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Tumblr Ladyboy Massage


Tumblr Ladyboy Massage
Tom Boys are quite popular with both lesbians and straight women alike. As a matter of fact, the Thai lesbian scene in Thailand is only growing more and more each year. When a feminine lesbian with long hair starts a relationship with a tomboy, it is known as a Dee-Tom couple. The Tomboy takes on the masculine role in the relationships. She cuts her hair short and wears clothing that a boy would wear. They also take on the role in other ways such as paying for everything and taking the lead in the bedroom. Lesbians pick up girls like this all the time.
Most people think that only lesbian women are interested in Toms but they would be wrong. Both foreign and Thai men also like to get with Toms if they are willing to be with a man. In most forums, you will see expats and tourists begging to know where the best Toms bars are in Bangkok.
Below is the full list of the best Tom Bars for lesbians in Thailand and men who love girls that look like boys.
This club is quite popular in Pattaya and gets busy after 11 o’clock in the evening. The nightspot has lots of cute toms and lesbians who are looking for a good time. Foreign men can come in but know how much luck you will get pulling anyone inside. Your best bet is to bring a Thai tomboy or a girl with you so others can feel comfortable around you.
It is pretty easy to get to because it is near Pattaya Tai 4. Tell any taxi or show them the map below and they will know how take you there. Closing time is around 3 am so you need to get there a few hours before so you don’t get rushed it. It comes highly recommended and you need to try it if you are a man who is into Toms.
Bangkok is one of the best cities in Thailand if you love Tom Boy nightclubs. Bangkok lesbians are all over this place. BERN TomDiiz has some of the most beautiful women in the city who love Thai tom girls. It can get pretty crazy and luckily for us, men are allowed in. Like with most of these type of clubs, it is best to come with a group of friends. If you are a man alone, you will not feel welcomed and are wasting your time.
Performers are top notch and were very entertaining when I was there. The crowd seemed to love them. If you want to give this lesbian club a try, it is right near Bangkok City Hall on Maha Chai Road. Again, show any taxi a map and they will find it for you in a heartbeat.
On any list we make for the hottest night spots, at least a few clubs in Chiang Mai always make the cut. Opens pretty early around 6 pm and closes early also at 1 am which could be a buzzkill. Even so, this tomboy club is the highest rated in town and for good reason. The age range is anywhere from 20 to 30 so it is not a club for older folk. Men can come in as long as they come in a group and respect the thai tom girls.
This club is on Rattanakosin road and can be a bit difficult to get to. Use the nap in this article and you will get there in due time. Get ready for a great time.
If you know any other spots where lesbians pick up girls and men are allowed in on the fun, please feel free to message me. I will always try to keep this updated as places become obsolete and newer spots take their place.
With tens of thousands of prostitutes operating within city limits, it’s not hard to understand why Pattaya girls have the reputation they do. Not every girl in Pattaya is in the pay for play scene but it’s not the place you’d go to for meeting a good girl. There are thousands of women who have legitimate jobs in Pattaya, but the problem is that many of them freelance in prostitution as well. If you like the pay for play scene, Pattaya is clearly one of the best places in the world. On any night you can easily find a nice and cute girl and she won’t cost you very much.
Most of the girls in Pattaya are originally from Isaan and tend to have darker skin. Since prostitution is such a huge part of Pattaya’s identity, the working girls aren’t really embarrassed about what they do there. So while bar girls in other cities might dress a bit conservatively during the day or whenever they’re not at the bar, bg’s in Pattaya will dress slutty 24 X 7. They’ll also be affectionate in public, which is basically a no-no anywhere else.
