Tumblr Cum Surprise

Tumblr Cum Surprise


Tumblr Cum Surprise

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Classy smut for classy people by Ruby Pink
Julie uses a game to start a threesome with Alice and Dan.
It was clear to Julie that nothing would happen unless she got involved. The party wound down a while ago, and everyone had gone home except Alice’s friend Dan. There was chemistry between him and the two roommates, but he seemed reluctant to act on it. Julie could tell that Alice fancied him, but was hesitating because she could also sense a spark between him and Julie. Alice sometimes suffered from limited imagination, Julie thought, as she grabbed three beers from the fridge.
In the living room, Alice was on the couch, telling a story while gesticulating wildly with a now-empty bottle. Dan reclined in the loveseat across from her, laughing and holding a beer he’d already peeled the label from. Julie handed them each a fresh drink and sat down next to Alice.
“Let’s play truth or dare,” she suggested casually when Alice finished talking.
Alice shot her a look that said, “I see what you’re doing,” but didn’t object.
Dan leaned forward. “I’m game. Alice, you start.”
“Um, okay,” Alice smiled. “Dan, truth or dare?”
Julie rolled her eyes. “Boooooring.”
“Everyone likes her,” Julie retorted. “She wears a leather catsuit in comic book movies. Try harder.”
“Fine,” Dan laughed. “Julie, truth or dare?”
“Jason Momoa,” she purred. “Especially back when he had dreads. But I wouldn’t kick Rihanna out of my bed,” she trailed off. “…Okay, Dan, truth or dare?”
“Ever fooled around in public?” Julie leaned forward, arching her eyebrows at him.
“Um,” he hesitated, taking a sip of his beer. “I got a BJ in a movie theater once.” He turned to Alice. “Truth or dare?”
“Have you ever gone commando in public?”
“Sometimes in the summer,” Alice said with a smile. “Truth or dare?”
“Have you…” she hesitated, trying to match the spirit of his question, “ever gone streaking?”
“In high school, my shorts fell off at the pool, and the girl I had a crush on saw me, does that count?”
Dan turned back to Julie and asked, “truth or dare?”
“What age did you lose your virginity?”
“Sixteen, to a guy on the soccer team. Really nice legs, but surprisingly little stamina.” Alice laughed, and Julie asked her, “truth or dare?”
“What kind of panties are you wearing?”
Alice shot a nervous glance in Dan’s direction, but answered the question. “A black mesh thong.”
“Nice, date night underwear!” Julie laughed, giving Dan a thumbs-up as Alice blushed.
“Fine, I see how it is,” Alice said with bravado. “Truth or dare?”
“Gladly!” Julie winked at Dan while cupping her breasts. “It’s my favorite, blue satin with lace at the top of the cups. Super cute.” He nodded approvingly, raised his beer to her, and they both took a drink. Julie looked back at Alice. “Truth or dare?”
“Why don’t you tell Dan,” she said with a knowing grin, “what you wear to sleep?”
“Um,” Alice stammered, “just some shorts and a tank top.”
“That’s a lie,” Julie snorted. “You sleep nak—ow!” She rubbed her arm where Alice had elbowed her. “Dan, truth or dare.”
“Just boxers,” Dan said, clearly still savoring the thought of Alice sleeping naked. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Julie grinned, knowing what was coming.
“Alice’s bed, if I’m drunk,” She paused for a moment to savor the surprise on his face. Alice hid her face in her hands and groaned. Ignoring this, Julie leaned conspiratorially towards Dan. “Truth or dare?”
“Uh, truth,” he answered, still trying to decide if she was joking.
“I mean… yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, it does. Alice, truth or dare?”
Alice let out a long sigh and sat up straighter, as if resolving not to feel embarrassed. “Yes. Now and then. Usually, she just wants to make out a bit, and sometimes…” She looked at Julie, smiling despite herself. “I don’t mind.”
Dan looked like he wanted to ask a million follow-up questions, but instead, he nodded thoughtfully and took a sip of his beer. “Well, alright.”
“Have you ever made out with a roommate?”
“No, I’ve only had male roommates. When they’re drunk, they’re more likely to pass out playing Madden in the living room than climb into my bed.” Dan turned his attention back to Julie. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” she grinned, starting to really enjoy herself.
“Drunk roommate make-out sessions aside, have you ever hooked up with a woman?”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time!” They all laughed. “More girls than guys, to be honest.” She waited for Dan to take an awkwardly long sip of his beer and asked, “truth or dare?”
