Twin Twinks

Twin Twinks


Twin Twinks
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Celebrity · Posted on May 15, 2018

MJ Rymsza-Pawlowska


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"What is a twink?" —straight people, yesterday.
*It was honestly called "bob apple," which sounds pretty gay to me!
Look, I’ve lived in Illinois and seen a lot of Lincolns in my time but this is maybe one of the most unusual? C. 1940 sexy New Deal Lincoln at the DC Office of Public Records
Now excuse me while I hang out in the comments watching all you gays argue about who is and who is NOT a twink.
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Identical twins have sex with their shared boyfriend together because they get in 'the mood at same time'
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This Morning: Meet the twins who are so identical they share a BOYFRIEND
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Anna and Lucy DeCinque have revealed the arrangement they have to make their shared relationship work in the bedroom
Identical twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque have revealed they share every aspect of their lives - including time in bed with their boyfriend.
The 30-year-old sisters baffled ITV's This Morning hosts Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby as they bluntly admitted they sleep with him at the same time .
They said: "We're in the mood at the same time. He's a lucky guy, He needs double the energy, he gets double the love and double the attention."
Although the sisters admitted people have an issue with their arrangement, they have stood by their decision.
"They can have their opinions but this is the way we want to live our lives," they argued. "We're not hurting anyone and it makes us happy.
"We're always going to be together. Because we're with each other 24/7 of our lives it's so much easier to share a boyfriend."
The girls are both in a relationship with mechanic Ben Byrne, who is also a twin - but not an identical one.
Even though the two aren’t actively trying for babies, yet, they told Australian current affairs and discussion show The Insight their plans when they do start planning a family.
Anna said: “If I got pregnant Lucy would definitely get pregnant straight way — because our bodies need to be the same.
“We would try to make that happen, definitely. We are not trying right now — we love children and kids love us, but it’s not the time for us.
“We would have to be exactly the same — even if we went through IVF at the same time.”
The pair shared their story on the show, as part of a double episode about twins.
Following the programme, the twins spoke to the Herald Sun (which weren’t able to say which of the girls was speaking as “their voices are pretty much identical too.”)
One of twins said: “We actually felt a bit intimidated by the other twins, because we always thought we were the centre of attention.”
The Insight investigation looks at what the latest twin research can reveal about humanity at large — for social and scientific researchers, twins are ‘the perfect natural experiment’, especially identical twins who share 99.9% of the same DNA.
The pair became famous after they were dubbed the 'world's most identical twins' on a Japanese prank TV show, when facial recognition technology could not tell them apart.
The two - born just a minute apart - have reportedly blown £130,000 on cosmetic surgery to make sure they look as similar as possible.
The list of surgery they have had includes breast implants, lip fillers, fake eyebrows and eyelashes to make sure they look exactly the same.
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These twins realised they were both gay after they hooked up with the same guy




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Two twins have revealed how they accidentally came out to each other after they accidentally hooked up with the same guy.
Mike and Zach Zakar are Instagram models and YouTubers who make content about all things gay.
In one of their most recent videos, they told their brilliant coming out story on YouTube.
In high school, neither of them realised that the other was gay. They were not particularly close as Mike drifted to the art clique while Zach was in with the sports jocks.
Zach explained: “Me and Michael did not know each other was gay – we were handling our own problems. Michael was the straight twin in my mind.”
“And I thought Zach was the straight twin,” Michael added.
The revelation came about when Zach was sick with a stomach bug and took a week off school.
Michael went to school as usual but his day became more interesting when a boy approached him and asked him if he wanted to make out in the bathroom.
The boy, who the twins described as an ’emo Pete Wentz’, made plans to meet with Michael in a bathroom during a class.
Michael explained: “I was so nervous, I was thinking everyone must know I’m about to get a blowjob”.
He explained that he “assumed” he was gay “but I didn’t think too hard on it because I didn’t want to be”.
When the pair met in the bathroom they began making out in one of the stools. However, they were interrupted when two of the jocks from Zach’s rugby team walked in.
Michael explained that he sped out of there as quickly as possible.
The next day he returned to school, while Zach was still home sick, and he expected to be taunted. Instead, Michael was shocked when friends of Zach began to ask him if his brother was gay.
Michael was horrified that he had been mistaken for his brother and when he returned home from school that day he made Zach a sandwich and sat down to tell him the “bad” news.
After explaining the mishap, Zach became confused because he did not think anybody had seen his makeup sessions with the boy.
Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling
Turns out that Zach had hooked up with the same boy three days earlier, which he told Michael.
At this point, the pair both realised and confided in each other that they were both gay.
“We ended up coming out to each other because we fooled around with the same guy,” Zach explained.
“Never do things in a bathroom stall it’s gross and not classy. Especially at school,” the pair said
coming out ,
Gay ,
gay twins ,
twins ,