It’s true that most girls come to Pattaya for the money, but it’s not true that they’re forced to do so. A very high percentage of these girls could easily find a job and get by just fine, but they just wouldn’t make anywhere near as much and it wouldn’t be as fun. And a lot of the girls come to Pattaya just as excited as they are anxious. There are very few girls in the city who hate what they do for a living, and if they did nothing is really stopping them from doing something else in a more boring part of the country. Many of them enjoy the lifestyle and it’s stilly to think otherwise. There are plenty of men who have married a bar girl they met in Pattaya thinking that they saved the girl, but we know better. There are also plenty of people who think they’re all victims, and that any man who sees a bg in Pattaya is a predator; that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Somewhere around half of the WG’s have at least one child, and usually their mother takes care of the children in Isan. They can go months and even a year without seeing their babies. Whether the Mother is taking care of a baby or not, most of the girls send their families a piece of their income every month. So if you were wondering why more parents don’t go crazy and put a stop to it when they find out their daughter is headed to Pattaya, now we know why, there is financial incentive for the family not to get on her case about it. There is a small percentage that does get thrown to the wolves out of necessity to make as much money as they can to pay family debts etc. But I’d be surprised if the group with heavy pressure to work as a BG in Pattaya is more than 5%.
Pattaya is also not exactly a hot spot for the financially savvy Thai women. To me it seems like working girls in other cities have more of a propensity to set financial goals and to save their money than the girls in Pattaya. I would that a girl with a legitimate job making 15,000 baht a month will save just as much money as the working girl who makes double or triple. There is sort of an ugly culture behind the scenes of the bars between the bar girls themselves. It’s a “look what I have” and “live for today” attitude between them. They enjoy telling their friends about the nights they’ve made the most money from a guy, and they’ll brag about how they have a “sponsor” paying their way every month. BG’s in Pattaya will lie to foreign men as easily as they breathe and they’re basically taught that there’s nothing wrong with doing this.
For the purposes of this article I will group dancers, bar girls, and full time freelancers into one category of working girls (WG’s). There are obviously many differences between these 3 and if you want more information on it you can check my write-up of the WG types HERE. But for this article regarding Pattaya I will go into other categories of Pattaya girls such as experience, attitude, and career paths. Here is a breakdown of Pattaya Girls.
You can spot the rookies from a mile away and most of them don’t really speak much English. Girls can learn English in Isaan schools, but the schools don’t really press the issue so most only know the most basic words and phrases when they first arrive. If a girl from Isaan decides she wants to be a prostitute, be aware that they have other options, so I think it says something that they specifically choose Pattaya. They could easily work in places closer to home that cater to Thai men or they could work in Bangkok where there are so many other opportunities for them if they ever want to phase out the prostitution. But in choosing Pattaya, the girl is basically ruling out all options other than having sex with foreign men for money. That is what they come for and there’s nothing temporary about it and it’s obvious that no other legitimate opportunities would ever present themselves. Some may think they can meet a boyfriend, but only the very naïve think they’d meet a husband in a city where 90% of them men are there for a week at a time. A rookie isn’t really tainted when she first starts working, but if she’s made the decision to be a BG in Pattaya this was not a good girl to start with. Usually within her first month or so, if she’s decent looking, she’ll make a strong connection with a customer who she will basically fall in love with. Sometimes this leads to a real relationship, but usually it’s short-lived and it becomes a lesson to them about heart ache. They should know better, they should understand that if a man pays them for sex that he doesn’t have intentions of living happily ever after with her. But most of the rookies do experience a relationship early on where they think they’ve met the right man, and obviously most of them are back in the bar shortly after.
