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Всем мое приветствие и наилучшие пожелания! Сегодня на очереди третий аромат от Franck Boclet - Cocaine. Об этом аромате я достаточно много слышала в отличие от двух предыдущих, с которыми я познакомилась этим летом-Crime.

What i wonder though. Why the pink still? It's been known for months maybe ever 5ish years that pink powder should always be tested,It don;t even LOOK like actual pink cocaine. (Although most people younger than wouldn't really know that.) Why the pink .. Sorry i know this isn't r/conspiracy.

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Tuci may be a new option in Argentina, but not elsewhere. In Europe it's known as the 'cocaine of the rich,' used by stars, models and politicians, according to a report in the Colombian weekly Semana. In other countries the drug goes by the name 2C-B. It is a synthetic version of a mind-altering substance developed in the United.

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The term “Pink Cocaine” is a misnomer because it does not share any chemical resemblance to cocaine, which is plant-derived hydrochloride. .serp-item__passage\\\\\{color:#\\\\\} Pink cocaine and regular cocaine have a few similarities, including the risk of addiction and chemical dependence. Cocaine is actually a concentrated, refined form of the.

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Pink cocaine is a synthetic hallucinogen known as 2C-B and has no relation to cocaine hydrochloride. Pink cocaine and other synthetic drugs have re-emerged as popular party drugs in South America.

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