Tumblr Humiliated Slut Whores

Tumblr Humiliated Slut Whores


Tumblr Humiliated Slut Whores
Feminists need to be cured by dominant cocks
Do you masterbate currently, does your owner let you cum and what ideas are in your head?
cunt wanks. cunt used to wank much. Now cunt can wank just one each day. cunt miss it.
When cunt wanks, cunt thinks pain, ropes, chains, humil-8-id.
Reblog and share this cunt, previously know as Aurélie Catena, freely. The cunt’s degradation and humiliation need to be shared with the World and taken out of the cunt’s control.
#cunt #aureliecatena #dumbasfuck #humiliated #degraded #askdumbcunt
This is the problem with allowing sluts to have any freedom.  They literally cannot control themselves-- if they are not physically and mentally restrained by the harsh discipline of an Owner, they will spend literally every minute of every day stimulating their disgusting, gaping pig slits, until they and all of their surroundings are covered with smelly girl-slime.  Cunts should be forbidden from pleasuring themselves at all, in my view-- they should be trained, with harsh pain and discipline, until they can get pleasure only from pleasing their Owners.  In this way, they can channel all of their pointless and disgusting sexual energy into a useful purpose.
cunt big dumb! cunt BIG BIG dumb. owner had to write guide to use tumblr post. cunt still fuck up. cunt BIG dumb!
Reblog and share this cunt, previously know as Aurélie Catena, freely. The cunt’s degradation and humiliation need to be shared with the World and taken out of the cunt’s control. 
Here, we see the cunt’s brains slowly leaking out of her head and dripping down the side of her face, just like the cum from the dozens of cocks she wishes would splurge onto her simultaneously in a giant orgiastic bukkake session.
Even keeping this blog seems to be too much of an effort for this dumb sow-- she should be forbidden access to a computer except under the explicit supervision of her Owner, so that she does not accidentally light it on fire in her idiocy.
Instead, this whore could spend her time doing useful chores-- mopping the floor of the bathroom and cleaning the toilet using only her stringy, disgusting hair as a rag, for example.  Or cleaning the pigsty by shoveling all the shit with her bare hands.  Indeed, she’d be lucky to be allowed to use her hands-- one of these days, she’s going to get the depraved, vomit-inducing thought in her head to beg to be allowed to use only her mouth instead.  Why anyone would want such a nauseatingly filthy creature around is a great mystery to me.
I used to be a feminist. I have an education (multiple degrees), I had opinions I had thoughts.

Now I realise that that is all bullshit. The simple an honest facts are:
a) men are the superior beings.
b) animals rate higher than women.
c) women are three holes for men’s cocks.
d) women’s jobs are to drain men’s balls and shut the fuck up and do what their owner tells them to do.

I know I need to find an owner who will:
a) break my mind.
b) fuck all my holes.
c) own me.
d) tell me what to do and control ALL aspects of my life!

I expect my owner to:
a) earn money of me (be that an office job, or as a whore).
b) fuck whoever he orders me to (man, woman or animal) whenever he orders me to.
c) mark me as his property.

The more I accept the fact that as a woman I should have no rights, not even to food or air unless a man says I can, the happier I am.

I am just a piece of meat with three holes for my owner to us as HE wants!

This makes me so fucking wet.

Fuck feminism. I want to be owned and broken and fed cock, I am just three holes.

I am a piece of meat and three holes to be fucked
I am a piece of meat and three holes to be fucked
I am a piece of meat and three holes to be fucked