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Got a burning question for Prudie? She’ll be online at to chat with readers each Monday at 1 p.m. Submit your questions and comments here before or during the live discussion.
Dear Prudence,
My fraternal twin and I (both men) are in our late 30s. We were always extremely close and shared a bedroom growing up. When we were 12 we gradually started experimenting sexually with each other. After a couple of years, we realized we had fallen in love. Of course we felt guilty and ashamed, and we didn’t dare tell anyone what we were doing. We hoped it was “just a phase” that we’d grow out of, but we wound up sleeping together until we left for college. We knew this could ruin our lives, so we made a pact to end it. We attended schools far apart and limited our contact to family holidays. But we never fell out of love with each other, so after graduation we moved in together and have been living very discreetly as a monogamous couple ever since. I’m not writing to you to pass moral judgment on our relationship—we’re at peace and very happy. Our dilemma is how to deal with our increasingly nosy family and friends. They know we’re gay, and we live in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, so we’re getting pressure to settle down. I feel we should continue being discreet for the rest of our lives and blow off their questions. It’s nobody’s business, and I fear they would find our relationship shocking and disgusting. My brother, though, is exhausted with this charade. He thinks that if we get the family together with a therapist to talk through the issues, they’ll eventually accept it. I think he’s out of his mind, but I also want to make him happy. Is this one of those times when honesty is not the best policy? If so, how do we get everyone to stop worrying we will die alone? I’m also concerned about the legal implications of this—would the therapist be required to report us to the authorities? Could we go to prison?
Dear Greek,
I admit this is my first letter about homosexual, incestuous twins, but I’m going to take you at your word that you two are happy and that I should suppress the images that came to mind of two sets of brothers who lived together and came to unseemly ends: the pack-rat Collyer brothers and the twin gynecologist Marcus brothers . Let’s deal with your legal questions first. I spoke to Dan Markel , a professor at Florida State University College of Law. He said that while incest is generally illegal in most jurisdictions, the laws tend to be enforced in a way that would protect minors, prevent sexual abuse, and address imbalances of power. Those aren’t at issue in your consensual adult relationship, but Markel suggests you have a consultation with a criminal defense attorney (don’t worry, the discussion would be confidential) to find out if your relationship would come under the state incest statutes. Either way, it’s better to know, and if it is illegal, as long as you remain discreet the likelihood of prosecution is remote. Next, I suggest that you and your brother split the difference in your approach to family and friends. Blowing people off for the next couple of decades is only going to fan the flames of curiosity. But I also agree with you that having a family gathering in which you announce you two have found life partners—each other—will give everyone the vapors. Ultimately your choice is your business, but a limited version of the truth should back everyone off. When people ask when you’re each going to go out there and find a nice young man, tell them that while it may seem unorthodox, you both have realized that living together is what works for you. Say no brothers could be more devoted or compatible, and neither of you can imagine wanting to change what you have.
Dear Prudence,
I recently started a new job at a company that has been in the local news. Shortly before I was hired, the owner was sued, because while all the senior positions went to men, the rest of the staff was made up of extremely attractive women. I do not look like my female co-workers. I’m a brunette who’s over 25, and I’m not “curvy,” just one big curve. I’m slowly being introduced to our clients, and the first time I met one, he said, “Oh, you must be one of the new hires!” and everyone at the meeting laughed. Only after another client said it did I realize he was referring to my boss’s legal troubles. It’s astounding how many clients have now made the same joke. I overhead one client call me the “ nottie .” I’m now feeling pressure to try to look hot, when that’s not what I’m about. I don’t want to offend clients, but it’s insulting they feel they can say this to me. I would go to my boss, but I feel I should be able to handle this myself.
Dear Nottie,
Your firm must have been a source of endless stimulation and even hilarity for the male clients for so long that they no longer notice that they’re flouting the normal rules of courtesy. I’m infuriated on your behalf, but please don’t let your response be to try to turn yourself into a hottie. Your job is to do good work for the clients, so I agree complaining to the boss will be awkward and won’t resolve the situation. When these jerks make their remarks, just ignore their implications. Upon hearing the “new hire” joke, reply: “Yes, I started in December. I really look forward to working with you.” In acting class they teach the importance of subtext. Good actors, through a facial expression, a pause, or a tilt of the head, subtly express their internal state. So you might say to yourself, “Yep, the Victoria’s Secret show has closed, and now real women are working at Letch & Co. But I will do you the favor of pretending I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That half-smile or raised eyebrow from you might just cause the jokers to reconsider their behavior.
Dear Prudence,
I have a beautiful teenage daughter, “Lilly.” My mother, who really loves dogs, recently got a new one. She asked me for name suggestions, and I gave her a list including “Maggie” and “Millie.” Shortly afterward she called me and said she had a strange request: She wante
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