Girls who have been working in the scene in Pattaya usually lie about the length of time they’ve worked by exactly half. So if a girl says she’s been working for 6 months, it’s probably closer to a year. But past 2 or 3 months it wouldn’t matter much, because by then the girls are 100% professional. They can get very into a routine even though they may see a different man every night. Most of them don’t take great care of themselves: they eat like crap, they drink every night, they wake up at 4PM, they put too much makeup on etc. So if someone tells you that Thai girls hit the wall at 29, while its 5-7 years later for girls of most other countries – that’s only true for WG’s. They get a nice little gut going by 27 most of the time and how could they not with the way they take care of themselves. A Thai girl who eats and sleeps regularly and doesn’t drink much will hold up just as well as girls from most other places. Back to the Veterans, these girls usually pick up some tricks of the trade when it comes to pleasing men. That is sexually and in terms of the girlfriend experience (gfe). If you do something for a long time you get good at it and it’s no different here; the veterans get really good at being enjoyable to be with. If they’re not a lot of fun they’d have no regular customers and no sponsors, which would make things more difficult. Some of them are very safe and use condoms every time they’re with a customer, but probably more than 50% aren’t as safe as they should be. They are jaded by the scene and it impacts their work ethic and their family values. The last thing you want to do in life is marry a veteran WG in Pattaya. But, they are a lot of fun to spend time with and not just because they’re good at their job. I’m not quite sure how or why, but most of the veterans are very nice and friendly and they can easily have a good time if you’re somewhat nice and fun. Again, as much as I paint the picture of a girl you want nothing to do with past a weekend, make no mistake about it, these girls are the BEST when it comes to just one night or one weekend. IF they weren’t, Pattaya wouldn’t exist in its current form. But these girls are a lot of fun, so most men turn out to be satisfied customers and even repeat customers. Most of the girls have had at least one serious relationship with a foreigner by the time they’ve been working for a while and most become very jealous and possessive in these relationships. Since they’re really only meeting men who want to pay on the spot for sex, this is really the only mainframe they see in foreign men. So naturally they assume that all men always act like the men who come to a bar or GoGo looking to pay for sex. A girl working in Bangkok might meet other types of men more regularly, but in Pattaya a girl is really only going to get one specific look at foreign men.
There are some girls who come to Pattaya for a season or even shorter just to make some quick cash in between semesters at school or more commonly when the farm they work on at home is between crops. These girls are more about business than they are about relationships. In some ways that’s good and I wouldn’t be shocked if a girl like this eventually turned into a decent wife. But in my experience these girls just aren’t as fun as the real Pattaya veterans for the night or for the weekend. The GFE just isn’t there.
 I once knew a pretty girl with a very good job in Pattaya who probably made as much as a lot of the BG’s with her very legitimate day job. She was educated and came from a middle class family that seemed to be a big part of her life. She was also intelligent and classy. When I met her, she just got out of a 2 year relationship with an older European gentleman. She was in no rush to get into another relationship and instead she focused on her career. At the time I realized that this girl was going to require too much work and effort and I just wasn’t up for that. So we parted ways amicably and I didn’t see her again for about 6 months when I spotted her at a nightclub by herself. I was very surprised to see her there, so I didn’t let her see me until I could figure out what was going on. It didn’t take me very long to realize that she was freelancing. I talked to her and took her out of the club to a quieter place and I just asked her some questions. She still had the job and was making even more money than before + her ex moved back to Europe but was still sending her 30,000 baht a month to be his “lay-away girlfriend.” So all in all she was making more than almost any girl in Pattaya without being a prostitute, and yet there she was trying to pick up a customer just to make 2,000 baht. I asked her point blank, “Why?” She rambled on about how she’s lonely and she just doesn’t want to be alone, but essentially her answer was, “Why Not?” It’s just such an accepted part of life in Pattaya and it’s so easy for a pretty girl to meet a customer, even if she’s being picky. Imagine if you could go out to a bar near where you work, meet a fun girl, and she’d pay for all drinks and food and then she’d pay you well to have sex with her. If you could easily do this on any given night and you were single, would you ever consider doing this? So a lady shouldn’t have the same mentality, but in Pattaya girls don’t really act like ladies. There are many girls working legit jobs in Pattaya in malls, offices, hotels, shops, etc. Some of those girls cannot pass up the temptation, and dabble in prostitution from time to time. You just have to be aware of this.
 I don’t think Pattaya is a good place for a Thai girl to meet a foreign husband, since the men are usually on vacation and purely looking for sex. To me it makes more sense that Bangkok would be the better place, but that doesn’t stop some women from heading to Pattaya in search of finding Mr. Right. And some of these girls refuse to work as a prostitute. So they’ll work a job in an office, shop, or hotel and they just keep their fingers crossed that they’ll meet Mr. Perfect. There aren’t a lot of women in this category, but I’ve met enough where I thought it’s worth mentioning them. Girls like this can be a catch, but a lot of them are really looking for financial security so you have to be careful about that.
