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There are nude scenes on TV, and then there are NUDE SCENES ON TV. (opens in new tab) The kind of scenes that definitely warrant all caps, thanks to their ability to send the internet into a complete frenzy, start Twitter trends, and end up in the corners of the web (yes, I'm talking about Pornhub). Here are the TV nudity moments that pulled a Kim Kardashian and truly broke the internet.
Before Game of Thrones , there was True Blood —HBO's resident show known for excessive nudity. The thing is, most of the on-screen nudity was female-focused, and many people were wondering when one of the male stars would go full-frontal. True Blood delivered during the Season 6 finale (actually, in the very last scene) when Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd's Eric was seen sunbathing in the nude.
Cersei's nude walk of shame was a extremely talked-about moment in Game of Thrones —mostly due to the speculation over whether or not Headey used a body double. She did— and she was unfairly criticized for it, which also became a thing.
"Some people thought I was less of an actress because I didn’t get my tits out," she said (opens in new tab) . "The thought of being naked for three days and trying to contain her in the way she would be I think I would feel very angry. I didn’t want to be angry. I don’t think Cersei would be angry. I did what I thought she would do, emotionally."
When Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd and HBO team up, internet-breaking nudity follows—and the internet collectively agreed that the actor put the "big" in Big Little Lies after SkarsgĂ„rd's full-frontal moment in the show. According to The Wrap (opens in new tab) , however, the big moment actually featured a big prosthetic.
Look, if you asked us whether we were expecting Hodor to wander out fully nude mid-episode of Game of Thrones , the answer would And if you're wondering whether his penis was real, the answer would ALSO be no. This moment was truly shocking and unexpected—even given GOT's known love for nudity—and the internet is barely recovering seasons later.
Remember when this Girls episode was on and you were like "la, la, la, fun times watching Matthew Rhys guest star in my favorite problematic show!" and then you were like "Holy hell is that a penis?" The internet was fully shook by this moment, and poor Matthew Rhys spent weeks talking about his prosthetic.
Penny Dreadful provided fans with plenty of memorable moments of nakedness, but the one that stands out above the rest is the one when Jonny Beauchamp's character, Angelique, stripped down for a full frontal scene in a brothel.
"Nudity was my one big fear as an actor, the one thing I never really thought I would be able to do," Beauchamp told TV Insider (opens in new tab) . "In the theater, it's a little different. But to go full frontal for my first big TV project was daunting. I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose sleep over it."
Okay, so this isn't technically a nude scene, but it is a wet-shirt-clinging-to-body scene—and probably PBS' most viral moment to-date. Colin Firth's dripping wet emergence from a lake was enough to sustain thirsty Masterpiece Theater viewers (hello, me!) for years to come, and is part of the pop cultural fabric of our lives. (The iconic moment was even referenced in Bridget Jones .)
Back in 2016, BBC aired a production of War and Peace (the same one that aired on Lifetime over here in the U.S.). Pretty standard BBC-y stuff, right? WRONG. Viewers were left in complete shock (opens in new tab) when a soldier walked out of a lake with his penis on full display. It's like, one moment you're sitting in the living room for nerdy movie night with your family, the next you're dealing with on-screen genitalia.
It happened on TV, so yes, we are including the time Justin Timberlake "accidentally" exposed Janet Jackson's nipple in the middle of their Super Bowl halftime performance.
Westworld fans got very used to nudity—usually of the full-frontal variety—during the show's first season (see Thandie Newton's shoutout later in this list). But, when Simon Quarterman, who plays Delos employee Lee Sizemore in the series, bared ALL in season 2, the moment was as unexpected as it was welcome.
"It's not often that we see a man naked," Quarterman told Vulture (opens in new tab) of the scene. "It's a rare thing. Women have to reveal a lot all the time, and it felt so in keeping with what we were doing with the themes and with the tables being turned. And obviously, doing it with Thandie, who spent most of the season last year naked. I found it incredibly powerful, actually. When we were shooting, I was very clear to the team that they could shoot it however they wanted to. I thought it was important for that scene to happen."
Raise your hand if you will always and forever remember the scene in Sex and the City where Samantha tries to have sex with an older man, then sees his butt, and is like ?? (Cut to all hands the world over being raised.)
Chris Meloni spent much of Oz naked, but the scene where he peed definitely qualifies as a viral nudity moment. Apparently, the actor himself asked to pee on camera (opens in new tab) rather than use a prop or special effects. Truly method acting!
After she was done making the YA circuit in the Percy Jackson movies, but before she was a big screen " Baywatch babe," Alexandra Daddario bared all on True Detective in a scene that firmly established that she was all grown up. 
In most cases, butts barely count as nudity, but the internet went collectively bonkers when Tom "Loki" Hiddleston gave the world a quick peek at his in The Night Manager .
Pretty much everyone in the cast of Westworld has to strip down at some point (although Anthony Hopkins will probably prove a permanent exception). The hosts are almost always naked when they're being repaired, rebooted, or reviewed. For most of the actors, this means sitting (literally) robotically in a chair while nude. For Thandie Newton, whose character, Maeve, becomes self-aware during the show's first season, the non-sexual nude scenes got a lot more involved.
Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm. She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. 