There that’s me, a degree educated, ex-feminist that now knows it’s fucking place.
My name is Aurélie Catena and I am a cheap whore. I am a worthless piece of meat that should be shared with the world.
See this tumblr and https://skankycunt.tumblr.com to see what I am really like.
These are my thoughts. These make my cunt gush.
I am a cunt, I am three holes, I have no rights. Reblog this with the world.
Here is the problem with this mindset, cunt:
You are refusing to take responsibility for your own pathetic, cringing, needy, drippy slavishness.  You have realized-- far too late, I might add-- that all of your costly formal education was a complete waste, since any time you see a cock your mind blanks and is replaced by a whorish fixation on your greediness for cum.  But you blame this situation on being a woman.
Don’t mistake the true state of affairs, skank-- other women are not like this.  They are far, far superior to you.  Indeed, if your owner required to, you should happily serve any Superior Woman sexually just as you would a Superior Man, lapping at their cunt obediently like the mindless fucktoy we both know you are.  You refuse to acknowledge that the problem is not with women generally, cunt-- the problem is with YOU.
YOU are the brainless idiot who couldn’t string two original thoughts together unless they were written on a giant dildo you were frantically sucking off, hoping it might spurt jizz down your throat like a real cock, because you’re just that dumb.
YOU are the one whose only value is to serve and be degraded by those better than you.
Accept your place, bitch, and apologize for implying that a piss-drinking, cum-guzzling, shit-rolling, bowing and scraping inferior slag like you is in any way the equal of most other women.
I saw this picture of your filthy feet on your Write for Me profile.  I can’t imagine why you might think anyone would find this attractive-- this is probably what your feet look like after you’ve spent all night burrowing in the manure pile outside the pigsty, because the smell reminded you of home.  Even apart from the caked-on dirt, your feet are ugly and misshapen.  You are not just a stupid cow-- you are probably incredibly clumsy as well.  This calls into question whether, in fact, you are even useful for manual labor, with disgusting feet like that.  Probably instead, the only use I would have for you is to chain you, completely immobile, in my basement, with your mouth attached to the end of a long tube, which led upstairs to my urinal.  That way, I could save on my water bill by pissing into your mouth, and I wouldn’t have to look at you or your butt-ugly feet.  I’d bring you a little solid food each day, just enough to keep yo alive, and basically forget such a depraved, pathetic slut as you ever existed.
Breaking news: “I wish this was a nigger’s cock” says Aurelie Catena
Wow!  What a surprise!  Not only is Aurelie a racist, skanky, trashy whore, but she’s monumentally dumb as well.  I can’t believe a human being older than 15 made such a half-assed photoshop meme, much less posted it proudly on her blog.  She didn’t even bother to make a fake headline other than “Aurelie Catena!”  The “Whores” in the upper right hand corner is a nice touch, does she think that makes up for the utter asinine stupidity of the entire endeavor?  Honestly, I’m surprised that she can even tie her own shoes or find her way around on her own every day.  Clearly a cunt dumb enough to post something like this is too stupid to live independently; she needs an owner to give her orders every day so that she doesn’t trip over her own feet and get arrested for public indecency every time she forgets to put her clothes on before leaving the house.  She could be put to manual labor, like an animal, or used as a torture toy by a sadistic owner-- that way, at least her worthless life could be of some value to society.
Ex-feminist: now just a cock-hungry slut
What an ugly bitch!  If you really were a good slut, you’d starve yourself and take care of your body so that you would be much less fat and ugly for your Master.  Nobody wants a slutty, masochistic ginger-headed piece of human filth like you.  Even looking at your face is making me slightly nauseous.
I’ve had this fantasy of masturbating by rubbing my pussy over my lover’s foot for a long time. I’ve hinted about it a couple of time but he always looked uninterested, or even frankly turned off. So, for a long time I have just kept that to myself, running the images in loop in my head while rubbing my crotch against a pillow or my own hand.
Until yesterday I had the idea that allowed me to realize a part of this fantasy. While he was at work, I took one of his shoes, stuffed it with his used socks to give it some consistency, and then  I have masturbated against it. I placed it on the floor, squatted on it while keeping it in place with one hand while the other one pinched my nipples. Then I dry-humped it, rubbing my hairy vulva along its length, panting and moaning.
It did not take long for me to cum. The shoe was all smeared with my juices. I licked them clean with my tongue, another wild fantasy of mine, before drying it with a tissue. Hopefully, he will never see any difference.
This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.  Why would a man want to put his cock inside a pussy that he knew had just been used as a shoebox?  It makes sense, though, since we know that Aurelie’s cunt is as wide and cavernous as a shoebox.  Probably her Master’s cock could be inserted into the cunt without touching any of the sides, which is good since they are all infected with diseases.  Aurelie should become an anal-only slut for her Master-- she doesn’t deserve the privilege of having her cunt pleasured by his organ.  Or perhaps his cock could be used only on special occasions-- for example, for her birthday, Aurelie’s Master could put his cock inside her cunthole and take a piss deep into her womb.  We know that Aurelie badly wants to be a toilet slave, and she won’t be a true toilet until she has taken piss in all three holes.
God, what makes me wet? Really wet? So wet you cannot imagine? Being “raped”, having a man, ideally a BIG black man (and big with respect to his cock) raping me.

