Tumblr Hot Mature Mamas

Tumblr Hot Mature Mamas


Me when Obsidian came onscreen, knowing full well what she was gonna look like beforehand:
Популярные блоги на тему "hot-mamma"
Comic book reading, cupcake baking, metal music rocking hot mama.
Simple & Strange Aesthetics + New Mom In Need
I've spent most of my adult life drinking and smoking and kicking ass. Now I'm on a path to treating my body and spirit like I've always deserved.
The previous post didn't really get into the setbacks. I guess I'm not ready to discuss those in depth, but here's a laundry list: big loss on a case + other factors triggered depression, neck/back pain both helped and exacerbated by chiropractic treatment, chiropractic & physical therapy 3x/week = eating up lots of time, dog had ACL surgery & we've been home bound taking care of him, and work & volunteer obligations kicked into high gear the past couple of months. So, there you have my excuses.
First, I've been neglecting the hell out of this site. Sorry. So, quick update: I ran a 10K. Check! I've been keeping up with running, but I've found it's harder to go it alone & push myself. I'd like to get back into a running group ASAP. I bought a bike, so I'm starting to get into the mindset of biking places I would usually drive. Obstacles: time and Texas heat. We'll see how that goes, but rising gas prices provides some motivation. Finances? Sigh. I'm working on it. Right now my downfall has been wanting to spend lots of money on my body: bike, running group, boot camp, Pilates, barre, massages, chiropractic, healthy food, acupuncture, equipment, race entries. All worthy expenditures, but being broke and watching the credit card debt climb up is not fun. So, I'm working on finding a good middle ground. The other grown up stuff hasn't happened yet, but it will. Hell, I still have 7.5 months, right? Triathlon training is happening, but not to my satisfaction. I'm hoping I can amp it up this month so I feel better about it. I think I'm in overload right now & working out all the time eats up so much of my schedule. And I've got so many demands on my time right now. But I'll make it work, like I always do. In other news, this is my first text post done entirely on my iPhone. Impressive, right? I've barely fat fingered anything!
Run 3.1 miles without stopping: check
I am ROCKING through my resolutions, people. Last Saturday I dragged ass out of bed for my running group, despite a slight headache & the return of The Diarrhea. Thanks to the power of Immodium and sheer force of will, I made it through without any embarrassing and disgusting incidents.
Saturdays are designated as long run days. For my beginner's group, we have the option of either joining a couple of run/walk groups, where they work up to running for longer and longer stretches at a time, or consistently running for a set amount of time or distance. This week the all-running group was slated to run for 30 minutes straight or 3 miles. Despite my health issues, I pushed myself to join the latter group.
I grabbed my iphone and turned on the Pandora station I've created to give me the most running motivation, the Trans Am station. I started up the RunKeeper app and away I went.
It really helps me to run in a group because although it's not competitive, it's just enough competition/motivation to keep me going past the point where I'd usually say, "Fuck it" and just walk. I made it past the point where my legs felt like lead, past the point where my lungs were burning, past the point where my runny nose was unbearable and past the point where the congestion in my throat was so bad I finally attempted to spit and ended up with saliva running down the front of my shirt. I am not sexy when I'm running. I made it past the 15 minutes point and kept going that extra little bit to make sure I got in at least three miles. I made it past the point where my right hip was killing me and I wanted to stop - oh god how I wanted to stop - but the finish line was in sight and I knew I could keep pushing, keep going just a little longer. And then I pushed through the pain and suddenly I was running faster and when I made it back to the end, I wanted to just keep going.
Now I understand why people like to run.
what if tomorrow is the day the fuckin aliens came, like do we even have the type of weaponry to fuck with their shit???? I go to school for beauty. so. like. yeah.
Since my bra size is 32c right now. What do you think my size would be when I'm 14, 15, or 16
idk but tbh you are gonna have big boobs! lol
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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
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Hey, this post may contain adult content, so we’ve hidden it from public view.

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