Tumblr Porn Story

Tumblr Porn Story


Tumblr Porn Story

*First Published: Dec 22, 2018, 6:00 am CST

Maksim Shmeljov/Shutterstock


Posted on Dec 22, 2018   Updated on Jan 26, 2021, 6:41 pm CST
Tumblr porn is no more. After years of laissez-faire policies on adult content, Tumblr has outright banned NSFW content on the site. The move essentially kicks out sex workers , adult artists, kinksters, and 18+ bloggers who made a home on the service for over a decade, leaving many to look for sites like Tumblr or alternative Tumblr services.
While Tumblr stored a rich and inclusive archive of queer porn, fetish artwork, and kinky communities that cannot be replaced, there are alternatives out there for users fleeing from the Dec. 17 ban. Some have been around for ages, while others are still growing and maturing into similar porn sites. Here are some of the best Tumblr porn alternatives and sites like Tumblr to look out for in the meantime.
Twitter quickly became a similar porn site to Tumblr, and a popular safe haven for artists and adult content creators impacted by the Tumblr ban. The site sports laid-back policies on adult content, letting artists, porn creators, and cam girls all build a following on the site. While Twitter usually tags NSFW material, and you may need to manually allow “sensitive content” to be displayed on mobile, it’s one of the last major social media networks that still freely allow pornographic content on its servers. But as far as sites like Tumblr go, Twitter is relatively similar.
If you’ve never used Twitter before, the site lets users follow each other to curate an endless timeline filled with tweets, or short messages that max out at 280 characters. Searching for content is as easy as typing in a keyword or hashtag and reading through the results, plus many adult artists and sex workers on Tumblr already have accounts on Twitter. To get started, we recommend checking out artists bramblefix and Ktullanyx , as well as adult performer pawslut . For queer porn in particular, Valerie Halla’s NSFW Twitter account @drool_cutie is a great choice.
Mastodon took off in 2017 as a popular, progressive similar porn site to Twitter. The social media service sports content warnings, improved privacy features, and best of all, a federation system called the “fediverse.” On Mastodon, users interact by registering accounts on an instance—a separate community and server part of a larger Mastodon federation. Users from different instances can interact with each other, or they can simply hang out in their own instances. The social media network has incredibly inclusive policies on adult content, so much so that its founder even put together a blog post explaining why fleeing NSFW Tumblr users should make the switch.
Mastodon hosts an enormous catalog of instances based on adult content. For sex workers and their clients, Switter is an excellent sex work-friendly for staying in touch. For an alternative Tumblr service, there’s something for everyone. But several popular Mastodon instances have since been taken down. There was Humblr, for example, a self-described “home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed [off] the site” due to the NSFW purges. However, the site has since been shut down. Another 18+ instance, displaced.social (which went offline sometime after this article’s publication), offers a “safe, open space focused on those in the NSFW LGBT+ community.” And Art Alley allowed artists and commissioners alike to post adult illustrations.
Instead of following creators like on Tumblr or Twitter, Patreon lets users pledge a small, reoccurring amount of money to support their favorite artists. In return, artists provide perks or incentives based on tier pledges. NSFW comic artist ThirtyHelens , for example, runs a Patreon with over 400 users supporting her work. Patrons can pledge a wide range of tiers per month, from $3 for full-resolution versions of her comics one week before release to $10 per month for PSD files of everything ThirtyHelens creates.
Other popular Patreon users include the artist Fuya , who does anime-inspired explicit drawings, as well as NSFW illustrator Sakimi Chan . Adult game developers also run their own Patreon pages where fans can turn to support their creations. Redamz , the creator behind adult dating game Monster Girl Island , has over 6,000 patrons on the service. Game developer Palmer , meanwhile, lets users pay $10 per month for early access to erotic video games created by the studio Love-Joint. Ethically, Patreon is a solid alternative Tumblr service.
In some ways, Pillowfort is a similar porn site to Tumblr what Mastodon is to Twitter. The service has laid-back policies on adult content and gives its users much more control over their privacy. Granted, Pillowfort is still pretty small, having only sent out registration keys to the service’s Kickstarter backers in September. But the site has grown in users since Tumblr announced the NSFW ban in early December 2018, and adult content has gradually made a place for itself on the site.
If you’re interested in following Pillowfort accounts for adult content, we recommend checking out the site’s community feature, which is a great way to quickly fill your feed with NSFW content. The “NSFW” community is a perfect starting point for adult illustrations, with over 800 users part of the group. For fleeing Tumblr users looking to reconnect with their friends, the “Tumblr NSFW Art, BDSM, Kink and Sex-Work Refugees” community is as popular as it is active. Oh, and for queer men, the “Gay Bears” community is a great choice for the boys out there that like their dates big and hairy.
Users can request an access key by donating $5 to Pillowfort, or can use an invitation key from a current user. While the site has closed registration in December in order to “improve performance and add necessary features,” registration is open as of June .
Update 11:23am CT, Feb. 25, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that Mastodon’s displaced.social instance is currently offline.
Update 11:14am CT, July. 8, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that several Mastodon instances are currently offline, and that Pillowfort is accepting new users via donations.
Ana Valens is a reporter specializing in online queer communities, marginalized identities, and adult content creation. She is a former Daily Dot staff writer. Her work has appeared at Vice, Vox, Truthout, Bitch Media, Kill Screen, Rolling Stone, and the Toast. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and spends her free time developing queer adult games.
‘It’s not f*cking cute and quirky anymore guys go home’: Denny’s worker pleads with regulars who come in during rush
‘Let’s see the video before it showed only one side’: McDonald’s worker allegedly throws drink on customer after she asks for sauce, sparking debate
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*First Published: Sep 18, 2016, 12:00 pm CDT

