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On the left: OpenVSP, On the right: aircraft toolkit, both uses segmented geometry to analyze aerodynamic effects.
Attach GAircraft to the Empty GameObject, it will attach also Rigidbody. Optionally attach GSCameraAux to get a basic camera manager.
Put a Cube GameObject inside the GAircraft group, scale it to Y 0.01 and rename it as _surface_.
These are the axes over that pivots can rotate around.
The kinetik properties allows to change movement characteristics and other features.
A 737 top and side sections part of the airliner physics model included as an example.
The pivot-local adjustment allows you to see the pivot empty gameobject axes.
Remember Aircraft Toolkit is still under development and this manual is still incomplete; we are working quite hard to complete it! :)
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This index can be used to navigate faster and easier to the different sections of this document:
Aircraft Toolkit will allow you not only to fly aircrafts, but also to build your own from blueprints or from scratch.
To do so you may place and move, rotate or scale Unity gameobjects. Each one of these gameobjects will calculate the aerodynamics force received when air flows around.
Each piece can be defined with different properties and coefficients. The different values makes different behaviors. You can subdivide the geometry is as many parts as you want, but remember the more parts, the more calculation time the toolkit will use.
As designing your own aircraft can drive you into unwanted results (for example unbalanced vehicles) we will try to give you some tips about aircraft design, specially with the toolkit.
Welcome. The first time you start to use Aircraft Toolkit we recommend you to load the provided example scenes.
Then you can optionally follow the the two videotutorials provided in the Creating basic flying object and Adding control surfaces, mixings and engine sections. This will help to understand you better the workflow of Aircraft Toolkit as well as they introduce to yourself the basics of the aerodynamic effects.
If you only want to use some of the provided aircrafts you can drag&drop one of the prefabs provided in the example aircraft folder directly over your scene. If you already use a camera manager, maybe you should remove or disable the camera manager included in the main object and use your own (otherwise the provided manager will take control of your main camera). You can also choose in the camera manager the camera object that you want the aircraft toolkit manages. You can read more in the Camera Tweaking section
About inputs, if your game have their own input management we sugest you to change all Input Source fields in the GAircraft/GSurfaceManager object into user-mode. Then you can write directly into public variables called inputXXXX_output the value of the control surfaces, engine throttle and others. Values must be between 0.0f (one extremum) and 1.0f (the other). The middle point is 0.5f. Read more of input management in the Configuring inputs section.
The first step is to import the Aircraft Toolkit package into your project, usually from Assets > Import package and select Aircraft Toolkit or use the Custom package... option to import Aircraft Toolkit-0.75.unitypackage
After that you must create an empty GameObject (with GameObject > Create empty) and attach to in the GAircraft script. This will attach also the Rigidbody component, otherwise attach it manually.
A camera manager is provided if you don't use other: attach GSCameraAux to the empty GameObject with the GAircraft script attached.
You can now test the package is working by adding a Cube GameObject with GameObject > Create other > Cube and then rename it to _surface_ (or instead of renaming attach a GSurface script) and place it inside the empty GameObject group with the GAircraft script attached. Finally scale the cube to Y 0.01.
You can now run and you will see a growing vector that is the upwards drag force as the falling speed increases.
If you add a terrain and rotate slightly the GAircraft you will see how it flies down towards the direction you rotated it.
Duplicate three times until you have four surfaces like the one used in the previous chapter..
Now, with four surfaces lets make them move with the cursors. For that purpose Pivots are used.
Pivots are rotating hinges. Each pivot rotates children around one of their axes: right, up or forward. Each pivot can mix up to three sources to get the rotation angle. If you need perform a rotation around more than one axis, you may put one pivot inside other pivot.
Put two empty groups inside the GAircraft group, in the (0, 0, 0) position and name it as left and right and the name of your chose. Then put the rear left surface inside the left pivot and the rear right surface inside the right pivot. Finally configure both pivots to rotate around the right axis and configure source 1 as elevator in both and set in both axis1min angle as -10 and axis2max angle as 10.
The axis min angle is the angle in which the pivot gets positioned when the input source is in the minimum value (usually 0) and the max angle is the angle in which the pivot gets positioned when input source gets its maximum value, usually 1. If more than one source are specified, all the angles are added.
