Tumblr Dare Sex

Tumblr Dare Sex


Tumblr Dare Sex
Zayn: You were hanging with your best friend, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends band mates that just so happen to be One Direction. You were all having a good time laughing and eating pizza.
“How about we play a game of truth or dare” Eleanor suggested. Everyone agreed in excitement. 
“I will go first! Louis truth or dare?” Harry asked,
“I dare you to run outside naked.” Everyone laughed not expecting him to do it but Louis ran out of the house naked and screaming who knows what. 
“I will get you back later Styles, but for now y/n truth or dare?” Louis asked you.
“Truth” you replied not wanting to have to do anything like run outside naked. Eleanor whispered something to Louis before he asked you,
“Is it true you like Zayn?” Zayn looked up at you curiously making you blush and whispered a yes. Zayn smiled at you and before you could say another word he kissed you. 
“Finally! It’s about time you guys got the truth out” Niall shouted then everyone laughed. After that the game ended and everyone sat down to watch a movie. That night Zayn asked you to be his girlfriend.
Niall: You walk into Niall’s apartment to find your best friend (Peter), all the boys, and Josh. Of course Niall sees you, runs up to you, and hugs you, then takes the food from your hands.
“What is all of this?” You ask Niall alone in the kitchen.
“We are going to hang out and play some games." 
"Why didn’t you tell me I could of at least got home earlier and showered at least?” You say almost yelling.
“Honey, relax we all love you whether you smell or not. Go get everyone to eat.” Niall says kissing you on the forehead. 
“Fine. But while you guys are eating I am going to shower.”
“Ugh. Fine babe.” Niall says finally giving in. 
Everyone eats while you are in the shower. You finally get out of the shower. Bring your food into the living room and play Apple to Apples.
Everyone gets bored playing that so…. Zayn suggests, “ Let’s play Truth or Dare.”
Everyone agrees and you start to play.
“Dare Harry” Louis says with a smerk on his face.
“I dare you to kiss my foot!” Harry says.
“Come here baby.” Louis says to Harry in a sexual way.
Everyone goes then finally, “Niall, truth or dare.” Zayn says.
“Dare!” Niall says nervous but with a poker face.
“Make out with your girlfriend for 5 minutes.”
“Pshhhhh this is going to be easy.”
Niall looks right at you. Rubs his hand through your hair and starts to kiss you softly. He is laying on top of you. You are enjoying everything that is going on. Niall picks you up and he can’t stop kissing you now. You forgot about the rest of the boys being there until they interrupted,
Niall carries you upstairs. Pulling off your clothes everything was going so fast before you knew it it was morning. You wake up go downstairs and see everyone crashed out on all the couches. You crawl back up in bed with Niall laying your head on your chest and give him one last kiss and whisper, “I love you baby.” then fall back asleep.
Harry: “Truth or dare!!” Louis yells out. Everyone was hanging out. Harry, you, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and your best friend Ally. Ally was dating Louis and you were dating Harry. The other boys had girlfriends but they were all out or had better things to do than sit in a dorm and play dumb games all night. 
“ Ally, truth or dare?” Niall asked Ally.
“Niall keep it PG you masterbating man whore.” Louis laughed as Ally went on.
“Louis!” Ally said not surprised he said something like that. “Ummmmmmm, I will do a, I don’t know just dare me baby.” Ally said joking. 
“Switch one part of your clothing with Louis.” Niall demanded.
Ally and Louis went into the bathroom to change clothing items. Louis and Ally came out of the bathroom. Louis was walking weird. 
“Ally what item of clothing did you change with Lou because it looks like he has something stuck up his ass.”
“My thong!” Ally replies giggling. 
“Oh, that explains it.” You reply. 
Everyone was laughing as Louis went to go sit back down on the couch. 
Liam: "I am so bored.” You said with a couple of friends in your room. You had just finished up a triple date with Liam, Louis, Zayn, Eleanor, and Perrie. Everyone came home with you and Liam so you could spend some time together. Liam called Niall over too. 
Everyone was hanging out talking acting like normal couples.
Then, Louis yelled, “Guys let’s play truth or dare!!”
You weren’t to sure if you wanted to play because the boys get pretty perverted but Harry wasn’t there so you thought, “What the hell, let’s do it!”
“(Y/N), start the game off.” Liam said to you.
“Truth.” Niall replied keeping it safe.
“Why don’t you ever have a girlfriend?”
“I’m gay.I love Harry!!” Niall yells really fast trying to get it over with.
Louis started yelling, “I called it!”
After everyone finally pulled it back together we all started playing again.
“Okay now that you asked me something I kind of want to ask you something. So, (Y/N), truth or dare?”
If Niall wanted to ask you something it must have been pretty important so you answered, “Truth.”
“What do you see in Liam.” Niall asked.
“Really that is your question?” You start laughing and look at Liam, “he is amazingly smart, adorable, tall, good kisser and hugger, we just have this bond that I can’t share with anyone else.” You looked back at Niall. 
“Aww how sweet.” Perrie adds on. Liam gives you a big kiss. Everyone was acting so lovey dovey now but no one knew where Niall went. Liam turned off the TV and everyone heard a whisper in the back room.
“Harry I love you so much and you will never know how much I want to be with you don’t be mad but I told the guys we are dating. Love you got to go before they hear me talking to you.”
Liam turns on the TV real fast kisses you and says, “I love you babe.”
(Everyone who reads this we are obviously joking about Niall and Harry being gay please do not get angry or offended it is all a joke Thank You ;D) 
Louis: You, Louis, Harry, and your best friend Cora were hanging out. Harry and Cora had a little crush on each other but they didn’t know one another likes each other so you and Lou decided you should play truth or dare to get both of them to admit they like one another.
“Cora, truth or dare.” You ask your best friend.
“Woah, i never agreed to play this game. Make Harry go first.”
You were kind of surprised he already said truth but you didn’t want to ask him right away. so you asked him a different question. “Why did you date Caroline Flack?”
“Really? Love knows no age my great friend Romeo once said.” Harry replied laughing a little bit. 
“Okay whatever Harry go.” You insisted.
“Ummmmm do I have to say?” Cora said getting nervous.
“Well ya that is the point of truth or dare.” Harry replied really fast, “Who is it?”
“Y-y-y-y-y- you.” Cora said to Harry.
“Really, you do because I like you too.” Harry said. The two friends went out to go get pizza.
“Lou, I really like you too.” Of corse the 2 of you were already dating. 
"Ya sex sounds fun let’s get it on baby!!" 
Kyla: Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

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A Tumblr All About Dares Involving Nudity. (If you complete the dares and want to be featured, send your images/stories) 18+ Only


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