“Drunk roommate make-out sessions aside,” she echoed his question back to him, “have you ever hooked up with a man?”
“Too bad, guys making out gets Alice hot,” she replied, ducking a pillow Alice threw at her.
“Alice, truth or dare?” Dan asked, picking up the pillow and handing it back to her.
“Thank you, and truth.” She smirked at Julie, who stuck her tongue out at her.
“It sounds like Julie’s bisexual,” he started, getting a big thumbs up from Julie. “What about you?”
“I mean, who isn’t at least a bit bi?” Alice shrugged and took a big drink. “Truth or dare?”
“What’s your manscaping situation?”
Dan raised an eyebrow as Alice tried to play it cool. “Short and tidy. Truth or dare?”
“What’s your ladyscaping situation?”
“I just trim. Hair’s there for a reason, and I can’t be bothered to shave all the time.” Sensing Julie’s eagerness, she turned and with exaggerated formality said, “Julie, would you like a truth or a dare?”
“I already know the answer, but I don’t want you to feel left out of the grooming discussion. Would you like to share with the class?”
“You know I take it all off, babe!” Julie blurted. “I keep offering to refer you to my waxer!” Turning to Dan, she explained, “she’s this great old Hungarian lady, fantastic technique. Truth or dare?”
“Do you prefer smooth as silk,” she said, gesturing toward her lap, “or classic 70s bush?”
“I do not have a 70s bush!” Alice protested, swatting Julie’s hand away.
Dan looked nervous and held up both hands as if to ward off the choice. “You know, regardless of the landscaping, I’m just happy to get a tour of the garden. Julie, truth or dare?”
“Alright, Dan!” Julie laughed, “now you’re getting into the spirit of the game! Yeah, I go through my share of batteries. Truth or dare?”
“Daily, before I go to sleep. Alice, truth or dare?”
Alice took a slow sip of her beer, hesitating before answering. “In the shower this morning. Julie, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Julie beamed. She felt this was going extremely well.
“What do you think about when you masturbate?”
“Two guys at once!” She answered with no hesitation, and Alice nearly choked. Dan looked impressed. “Sometimes it’s dudes I saw at the gym. Sometimes it’s old crushes. But they always make me a Julie sandwich.” She waggled her eyebrows at Dan as he and Alice both laughed. “Alice, truth or dare.”
“Have you ever thought of Dan while masturbating?”
Alice blushed and avoided looking at Dan. “Um, on second thought, can I have a dare?”
Alice set down her beer, deftly unhooked her bra, and slipped it out her sleeve. She handed it to Julie, who nodded approvingly at the black mesh fabric and threw it to Dan. He jokingly held it up to his chest like he was trying it on.
Alice giggled and asked, “Dan, truth or dare?” She made no effort to cover her nipples pushing through the thin fabric of her shirt.
“Truth,” Dan answered, draping her bra over the back of the loveseat and doing his best not to stare.
“Have you ever thought about me while masturbating?”
Dan grinned, and let the question hang in the air before simply replying: “Dare.”
He did, leaving Julie nodding approvingly at his rather nice chest. She was starting to get what Alice saw in this guy. Meeting her gaze, he asked, “truth or dare?”
“Once.” Julie glanced meaningfully towards Alice in a way that Dan couldn’t miss. “Not with two guys yet, but I’m working on it. Truth or dare?”
“What about you? Ever had a threesome?”
Julie winked at Alice, who took a sip of beer and pretended not to notice.
“Alice,” Dan asked, “truth or dare?”
“I like to be on top,” she replied confidently. “Truth or dare?”
“Are you one of those guys who won’t go down on a woman?”
“No, I’ve been told I’m quite good at it.” Alice tried to hide her smile as Dan turned to Julie. “Truth or dare?”
“Uh, yeah,” Julie grinned. “I’ve been known to get a bit vocal.”
“That’s an understatement,” Alice laughed. “I can clearly hear her through the wall whenever she brings someone home.”
Julie turned to Alice. “Truth or dare?”
“Do you ever touch yourself when you hear me getting fucked?”
“Sometimes…” Alice blushed a deep red. “Truth or dare.”
“Does it turn you on to know that I listen to you getting fucked?”
Julie smiled and took a drink, but did not answer.
“Fine, then, a dare for you. Take off your top.”
Dan watched eagerly as Julie peeled her top off, exposing her favorite bra. She winked at him. “Truth or dare, Dan.”
