Tumblr Bareback

Tumblr Bareback


Tumblr Bareback

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna





chill69dude: “jeff-248: “atkins109-blog: “” Yes I am ” Fellow pervs hit me up 😈 ”

8 notes

Dec 8th, 2020

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26 notes

Dec 8th, 2020

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Need a person who is willing to have sex with me and bareback raw poz breed me

9 notes

Dec 8th, 2020

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4 notes

Dec 8th, 2020

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9 notes

Dec 1st, 2020

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I am a Pierced Hung Damn Proud Fuck’n Toxic POZ Bareback Breeder Gifter and Stealther ! I Chose to Get my NEG Fuck Boy Cunt POZZED when
I was 19 years old Gettin’ Paid for an Amateur Video Takin’ a 7 Toxic POZ Load Gangbang on a Work Bench in a Garage and I have Never Fuck’n Regretted It ! POZ gave me the Freedom to Fuck without Fear and Fuck Like Real Men Should -Unwrapped with the Bottom Fuckr Takin’ the Balls Deep Load ! Currently I am Deliberately a High Viral Toxic POZ Bareback Fuckr not Takin’ MEDS with a CD4 Viral Load Count over 2MIL, so that my Filthy Hot Loads of Fully Charged Up Dirty POZ Cum has Value ! POZ Fuckrs Take Hard Rough Balls Deep Re-Charge Loads to Help them Keep High Viral and NEG
Fuckrs Take Hard Rough Balls Deep Loads to Join the POZ Brotherhood ! This Toxic POZ Bareback Fuckr Gets Off on Spreadin’ Loads of my Filthy Hot Dirty BUGS ! Re- Blog if Toxic POZ Cum Floodin’ your Hungry Cunts Balls Deep Turns You On ! Fuck Without Fear or Don’ Fuck at All ! Heads Up NEG Load Takin’ Bottom Fuckrs Who Want to Stay NEG then you Should be Takin’ PREP otherwise
Fuck’ Welcome to the POZ Brotherhood ! Cheers POZ Proud Tony 👍
summary: “take me to your leader.“ you couldn’t believe it. this man was otherworldly in all sense of the word. “well I hope you’re hungry, my dude, we’re going to visit the king of burgers.”
Planet A3022 is on the brink of extinction. with little to no females there to repopulate and its king not interested in any one of them, he assigns one of his most trusted men to retrieve a female suited to his tastes willing enough to take his hand in marriage. things go haywire once the man in question crash lands into the considerably non technological Planet EA4728 with you there as witness.
genre: fluff, humor (??), angst, highkey crack, poly!au, alien!au
pairing: alien!taehyung x reader x alien king! ??
a/n: thank you all for the support on this series!! i can’t believe the first part has over a hundred notes :(( ilysm
“You don’t have to talk like that, you know.”
“Is that not common manners?” he asks, appalled, his words muffled as he speaks while simultaneously sipping on his milkshake, straw still between his lips.
You never thought you’d ever find the need to defend humanity in its entirety but, well, here you are, fine dining in a fast food restaurant with an alien sitting opposite you, wildly sucking on his first ever strawberry milkshake. Oh, the irony. “It’s just easier to speak informally to most! Oh, well. I’ll just teach you with time.” You drum your fingers on your cheek for a second in thought before continuing, “How do you know our language, anyway?”
When you glance upwards, you find that he’s staring longingly at his nearly empty plastic cup, bitterly twirling the straw around its edges. “It’s a.. simple language, to be fair.”
“Simple- how many languages do you know, then?”
“Only the easiest ones, and mostly the more widely used ones of each planet. I never thought I’d have to use this one in particular. I know maybe about… over one hundred?”
You almost choke on your own spit. “Wha-” you barely know the english language and this man is out here knowing over one hundred of them?! Humanity really has to step up their game. “You can’t be serious?”
“I’m always serious.” He says without breaking eye contact, resulting in his tongue awkwardly sticking out of his mouth in search for his straw. This man is hopeless. 
Jin then appears out of seemingly nowhere, sauntering his way over to you both before slamming another strawberry milkshake onto the table along with his own drink. “For you, my good man.”
Your lips are drawn into a thin line, expression flat as you watch an alien king’s right-hand man make grabby hands for a strawberry milkshake, his eyes blown wide with wonder and lips parted just the tiniest bit. It’s a sight to behold. Jin slides it closer to him.