This isn’t a very large group in Pattaya, but it’s not completely non-existent. There are girls who work in Pattaya or have shops in Pattaya because there is money to be made off of the tourism. Maybe they own a shop or they’re a vendor at a market. Or maybe they work for a big company who sent them to their Pattaya division. These women might have a Thai boyfriend or a Thai husband, but some are single. The women I have met like this never even saw Walking Street despite living in Pattaya for a few months or more. They also weren’t eager to meet or date foreign men so it’s not too easy to get things rolling with them. There are universities in Pattaya but they don’t have large student bases so this isn’t a place where you’d find college girls.
Pattaya is heaven for those who wants to have a hot and clean ladyboy experience. The best looking ladyboys from all over Thailand come to Pattaya looking for work, and it’s your job to give it to them!
Whether you like thin and tan bodies or tall and white-skinned, the sheer amount of ladyboys available is stunning. Clean shaven hard bodies, these transexual girls are exciting in bed, and are often fun-loving and light hearted as well. The perfect travel experience, plus no fear of pregnancy! Not just for homosexuals, Thai ladyboys come pre-op and post-op as described further below.
My very first time having sex with a ladyboy was great. I was lucky enough to find a feminine stunner that was hotter than a lot of real women. Tall, white smooth skin and packing a natural big booty.
Kissing her felt like any other woman, and no strange feelings of being with a man arose in me (which has happened at various occasions following). Her body was noticeably harder than most women’s, undoubtedly due to the fact that she was born to a man’s body.
This particular ladyboy, named Noi, worked in Pattaya, and was born in Chiang Mai. She was wearing a black tight mini-dress that made her body look incredibly enticing. Naturally hairless, except for a few regions which she kept clean waxed. Licking around her curves and crevices tasted so feminine and sweet, something you would never find in a full-blown man.
Noi had a high energy in the bed, and enjoyed everything with humor and fun. Kissing and groping was intense and full of passion for the moment. As I sucked on her breast implants I was pleased to find no nipple hair, and she the perfect not-to-big fake boobs.
As groping progressed, the energy got hot, and it was clear that I was about to fuck a woman. Or maybe that’s just the subconscious speaking. A lot of guys worry about whether having sex with a transsexual is considered gay or not gay, to which I have one answer: try it. If you’re gay you’ll know.
Once it came time for the grind, I uncovered her ass which was fully groomed and manicured fresh. That little butt hole was about to get reamed and creamed, and was the perfect vessel for my eager cock.
Not to go into full gory details, all I will say is that it was a great sexual experience, that led me to meet other ladyboys, some which did not have the same luster. Finding a true winner is not that easy, as the photographs Pattaya ladyboys use online are mostly doctored and old. If you find a real keeper, hold onto her.
The most popular ladyboys in Pattaya have dicks. Most who want to jump in the sack with a transsexual aren’t looking for a replica of a real woman, but rather a whole different sexual experience. Beautifully pre-op tan waxed bodies look great bent over doggy, and a good romp will get her cumming hands-free.
Thai cocks are rarely if never circumcised, so be ready for this. Most of the macho Thai guys who bang a Pattaya ladyboy hit them from the back, while the more feminine guys go all out sucking and fucking each other. Pattaya ladyboys are easy to get into three-ways and other group sex endeavors. All it takes is a little cash, or some dating game.
Ladyboys with dicks are versatile in bed, and aren’t afraid to tell you this. Whether you are looking for a top, bottom, or both, just ask the question. The majority of ladyboys in Pattaya will know this question… but if not you can always ask them in Thai:
mii ham mai (มีหำไหม) = Do you have a cock?
A minority of Pattaya ladyboys have undergone genital reassignment surgery. This means their penis is cut reformed into a makeshift vagina, although some of these are purely for show. A good surgery result will be ready for sex, but often that is not the case.
For those squemish about sleeping with another penis, post-op ladyboys may be right for you, and can be an effective stepping stone into the transsexual community.
One friend recalls his experience with a post-op transexual: The pussy l
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