“Are you circumcised?” She didn’t actually care, but the exchange with Alice had flustered her more than she cared to admit, and shifting the attention back to Dan seemed easier.
“Did you and Alice really have a threesome?”
“Yeah.” Julie grinned at Alice, who grinned back. “And it was fucking hot.” She waited a long moment before saying, “Alice, truth or dare?”
“Were you thinking about giving Dan head in the shower this morning?”
Alice blushed furiously and nearly choked on her beer. “Dare!”
Alice stood up, unzipped her jeans, and shimmied them down her hips before kicking them off. A neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair was visible through the black mesh of her thong. Dan tried not to gawk as Alice asked him, “truth or dare?”
“Did you stick around after the party hoping to get lucky?”
He let his jeans drop to the floor and sat back down, kicking them aside and trying to look casual while wearing only boxers. “Alice, truth or dare?”
“Were you hoping I’d stick around to get lucky?”
Alice grinned, took a big drink, and said “Dare.”
Alice slowly lifted the hem of her shirt. Dan and Julie both stared. Alice had great breasts and knew it. After a few seconds, she covered up again, grinning and turning to Julie. “Truth or dare?”
“Did you start this game so you could have another threesome with me?”
Julie took a long sip of beer and held her gaze for what felt like a very long time. “Dare.”
She stood up, unzipped, and let the skirt slip down to the floor before kicking it out of the way. The blue cotton didn’t quite match her bra, but Dan’s hungry stare made it clear he didn’t care. She caught his eyes and asked, “truth or dare?”
“Go kiss Alice.” As he stood up, she clarified: “A real kiss, not a peck on the cheek!”
He sauntered closer and bent down to give Alice a slow, gentle kiss. His hands cupped her face, and she leaned into him. Even so, the kiss seemed to end just a bit too quickly, as if he was afraid of overstaying his welcome.
He returned to the loveseat before asking Julie, “truth or dare?”
“I’d also like to know if you started this game so you could have another threesome with Alice.”
Julie looked away and made a point of finishing her beer before answering. “You know, I think we’re done with truths for now. Let’s just play dares.”
“Fine,” Dan grinned, “now you give Alice a real kiss.”
Julie turned to Alice, who was smiling in anticipation. She climbed into Alice’s lap and kissed her deeply. Her fingers traced up Alice’s neck and into her hair. Their lips parted, and their tongues danced together. Alice whimpered and arched her back as Julie’s hands strayed lower, over Alice’s breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen under her palms. When she finally pulled away, Alice’s cheeks were flushed.
Julie gave her a minute before saying, “Alice, let Dan take off your shirt.”
Alice bit her lip, then smiled and nodded at Dan. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and she lifted her arms as he pulled her shirt up. As he did, he made a point to slowly slide his hands over her breasts, teasing her nipples. It seemed to take a very long time. Eventually, Dan sat back down, laying Alice’s shirt next to her bra on the back of the loveseat.
“Okay,” Alice murmured as she crossed her legs. Her nipples had contracted into hard buds. “Alright.” She let out a breath and took a long sip of her beer. After a moment, she turned to Julie and said, “Let Dan take off your bra.”
Grinning, Julie sat forward as Dan got to his knees in front of her. As he reached behind her, she leaned into him, brushing her lips against his stubble. He slowly unhooked the clasp and ran his fingers up and down her spine, making her shiver. She buried her face in the warmth of his neck as he slipped the straps from her shoulders. Finally, she leaned back, allowing him to pull her bra away from her chest. He stared hungrily at her dark nipples before returning to the loveseat, laying her bra next to Alice’s.
“Alice?” Julie purred, “go suck on Dan’s—” She paused, letting Dan’s anticipation build. “—fingers.”
Alice grinned and dropped to her knees in front of Dan. She lifted his hand to her lips. He watched, spellbound, as she began to kiss and lick his first two fingers. When she finally took them into her mouth, he inhaled sharply. Quickly, she began sucking with practiced ease. Julie felt a growing heat in her core as she watched Alice simulate a blowjob. When she finally moved back to the couch, Dan was clearly having difficulty slowing his breathing.
“Dan,” Alice began, speaking softly.
“Yes?” He tried not to sound flustered.
Surprised, he glanced down and seemed to realize for the first time that he was holding a pillow in his lap as if he was afraid it would fly away. Laughing, he relaxed his grip. “Oh, uh, sure, here you go.” He gently tosse
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