You take to inspecting the inside of the fast-food restaurant. Everything is surprisingly neat, despite its rather grubby exterior. Even though the place is considerably empty, occupied only with its usual night dwellers, you’re all cramped in the far end corner where Jin has to aggressively wave his arms in the air in order to be seen by the barely awake waiter.
With Taehyung opposite you and the older male to your left, you snort as you watch the latter flip through the menu rather solemnly, “Why are you looking at the menu? You’re just going to order the lemon meringue pie.”
“You don’t know that.” Jin says with furrowed brows seconds before turning towards the bored looking waiter, whispering, “I’d like the lemon meringue pie, please.”
“You’re insufferable.” You watch with half lidded eyes as the waiter trudges away. Taehyung’s in a chirpy mood despite being awake at three in the morning and crash landing on an alien planet a mere few hours ago, and you suspect it’s the milkshake. Yet the fact that he’s so easily happy is oddly endearing.
“I can’t believe when I met you, it was by an attempt made on my life.” You mutter halfheartedly to the alien opposite you, the male in question only bothering with a few blinks in your direction as a response before continuing on his quest to finish his milkshake. You hope he doesn’t ask for a third one, it’s pretty expensive as it is.
“I’m just surprised he didn’t finish the job.” Jin says with a snicker and you, through your impressive selective hearing ability, promptly ignore him.
You should have taken Jungkook with to your alien questioning mission, if only because the little space is something you think he’d like, hot chocolates with latte art and corners with red, comfy cushions. But alas, the man has to balance his dance, martial arts, music, and his main passion; photography, all in his every day life- so he’s in constant need of his nappy times and regular sleep schedules.
You suddenly wonder what Taehyung would be like, had he been a person from Earth. What his passions would be, what his hobbies would be. You wonder what kind of world he lives in. If it’s the kind of world humanity can only dream of. If it’s the kind of world humanity itself would dread.
Maybe that’s something to think about later.
“How’d you manage to crash land here in the first place?” You ask, staring at the alien in question over the rim of your plastic cup. You just found an alien in the middle of the streets of Seoul in the mere year of 2019. You might as well make the best of it.
Taehyung, although hesitantly, places his strawberry treat onto the table as gently as possible, and you almost laugh at how delicately he’s treating the thing, as if it were made of glass. He clears his throat, “For reasons unknown to even me, I was being pursued by an enemy spacecraft. Quite the skilled flyer they were, but their eagerness to kill made them unaware of their surroundings. Beginner’s mistake.” He tuts, and your jaw almost drops at how easily he speaks of the attempt on his own life.
“And?” Jin says eagerly as he urges him to continue, almost as if listening to a bedtime story, the sipping of his milkshake nearly obnoxiously loud.
“Yes, well,” He chuckles, the sound a borderline giggle, if only for a second, “I managed to enter my emergency escape.. pod, as you called it, and made my ship self-destruct, in order to not harm any of your kind.”
There’s silence for a moment as you all process the information. All this trouble because some dude wanted some alien babies? This all just sounds like a poorly executed sci-fi that you wanted no part of, but you suppose there’s no way out of it, not anymore. You had a threat hanging overhead brought on by the very man that needed your help and so, despite how little you can actually do, you’ll do whatever it takes.
“So.. what now? Any idea how to get back to your planet?” You say through pursed lips, and there’s a moment of silence as you all wait for Taehyung’s response.
You lean forward a bit, Jin beside you unconsciously mimicking the action, and the alien lightly shakes the little bits of ice in the bottom of his empty cup with dejection before looking up with a start, as if he just remembered you were all there. "Oh!“ He blinks. "No idea.”
Needless to say, you’re all doomed.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Fitness Hunks

All the things that motivate a gay guy to workout




334 notes

Sep 14th, 2020

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