Now add a second channel to both left and right pivots: set axis2 source as ailerons in both cases. In the right pivot set min angle to -10 and max angle to 10. In the left pivot set min angle to 10 and max angle to -10 (as you can see both angles are inverted, that is what we talked about just before, when ailerons source is 0, left pivot is 10 and right pivot is -10, when ailerons is 1, left pivot is -10 and right 10).
You may add a vertical stabilizer and a rudder, otherwise if you turn the airplane will strafe instead of turning. You can scale Y as 0.5 instead of Y 1.0 because rudder may affect less than the wings, set X as 0.01 and Z as 1. You can add a pivot to this new vertical surface and set axis1 source as rudder, pivot axis as up instead of right and you will get a rudder if you press Q or E.
Now the aircraft has h surfaces (wings, including ailerons/stabilizers) and v surfaces (v stabilizer and rudder). No friction are added by those surfaces with default settings. If you want to add some friction you may add an additional surface with scale X 0.1 Y 0.1 Z 0.01 in position (0, 0, 0). You can change the X and Y scales to increase the friction or reduce it.
You can change the center of mass by adding an empty GameObject and renaming it _center_. Moving the _center_ GameObject will affect the flying dynamics heavily, in next section there are some tips about this. You can also set the internal camera position by adding an empty GameObject and renaming it as _camera_.
Finally you can add a drive (engine) so fly is more stable (at low speed the surfaces does not get enough air flux to allow manoeuvre the airplane). Add a empty gameobject inside the GAircraft group and attach GDrive to it (or rename as _drive_) and set the force to ten times the weight of the airplane (set in the rigidbody GAircraft element).
GAircraft include some global values for ease (so it is not necessary to change then on each subelement of the aircraft.
The most important and used values are the switches for rendering surfaces, vectors and for enabling forces. For debugging the three must be enabled, and if you have any problem you can disable forces so the aircraft will behave like a normal Unity 3D Rigidbody (the GAircraft component will not apply forces except drives so no drag or lift forces are computed). There are lots of problems that happens without the surfaces forces working and have nothing to do with Aircraft Toolkit.
In release mode you may disable the rendering of surfaces (usually you have to add a visual model and you don't want to see the physic simulation surfaces) and you may disable also the vector rendering so no green / red / blue force vectors come visible. The vectors are useful to debug problems like instabilities.
Drag and Lift multipliers increase the efficiency of the surfaces. Debug nodes logs information about found nodes at the begin of the simulation and Wait frames are the number of fotograms that GAircraft wait at the beginning of the simulation until the library is enabled (this avoid startup instabilities and let the aircraft touch the ground without problems when execution starts).
By default GAircraft comes configured to use Unity axis Horizontal and Vertical for ailerons and elevator but you can change anything in the Input properties, even disable input so automatic pilot or NPC controller can pilot the aircraft.
Every input channel is configured in the same way: the first element is to choose Source, you can choose between keys, unity axes or "user"/disable which disables the data management for this channel.
If you choose an exponential source type, then you can adjust exponential coefficient. If you choose to pick data from an Unity axis, you can write the axis name. If you choose use keys, you can select keys for increase channel from 0.5 to 1 or decrease channel from 0.5 to 0 (or on some channels the key works in toggle mode: each time pressed switches value from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0), and in throttle channel you can choose afterburner which works as a parallel channel which overflows beyond 1 the value, how much is configured in each drive.
Finally if you choose keys you can adjust filters for making smoother the transition from 0 to 0.5 to 1, including the toggle channels (on this channels usually smooth filter is set to slower values).
There are some trimming and sensitivity values that usually allows ingame trimming and sensitivity adjustment.
As you ended the previous tutorial you have got a flying airplane. However some flying dynamics can be improved.
The first thing you will realize if your aircraft is very light is that if you fly at high speeds it starts to vibrate. Some vibration is normal and it happens in the real world, but most of the vibration usually are related to the aliasing due digital physics simulation is performed in time samples (every nth second fractions) so sometimes the sampling frequency is not enough: when speed is too high. The effects are more visible when the aircraft is light because the small forces of the aliasing effects are more capable of make vibrations. To solve this issue you may use one or some of the antialiasing filter coefficients included in the GAircraft parameters.
