that was strewn open to reveal his shaved, orange chest, and lines on his face that betrayed his love of tanning beds. My boyfriend -- a lover of hair and bears -- couldn't help but express his frustration. "Why do you still shave? Chest hair is so sexy!" His friend's cheery smile turned into something of a frown. "You know, it just makes my dick limp," he lamented. With a swish and a smile, he sashayed away.
If Jason's anything like me, he spent years honing his look and affect. Handsome and funny as he is, I'm sure it worked for him at some point. But now, his tight-fitting clothes and orange and blonde aesthetic read anachronistic and decidedly unsexy.
This excerpt was cross-posted with the permission of
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There are things in this world that you can never understand until you’ve had a penis inside of your anus. Lucky for us gay/bi men, there are quite a number of us who know exactly how that feels. Here are 15 things only bottoms understand. (And if you wanna know the struggle tops go through, head over here. )
Let’s start with the best part of anal play: prostate stimulation . The attempt to describe the sensation is utterly useless. The feeling is truly ineffable. It’s heavenly. Euphoric. Unlike any other bodily sensation we’ve ever experienced. Thank the gods for gently tucking that almond-size gland 3 inches inside of our behinds.
Bottoms are a dime a dozen. It seems like every gay guy out there is a bottom, and when you think you’ve met someone who’s definitely a top…nope. He too is a bottom. Just a very masculine bottom.
It’s quite the feeling, being unable to walk straight after being pounded. Your gait is off as you awkwardly limp more to one side.
Not all of us do it, but the ones who do know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s an interesting experience, to say the least.
YASSSS. When the man you love finishes inside you, there is nothing better in this world.
We each have our own method that we swear by: the soapy finger, a douche, Imodium, etc. But no matter how we clean, it’s always a process. And if you’re like me, 25 minutes after you clean, you always have to poop, and it’s a pain in the freakin’ ass. (Not the good kind.)
It’s such a quick transition, the pain to pleasure switch. Where it goes from you being too tight and it hurting, to you being just right and his penis feeling amazing.
It feels amazing when he finishes while he’s inside you, but it’s also incredible when you finish while he’s inside you. Your ejacuations feel stronger and more intense when you finish with someone inside of you.
Yeah, not something that tops really have to worry about. Bottoms, on the other hand, we get them quite often. Here are some tips to help you get rid of those pesky anal fissures if you’re having trouble.
Even after you clean extensively, you know that having a guy poke around down there might stir things up. And if we get too into our heads, we can’t enjoy the sex because we’re too concerned about our own cleanliness.
Your date suggests an Indian restaurant that he claims you will love. NOPE. Definitely not doing that. Thai? Absolutely not. Tops don’t have to worry about what they’re having for dinner on a date. Bottoms on the other hand? Yes, we need to plan accordingly.
The struggle is real. I’m of the belief that you can skip leg day if you really worked your glutes and quads during sex.
I know, I know. It’s not the end of the world. You can also have him go a second time, but sometimes, when you really want to get pounded for awhile and he orgasms very quickly, it can be a bit of a downer.
A switch goes off in your mind, and you turn from an unassuming, suit-wearing businessman, to a sexy AF pornstar. You start riding him like the beast you are.
All of those post-coital hormones flowing in your brain ( i.e. dopamine and oxytocin ). All of the hormones that make you feel SO. DAMN. GOOD.

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