How Netflix's YA horror series sets up a possible Season 2.

Curly hair, fine hair, textured hair—we've got you covered.

Get ready to turn that frown upside down.

From the players' tracksuits to the Red Light, Green Light doll.

In the immortal words of Tully Hart, "Firefly Lane girls forever!"

Most of these Halloween costumes double as stylish additions to your closet.

From 'Fight Club' to '10 Things I Hate About You.'

The hit Netflix show has already been green-lit for another season.

Until recently, a good lesbian movie was hard to find.

Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Visit our corporate site .
Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street,
New York,
NY 10036.

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Marie Claire is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s why you can trust us .
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There are nude scenes on TV, and then there are NUDE SCENES ON TV. (opens in new tab) The kind of scenes that definitely warrant all caps, thanks to their ability to send the internet into a complete frenzy, start Twitter trends, and end up in the corners of the web (yes, I'm talking about Pornhub). Here are the TV nudity moments that pulled a Kim Kardashian and truly broke the internet.
Before Game of Thrones , there was True Blood —HBO's resident show known for excessive nudity. The thing is, most of the on-screen nudity was female-focused, and many people were wondering when one of the male stars would go full-frontal. True Blood delivered during the Season 6 finale (actually, in the very last scene) when Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd's Eric was seen sunbathing in the nude.
Cersei's nude walk of shame was a extremely talked-about moment in Game of Thrones —mostly due to the speculation over whether or not Headey used a body double. She did— and she was unfairly criticized for it, which also became a thing.
"Some people thought I was less of an actress because I didn’t get my tits out," she said (opens in new tab) . "The thought of being naked for three days and trying to contain her in the way she would be I think I would feel very angry. I didn’t want to be angry. I don’t think Cersei would be angry. I did what I thought she would do, emotionally."
When Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd and HBO team up, internet-breaking nudity follows—and the internet collectively agreed that the actor put the "big" in Big Little Lies after SkarsgĂ„rd's full-frontal moment in the show. According to The Wrap (opens in new tab) , however, the big moment actually featured a big prosthetic.
Look, if you asked us whether we were expecting Hodor to wander out fully nude mid-episode of Game of Thrones , the answer would And if you're wondering whether his penis was real, the answer would ALSO be no. This moment was truly shocking and unexpected—even given GOT's known love for nudity—and the internet is barely recovering seasons later.
Remember when this Girls episode was on and you were like "la, la, la, fun times watching Matthew Rhys guest star in my favorite problematic show!" and then you were like "Holy hell is that a penis?" The internet was fully shook by this moment, and poor Matthew Rhys spent weeks talking about his prosthetic.
Penny Dreadful provided fans with plenty of memorable moments of nakedness, but the one that stands out above the rest is the one when Jonny Beauchamp's character, Angelique, stripped down for a full frontal scene in a brothel.
"Nudity was my one big fear as an actor, the one thing I never really thought I would be able to do," Beauchamp told TV Insider (opens in new tab) . "In the theater, it's a little different. But to go full frontal for my first big TV project was daunting. I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose sleep over it."
Okay, so this isn't technically a nude scene, but it is a wet-shirt-clinging-to-body scene—and probably PBS' most viral moment to-date. Colin Firth's dripping wet emergence from a lake was enough to sustain thirsty Masterpiece Theater viewers (hello, me!) for years to come, and is part of the pop cultural fabric of our lives. (The iconic moment was even referenced in Bridget Jones .)
Back in 2016, BBC aired a production of War and Peace (the same one that aired on Lifetime over here in the U.S.). Pretty standard BBC-y stuff, right? WRONG. Viewers were left in complete shock (opens in new tab) when a soldier walked out of a lake with his penis on full display. It's like, one moment you're sitting in the living room for nerdy movie night with your family, the next you're dealing with on-screen genitalia.
It happened on TV, so yes, we are including the time Justin Timberlake "accidentally" exposed Janet Jackson's nipple in the middle of their Super Bowl halftime performance.
Westworld fans got very used to nudity—usually of the full-frontal variety—during the show's first season (see Thandie Newton's shoutout later in this list). But, when Simon Quarterman, who plays Delos employee Lee Sizemore in the series, bared ALL in season 2, the moment was as unexpected as it was welcome.
"It's not often that we see a man naked," Quarterman told Vulture (opens in new tab) of the scene. "It's a rare thing. Women have to reveal a lot all the time, and it felt so in keeping with what we were doing with the themes and with the tables being turned. And obviously, doing it with Thandie, who spent most of the season last year naked. I found it incredibly powerful, actually. When we were shooting, I was very clear to the team that they could shoot it however they wanted to. I thought it was important for that scene to happen."
Raise your hand if you will always and forever remember the scene in Sex and the City where Samantha tries to have sex with an older man, then sees his butt, and is like ?? (Cut to all hands the world over being raised.)
Chris Meloni spent much of Oz naked, but the scene where he peed definitely qualifies as a viral nudity moment. Apparently, the actor himself asked to pee on camera (opens in new tab) rather than use a prop or special effects. Truly method acting!
After she was done making the YA circuit in the Percy Jackson movies, but before she was a big screen " Baywatch babe," Alexandra Daddario bared all on True Detective in a scene that firmly established that she was all grown up. 
In most cases, butts barely count as nudity, but the internet went collectively bonkers when Tom "Loki" Hiddleston gave the world a quick peek at his in The Night Manager .
Pretty much everyone in the cast of Westworld has to strip down at some point (although Anthony Hopkins will probably prove a permanent exception). The hosts are almost always naked when they're being repaired, rebooted, or reviewed. For most of the actors, this means sitting (literally) robotically in a chair while nude. For Thandie Newton, whose character, Maeve, becomes self-aware during the show's first season, the non-sexual nude scenes got a lot more involved.
Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm. She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. 