Posted on Sep 18, 2016   Updated on Jan 27, 2021, 1:50 am CST
This article about Tumblr porn contains sexually explicit content and language. You wouldn’t know it by Tumblr ‘s years-long attempt to clean up its image, but the innovative blogging site was once one of the best places to find porn . With artful images, amateur sex bloggers, BDSM aficionados, and an impressive curation of smut, nude Tumblr porn blogs were once a destination on the platform. Sexy Tumblr and public nude Tumblr accounts once reigned. But the era of the best porn Tumblr accounts ended years ago.
You’ve probably heard that Tumblr effectively banned all adult content on the platform starting Dec. 17, 2018. And while that does mean you’ve lost your favorite BDSM blogs or NSFW lesbian Tumblr pages, it also means Tumblr is banning things like “real-life human genitals,” “female-presenting nipples,” and anything that “depicts sex acts.” These categories disproportionately affect not only porn content, but adult artists, queer users, kink communities, and sex workers whose livelihoods depend on nude Tumblr as a welcoming platform.
But not all is lost. Though a majority of the best nude Tumblr porn blogs were abandoned by their moderators following the ban, and though many blogs were cleaned up for adult content, an eclectic but difficult-to-find archive remains. It’s tough to find them, but not impossible, such as with this following list of best nude Tumblr porn accounts. Here are some of the best nude Tumblr porn blogs that reigned before the adult content ban, that still have decent amount of free porn .
Be aware that while these blogs still exist and contain. adult content, they haven’t been updated in years, or have some content missing from the adult content sweep. And because of their “sensitive media,” you’ll need a Tumblr account to view them in-browser.
“I like tattoos, music & sex,” boasts Wonderland, the much-vaunted sexy Tumblr porn account known for its black-and-white images of—you guessed it—mostly sex and elegant tattoos. Images are laid out like darkroom negatives cascading from clothespins. Occasionally, juxtaposed between the GIFs of curvy legs and coitus are shots of planets, galaxies, and artwork. Porn really is its own natural beauty and looks right at home with the less-than-sexual wonders of the universe.
Embrace your thirst with Taste This Kitty ‘s delectable buffet of boning, bondage, and more. Drool-worthy photos of people in various stages of undress abound, as do GIFs meant to tease and titillate. The main course, of course, is oral: There are loads of images that depict partners getting down, sometimes with the help of a friend or two. The more the merrier, right?
Straightforward without any frills, Always Horny features lots of blowjobs and rough sex. The majority of the posts are GIFs showcasing all the action from the viewpoint of the person going down on their partner sourced from porn sites like Sex.com. If you like bare-it-all content, butts, and boobs, this nude Tumblr is worth a bookmark.
Talk To Me is a different type of sexy Tumblr, featuring articles and lists designed to educate while they titillate. Whether you’re learning sex positions, getting pointers on sexting, or picking up a new piece of sexual history, Talk To Me wants to make smarter while you’re horny. Not every post is completely legit (be wary of any links asking you to chat for free) but most articles are at least worth starting a conversation. Everyone can learn a new trick in the bedroom. Add this to your feed, if only for your partner’s sake.
Couples Goals isn’t a traditional nude Tumblr porn site, but it’s an NSFW destination for lusting hearts, regardless. Featuring high-definition and stylized black-and-white photography of deeply passionate couples, this is a NSFW sexy Tumblr that aims to be pornography of the heart. There’s lite nudity, but the real focus here is on intense, sensual fantasy. For many people, there’s nothing more erotic than a someone who’s passionately into you. Couples Goals is just the visual stimulus you need to take those fantasies up a notch. 
