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Copyright Β© 2022 Mexico Transgender Center β€” Escapade WordPress theme by GoDaddy

Dr. Aguilar is the only surgeon in Latin America who offers Nullification surgery , is well known Male to Nullo or Female to Nullo is a present issue all over the world, offers a more conservative surgical approach than the standard SRS, this kind of surgery is focused in provide Nullo sexual internal and external genitalia, providing the patient an external appearance of Nullo patient, nor penis or vagina. What makes Nullification SRS Procedure different from the standard SRS in the case of male to Nullo, is that it does not include the creation of a vaginal canal so there will be no functional depth for penile penetration, include the testis removal and the highly reconstructive procedure to reroute the urethra. The female to Nullo, Lower Surgery we perform, includes ovary removal along with Hysterectomy, vaginal or laparoscopic, and Vaginectomy to achieve the proper Nullo results. We also offer Top Surgery, including bilateral mastectomy in case the patient wish to not have breast.










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My Complete Castration

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This is a true story of my complete castration.

I won't go into the reasons why I have wanted castration as it would be
impossible to put them down on paper but lets just say it has been a desire
since puberty.

My right and left testicles were treated in two different manners at two
different times.

In July of 1994 I decided to cut my scrotum open and take a look inside.
As I did so I nicked the muscle and tissue surrounding the testicle and
it quickly slipped back inside leaving the testicle dangling. It was the
most painful experience I have ever had. I knew at that time I would have
to seek medical attention, but I figured I would examine the testicle for
abit before driving to the emergency room. Then it dawned on me that if
I was going to the hospital, I might as well finish the job, so with a
very sharp fillet knife I removed the testicle. The pain went away
immediatly as the cord slipped back inside, but I started bleeding VERY
badly. I grabbed a kitchen towel and tightly duct taped it to myself and
drove to the hospital where they took me into surgery immediatly and removed
the rest of the cord, etc. I was there for 3 days.

Since then I came to the conclusion that the Burdizzo clamp method of
castration was superior to any other as it is "bloodless" (not entirely
true) and the tool can be used over and over. I have used this device to
castrate 2 men and teach a friend how to do it.

As I said, I have wanted to be castrated so my friend and I decided it was
time to finish the job on me. For preperation I injected 6 cc's of
xylocane into the spermatic cord and 2 cc's into the testicle (not

For about a half an hour I laid in a very warm tub talking to my friend.
When we both felt my scrotum was as loose as possible, I dried off, put on
a sweatshirt (I live in the north of the USA) and laid down on the living
room table. The cord was moved into the jaws of the tool and with a rag
in my mouth, clamped down. The pain was similar to a small sting and lasted
for about 1 second. I removed the rag and started counting down 30 seconds
After that I was up and able to move around right away, but since we wanted
to make sure the castration was sure, we applied the tool again. That was
painful, but not painful enought to be debilitating...

Currently I have swollen about 4 inches and have turned black and blue. The
pain is quite tolerable, but I am taking asprin to help with it and the
swelling. 3 days after the proceedure, the testicle is rock hard and no
sensation can be felt. The major problem I have is that at my workplace
I stand for 10 hours and that can be alittle rough. To further help reduce
the swelling I am taking hot baths one day and placeing frozen peas between
my legs the next (after I get home from work).

I hope this text helps those desiring castration. I strongly suggest the
use of the Burdizzo clamp as it is safe and easy to use. The drawbacks
include leaving a scar along the scrotum, pain, and the possiblity of
swelling (which I beleve was exaggerated for me because of the two chomps
on the cord). Also, sometimes it will not damage the cord enought to kill
the testicle. I do not recommend surgical removal unless it is done by
a qualified individual.

I am doing and feeling great. The swelling and discoloration disappeared
within a week. During that time I think the hot baths helped more than
the cold packs. The cut along the scrotum where the tool clamped down has
completely healed. I had an ultrasound done last week and there is no
blood supply to the testicle so the tool worked. The really crazy thing is
that the very structure of the testicle and epididimus is changing in a way
that is difficult to describe. One fun thing I can do right now is push my
finger into the testicle and it leaves a dent.

Again, I feel the burdizzo clamp method of castration is the only way to
go. If you have questions about it's use I suggest posting an inquiry to
alt.eunuchs.questions where there
are many people to help you.

submitted by: Anonymous on: 01 Jan. 1997 in

Male Nullo

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