How Netflix's YA horror series sets up a possible Season 2.

Curly hair, fine hair, textured hair—we've got you covered.

Get ready to turn that frown upside down.

From the players' tracksuits to the Red Light, Green Light doll.

In the immortal words of Tully Hart, "Firefly Lane girls forever!"

Most of these Halloween costumes double as stylish additions to your closet.

From 'Fight Club' to '10 Things I Hate About You.'

The hit Netflix show has already been green-lit for another season.

Until recently, a good lesbian movie was hard to find.

Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Visit our corporate site .
Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street,
New York,
NY 10036.

Braless TV host gives viewers an eyeful as she wears racy sheer dress that leaves little to the imagination
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Braless Miami cable TV host leaves NOTHING to the imagination
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We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. More Info.
Presenter Jenny Scordamaglia, 28, is known for her risque outfits - but this bright blue number failed to cover any of her modesty
A TV host gave viewers an eyeful after she flashed her breasts during a talk show while wearing an extremely racy sheer dress
Jenny Scordamaglia, 28, from Miami, seemed to have no problems showing her nipples to the watching audience after the bright blue outfit failed to cover any of her modesty.
She was hosting a show about psychics on her own cable channel when she decided to debut her 'barely-there' look.
The dress just about covered her bottom, and completely exposed her boobs , leaving viewers to wonder why she had decided to leave her underwear at home.
Jenny often uses her own Facebook page to post raunchy selfies, including one topless snap, where her nipples are only just covered with two well placed flashes of light.
She makes a living from her TV channel, where she offers viewers lifestyle advice and celebrity gossip.
Most of the time, she is wearing very little or no clothes, especially on her two shows 'Naked Yoga' and 'Naked Kitchen'.
Over 227,900 people are fans of Jenny's Facebook page and often leave comments praising her work.
One viewer wrote: "You're so talented and amazing Jenny. Love the recipes and you're such an inspiration, you should write a book."
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