Not everyone gets off the same way. For many sexual adventurers, nudity isn’t even a requirement. Leggy Babes is a sexy Tumblr porn blog that takes that sentiment to heart, offering nary a nipple to be found. Instead, this blog focuses on women with great legs, whether in leggings, short skirts, swimsuits, or any configuration you could imagine. Bounding from professional pin-ups to amateur models with an equal enthusiasm, Leggy Babes is a sexy, nudity-free space for people who would leave something to the imagination. 
If you’re unabashed about your love of having rough sex, there’s a Tumblr porn blog awaiting you. Slip off those clothes and saunter on over to Addicted to Fucking and Sex , a frequently updated page that doesn’t hold back. Addicted to Fucking and Sex is a one-stop digital porn shop, boasting an impressive archive and a button for longer videos. It’s also open to submissions and archives what it receives, so users hoping to get a feel of their fellow nude Tumblr fans can easily navigate to the goods, pick up some inspiration along the way, and maybe even find their new favorite porn Tumblr.
Orgasmic Tips for Girls focuses on sexual pleasure for women, whether you need to find out how to improve your stamina in bed or you need a distraction on a night in. The blog has a wide variety of sensual GIFs, short porn clips, and an advice column offering sex tips for women. There is even a body positivity column where au natural selfies are posted.
The woman, the myth, the legend. Lady Cheeky has far exceeded the platform of nude Tumblr, though her blog is still hosted on there. It’s curated porn at its finest and even includes sex toy reviews as well as an NSFW coloring book that’s delightfully naughty and just $16.45. With dedicated sections for BBW lovers and sapiosexuals, Lady Cheeky is a great resource for high-brow hotties and body positivity.
Lets Get Naked and Party features the same buffet of blowjobs and penetration you’ve come to expect from a best porn Tumblr blog. Where they excel is consistency. Focusing mostly on amateur porn, this isn’t a place to find thoughtful art or erotica, but if you want a conveyor belt of filth, Lets Get Naked and Party gets the job done. 
Beautiful things happen when you capture a person’s most intimate moments. The Art of Porn focuses on the high aesthetics of getting down, straddling the limits of both. It’s the type of best porn Tumblr that makes you think before you get off and also serves as inspiration for those interested in photography, oils, and body painting. If there’s one thing the SFW facade of Tumblr is known for, it’s its fandom communities replete with fanart. Unsurprisingly, its NSFW underbelly is hiding incredible fine artwork with a sexy, beautiful aesthetic.
Originally started as a personal outlet for an anonymous author’s sexual exploration, Dirty Berd has evolved into one of the best sex positive spaces on sexy Tumblr. One day you’ll find sex advice, the next GIFs from porn, then another time clips from a Lana Del Rey video. The only common theme is what the author finds sexy, which evolves. Rarely does a porn blog feel personal, but Dirty Berd is the rare exception.
It’s hard to argue with the self-explanatory name of this best porn Tumblr blog, and it’s even harder to look away. The NSFW Tumblr posts an endless series of stunning photos and hot porn GIFs.
Porn star April O’Neil maintains a personal sexy Tumblr that offers an intimate, behind-the-scenes look at her life. It’s not as explicit as what you’ll find if you from most porn stars on Snapchat or if you subscribe to her via Only Fans , but it’s much more personal. And even more exciting, she has one of the few sexy Tumblr blogs on this list that’s still updated.