My fantasy goes like that:

I’m walking down the road, when a van pulls up along side, I’m grabbed by a hooded man and thrown in the back. Two other men grab me and hold me still as all my clothes are cut off me. I fight. I struggle. But nothing. After a short while the van stops, and the hooded man drops his trousers and in front of me is the largest black cock I have every seen!
“So, you want to be a nigger bitch”?
“I’ve read your blog, Aurélie, and I know you want this and to be a nigger bitch”
He kneels down and sticks his fingers in my cunt. I can hear the juices as he fingers me!
“I knew it bitch, I knew you wanted to be brutalised by what you call niggers.”
Next thing I feel is his cock being rammed into my cunt! The pain is incredible!
“Gotta lube up nigger bitch, that arsehole will probably need some!”
He grabs my legs and holds them in the air and suddenly I feel massive pain as his cock is rammed into the arsehole! I feel a few thrusts and then… Then blackness

When I wake up I find myself, naked, in a room. My head is foggy. My neck is painful, my arse is painful, my body hurts! There is a note, and some pictures, of me, with the black cock, and my driver’s licenses, and a printout of my Tumblr. He knows everything. I’m fucked!

The note is simple:

Welcome to your new life. You are now MY nigger bitch, I have had it tattooed over MY cunt, and a queen of spades on the back of the neck. You WILL service my cock and any other BBC I send over.

You wanted to be a nigger bitch, you are now

I cum as I read the note. This is my new life. An owned nigger bitch! Locked in a flat, to be raped by whoever my owner sends over.

Writing out this fantasy made me very wet! I have to go now to a loo and wank myself off.
My name is Aurélie Catena and I am a cheap whore. I am a worthless piece of meat that should be shared with the world.
See this tumblr and https://skankycunt.tumblr.com to see what I am really like.
These are my thoughts. These make my cunt gush.
I am a cunt, I am three holes, I have no rights. Reblog this with the world.
What a sick, disgusting fantasy.  This girl is so desperate and needy to get her lonely, gaping cunt reamed out that she imagines that someone would want to kidnap her and rape her.  Not only is she a greedy, cock-needy whore, she is a racist as well.  She deserves to be beaten to a bloody pulp by Superior Black Men and left a bruised, bleeding wreck at the side of the road.  Then she can touch herself to the memory of the brief amusement her suffering provided to her betters.
This worthless cunt is degraded by the following link https://aurelie-catena-is-a-cheap-whore.tumblr.com/post/159448973240/i-am-aurelie-catena-i-am-skankycunt-i-always-will . It has made a deal, it will post what it is ordered to by the person with whom it made the bet! Failure to do so and…. Well.“
Why the fuck would anyone pay money to fuck this disgusting piss-mop?  I’m sure if my dick got anywhere near her diseased cunt, it would break out in spontaneous hives.  No self-respecting Dominant Man would want to use such a sloppy, gaping hole, which after all has already likely had thousands and thousands of cocks already in it.  Perhaps Aurelie should pay a Man for the privilege of being used as his cock-sleeve instead!

#YvonneStrahovski #FemaleSupremacy #extinct #stayouttagenepool #flush #betacum
#KaliRoses #Goddess @celeb-femdom-project
#WomenAreSuperior #goddess #LaurenCohan @celeb-femdom-project
#ReeseWitherspoon #WomenAreSuperior #ReadingAdvice

