Tumblr Degrade Her

Tumblr Degrade Her


Tumblr Degrade Her
I really thought that as a society, we were past the stage of slamming women and referring to them as “hoes” and “b!tch” and objectifying them. Men need to get it through their thick skulls that we don’t just dress to impress you guys, and also, learn to take a hint.
People need to realize that we’re currently undergoing one of the most drastic times in the history of our world, and our current pandemic situation isn’t one to be taken lightly.
A lot of people are dying from this virus, and as of now, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better (as far as what we’re hearing/reading on the news).
Bottom line is, this is a serious issue and should be treated as such. There’s so many of us who are vulnerable to this illness, but just because it’s more likely to affect that particular demographic, doesn’t mean that the rest of us should just shrug it off. We need to take it as seriously as though it will affect us, too. Even if we’re young and healthy… We still need to watch out, though.
The virus has very undesirable side effects (lung failure, etc.), so even if you’ve recovered from it, your lungs will still be brutally damaged, and that’s something we need to take into consideration.
It’s not a time to be making jokes about it, saying that it’s not an effing big deal when OF COURSE IT IS when people across the world are literally being affected by it every waking hour of every waking minute of the day.
We need to watch what we say and do, when it comes to this issue. Our “president” (or should I even call him that) who’s supposed to be leading us and coming up with a plan of some kind to—I don’t know, maybe SAVE SOME LIVES—just says the stupidest sh!t that comes out of his mouth which I’m not even sure is in proper English anymore, and doesn’t even seem to care or even take it seriously. And as our “president”, he is a PERFECT example of the targeted demographic for this virus (his age, of course), so technically HE is a vulnerable individual to the virus. 
But of course, he barely gives a damn and meanwhile, our economy isn’t even getting any better. I feel very bad for not only myself, but also my fellows peers and those who graduated this year and are planning to seek jobs and such… But HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THE RECESSION IF THE “PRESIDENT” WON’T TAKE ANY ACTION?
On another note… This virus isn’t something that under any circumstances should anyone “fake” having. It’s very serious, and can kill you. It’s not like the typical flu that you get every season; this is much WORSE, and it CAN kill you. So, 1): Don’t effing joke about having COVID-19 or any symptoms relating to it.
2): Show some compassion towards the elderly (who are the main targeted group, again like our freaking “PRESIDENT”). What if you have an elderly relative you’re very close with? Why would you disregard their life as if it didn’t matter, and yours is the only one that does? Knock it the f— off, please!
3): Also, it’s disgusting how nihilistic Americans are. Uh, no, your life is not “meaningless”, nor is anyone else’s. We’re all placed on this Earth for a reason, to make something of our lives. Treat yours with respect, and that of others’ as well. Some lamebrain from Florida actually once said a while back that if he “gets Corona”, then he’ll “get it.” You know, as in, “Oh, I don’t care if I’ll die from a freaking illness that has been claiming so many lives worldwide.”
So, in other words, you don’t care if you die from an illness? Because, you know, “we’re all gonna die anyway, so what’s the whole point?” I am really pissed off right now by this statement. Don’t even go there, guys.
And lastly, SOCIAL DISTANCING IS STILL A THING. It’s too bad nobody is practicing it or even taking it as seriously. If you don’t practice keeping a minimum of 6ft away from other people, you’re less likely to “flatten the curve.” Practice it. It saves lives.
Unless you’re an essential worker (doctors, nurses, officers, firefighters, etc)., PLEASE STAY THE HELL HOME, UNLESS YOU HAVE A LEGITIMATE REASON FOR WANTING TO GO OUT (groceries, bank, etc).
PS: Going to the bar IS NOT a legitimate reason. I doubt that any bar will be opened, so drunkards should probably find another way to booze themselves to death WITHOUT GOING TO A FREAKING BAR. THEY’RE ALL *CLOSED*!
I think I’ve said all that I needed to say in this really long “rant”, but if there’s anything else that I’m missing, then I’ll be sure to add a Part 2 so that I can get my message across.
It’s funny how we constantly throw the word “slut” around without even knowing what it really means.
When you say, “That girl looks like a slut”, what exactly does that mean? How does a slut “look”? Is someone who wears revealing clothing, showing off a little skin, classifying them as “slutty”? Of course not, that’s what most girls are wearing today!
But then again, what about a girl who has multiple partners? Yeah, you may not find it attractive but it’s HER OWN FUCKING CHOICE. You don’t get to control how she lives her life, or her love life.
And what about girls getting pregnant at a young age? Of course teen pregnancy isn’t something to be glorified, but it happens. IT HAPPENS. They’re still clearly young, but that doesn’t make them to be labeled a slut because you don’t even know shit about them, or their life story and their situation.
Moral of the story, don’t judge someone unless you know exactly what it is they’ve been going through. It’s sad that we live in such a culture where slut-shaming is justified. I also take it that women victims of rape/assault of any kind have been “asking for it”?
That’s really disgusting the way we think in our society, very disturbing and twisted views of women.
I’ll just end it with this, if you don’t know what she is going through, DON’T DEGRADE HER AND TREAT HER AS ANYTHING LESS THAN HUMAN.
Think before you run your mouth. Knock it off.
Hey guys, please listen to episode 3 of my podcast, “Story of My Life!”
Hey guys, please listen to episode 2 of my podcast, “Story of My Life”!
Hey guys, please check out my podcast, “Story of My Life” now available on SoundCloud! Check out the other two episodes as well, and I’m about to post my fourth episode soon. I’ll keep you updated every now and then. I appreciate it!

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
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