Unless you’re following No Love Like Sololove on Tumblr, you’re probably unaware that May is Masturbation Month. The gentleman known by the handle melbournebator caused quite the stir in the past, when he announced he was hanging up this account dedicated to the art of jerking off. But that’s not to say you can enjoy his poetic, if not a little overdramatic, archival content that celebrates feelin’ yourself. The site may be deleted on Tumblr, but it’s still archived online.
When it comes to softcore takes on BDSM, Kawaii BDSM is one of the best porn Tumblr blogs around. Featuring pastel colors and pink rope, Kawaii BDSM focuses on (mostly) submissive women caught in all sorts of kinky and domineering positions. Everything from women in hidden bondage to littles grinding against their teddies appears here, with plenty of room for lingerie , rope binding , and leashes .
Kawaii BDSM also shares a wide range of anime-inspired kink art, from hentai scenes to excerpts from adult manga . There’s even an official shop run by the page, which includes everything from BDSM kits to kinky lingerie . As far as light kink play goes, Kawaii BDSM is an essential page to return to.
From ropeplay to bodies being held in place by bondage gear, there are dozens of photos of women restrained for their dominants on this sexy Tumblr page. One photo has a tattooed sub bound from chest to ankles . Another features a dominant woman with a whip, standing over her sub’s rear as she prepares to give a slap. And high-quality photography is plentiful, perfect for pornography fans looking for something a little more artistic in their erotic collections.
Erotic Beauty and BDSM doesn’t update all too often, but the page’s Tumblr archive dates back quite a number of years. Check it out for some softer, photographic takes on BDSM and kink.
If your favorite viewpoint is from behind, this is one of the best porn Tumblr blogs for you. Art or Porn is filled to the brim with photos of women showing off their spread in artistic ways or just right in your face. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s porn, or just a fun, sensual photoshoot.
Still not sure where to find exactly what you want? Here’s your guide to the best porn GIFs and where to find them, high-quality VR porn , the best porn search engines , everything you need to know about BDSM , and the hottest porn stars you should follow on Instagram . Plus, everything you need to know about watching porn safely in your browser.
Editor’s note: This article is regularly updated for relevance. 
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‘Let’s see the video before it showed only one side’: McDonald’s worker allegedly throws drink on customer after she asks for sauce, sparking debate
‘I’m glad you even saw her’: Bartender cusses out customer who grabbed cherries from bar fruit tray
TikTokers call out a filter on the app for fat-shaming them

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(please make this anonymous) I was visiting a friend who was a couple years older than me who had just broken up with a long term girlfriend. Our relationship had never been strictly platonic. The first night I was there there were other people there. He invited me to sleep in his room and I did. Nothing happened that night but I pretty much knew what was going to go down. The next day we hung out with everyone, played Cranium, normal stuff. After everyone left he put on Drag Me to Hell and we started watching the movie. A half hour in we started making out and he paused the movie and we went into his room. He put on Murder by Death and we made out for a long time before getting down to business to defeat the Hunns. He did everything I suppose a guy could do (cough cough hands cough cough mouth) and then went in for the kill. It was painful at first but I didn’t bleed. I didn’t have an orgasm despite all the things he did. Afterward we tried to take a shower together but the shower head in the apartment was seriously only about five feet up, too short for him or I, and it spouted cold water. We agreed that the shower idea wasn’t going
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