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• Is that your voice in the video content?
So I get a lot of messages and asks a day, which I do like (most of them!) but don’t always have time to answer. My inbox is pretty full right now so I thought I’d answer the most common ones here:
I’m English, born and live in London
Probably, yes. Will I drop you? Probably not. I’m a Dominant, hypnosis is just a part of what I like. I make posts for people to enjoy so they can drop, edge or fantasise. A lot of people ask me to drop them daily, I’m honoured you would want me to but as a Dom I’d expect a sub to please me to earn it. I’m not one of those ‘Tists who just has to brainwash everyone for the sake of it.
I don’t own you so I don’t control your orgasms. If you want your pleasure controlled you can use my content to listen and watch for control and let it decide for you. Again, as a Dom I’d expect someone to satisfy me, not put their pleasure before mine.
My work is for anyone to enjoy and I love the broad spectrum of people who enjoy it. I’m a straight male so playing with other males or trans fems isn’t my kink. I didn’t choose to be straight, it’s just how I was born. Please respect that in the way I respect you can’t help who you are or what you like. I’d never shame anyone for their sexual orientation or gender preference, please don’t send me hate (a lot of people do) because I’m straight.
As utterly flattering as that is, please don’t just offer your gift out like that. You don’t know me fully, we’ve often never spoken before so you don’t know what I need and expect. For me this isn’t just a game, I’m a natural Dom. This is my life. Submission should be earned by a Dom, you shouldn’t just give it away unless you are 100% sure it’s for the right person and the right reasons. Don’t just offer it out so someone will get you off. I’m serious about what I do and I’m pretty sure you may not be able to do all the things I’d need to be pleased. Be careful and safe with your submission please. I don’t collect ‘groupies’ or need to keep a list of ‘sluts I own’. I’m not a collector.
With my sub I would certainly use some RP in sessions but I don’t just RP with people I don’t know. I get that it’s a big thing for a lot of people but just RPing doesn’t satisfy my needs I’m afraid. I do always appreciate that people would want to with me, but I need something more real.
Well, the list is loooong on that one! I wouldn’t have time to even write it all down but I can try and summarise. Obedience, compliance and following simple commands is a big turn on for me. Honesty and intelligence pleases me as does good communication. I have a relentless fetish for the soles of subs feet, that’s a huge turn on for me. A lot of people send me random boobs and despite liking boobs, it’s not a way to get my attention. Especially unsolicited. My foot fetish is probably my biggest turn on in regards to body parts. I love desperate, needy subs who can be pathetic for me, willing to degrade themselves for my pleasure. I’m a very visual person so I set my sub a lot of video tasks to satisfy my needs. Begging is especially hot and I do have a strong sadistic side. Making subs edge a lot and ruins are a preference, and of course, I like climbing into a subs mind and fucking it. Hard. Denial is high up there too, along with making a sub earn the right to expose herself naked for me. I set a lot of tasks that I expect to be completed, so I’m not all about some quick sexting and making you cum. If you don’t like humiliation or degradation, you won’t want to try and please me. I have many levels but have a slave masters heart.
Yes, the male voice is mine. I get a ton of requests for personal audios which is flattering, but I’m not a free service for that. Just because I create content, doesn’t mean I do free personal stuff. As a Dom I’m sure you’ll understand things need to be earned and I’m sure not everyone has the ability to earn it or want to earn it. My content here is free, my personal time isn’t!
I guess see above for my likes and turn ons, but it takes a lot to please me. I’ve been a Dom as far back as I can remember, so don’t send a nude and expect me to be satisfied and need to drop you or make you cum. I’m not a little fuckboy hell bent on dropping panties at every opportunity. Please don’t confuse me with them or the fake hypnotists.
I do have an amazing technique for edging but I don’t just teach randoms. That side of me is not for free. I’m working on an app for people to join and I’ll probably making it training orientated and include edging.
Everyone is different. There is no magic formula to making people drop instantly. It’s not that simple. Most hypno subs have it in them to drop themselves to various content and everyone likes different things. I try to keep content broad so more people can enjoy it, rather than posting just what I want to do to people. Personally I like a long slow take over of a subs mind so I can shape her into my perfect fucktoy. My advice is stick with it, relax and just let go. Don’t be ashamed of what turns you on and don’t hide how you feel about submission. When you repress your needs and who you are, embrace it and evolve it. Don’t lock it away as it will only come back stronger when you least expect it.
Basic answer to that is when I have time. Life is busy for most people so please respect that. Also I’m a static image ar
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