The most efficient is set Kinetics Surface Method to deltaFiltered or deltaFilteredWithPropwash and adjust Kinetics Surface Delta Filter. Default value is zero, increase it in steps of 0.1 up to 0.9 to remove the vibrations.
You can also adjust the Kinetics Drag Filter and Kinetics Lift Filter are also antialiasing filters. You must enable it by checking Kinetics Filters Enabled. You can set it at values between 0 and 1, usually at 0.5 to minimize the aliasing vibration effects.
Each one of these filters are used in a different stage of the simulation, so slightly different results in the dynamics are obtained. Depending of the Aircraft type sometimes one is best than the others, or maybe a combination of several different filters are the best.
Kinetics Drag and Lift Force By Mass Unit Limit also helps to control undesired effects. In this case this limit avoids excessive drag or lift forces are generated. In some cases like impacts or sudden speed changes, excessive speeds... a overflow in the forces can be generated. Usually this heads in the real world to the destruction of the aircraft. In the simulation however this generates a excessive force that can be detected but if not stopped the simulation can head to a unstable status. Usually a value of 1000 or 10000 units in those filters help to limit the overflow. Lower values makes the drag and lift forces are lower than required to make realistic turns.
Kinetics Propwash properties improve flight dynamics on light acrobatic aircrafts. Sometimes you can see videos where the pilots makes the aircraft to make turns on very low speeds, even completely stopped in the middle of the air. Most airplanes controls (ailerons, elevators, rudder) works because of the air flux travelling between them. When aircraft is stopped or flies slow not enough airspeed is generated. How those acrobatic pilots can do such things then? The answer is that the propellers generate enough wind backwards to get alive the controls even in stop condition. The Propwash simulation simulates those airwash generated by oversized propellers present in some acrobatic aircrafts.
Inertia tensor can be also adjusted in the Kinetics properties. Usually Unity3D calculates the inertia tensor, but sometimes this calculated tensor can be not enough accurate for some reason (maybe some aircraft parts are too light). Anyway if you realize that your aircraft resists to make turns around one of the axes, adjust the Kinetics tensor scale or the weight redistribution. For example most airplanes wings are lighter than calculated by Unity, in that case you must change Kinetics Mass Redistribution X value to something between 0 and 1 (wings are placed in the X axis). The more near zero, the more efficient your airplane's ailerons will be (turns around Z axis), but also the rudder (turns around the Y axis). If for some reason you want only the turns around the Z axis are enhanced, change the Tensor Z scale to a lower value instead of changing the mass redistribution. Both values (tensor scale and tensor mass redistribution) can be used and adjusted at once. Those values will affect the Unity3D calculated values.
Finally the Ground Effect. This effect makes that wings or rotors near the ground are This properties are still beta but can be used in helicopters. Them need that the terrain and other surfaces that causes ground effect are attached the the correct layer and the ground effect layermask are correctly set. Even then please test the ground effect
Aircraft Toolkit works calculating the forces that affect one surface.
But how does those ugly squared plates are able to work and calculate a reliable physics model? (that of course you can hide after physics model is tested ;) Default Aircraft Toolkit surface configuration makes each surface react only to parallel fluxes to the less wider dimension axis. This implies each surface is a blade with the default configuration. We use Cube GameObjects and we scale one of the dimensions to a little value. This in conjunction with the fact of forces works incredible well with vector projections and compounds, so you can model any volumetric body by using 3 or more surface planes, each one not parallel to each other; usually we use surfaces perpendicular to each one of the axes: front, side and top, but you can rotate them to an arbitrary angle in groups or individually. The most important is to respect the apparent surface area in each direction (with is ~1.1 for cubic and cylinder shapes, ~0.8 if lengthy, ~0.5 for spheric and conic shapes, 0.05-0.1 if lengthy and peak ended (usually wing sections or perfect bodies like Sears-Hack shape). Now, due most airplanes have two type of shapes: conic or spheric in the side and top flux sections, so we can assume full area and a correction of 0.4-0.5 cd global shape coefficient (we use the global drag and global lift multiplier coefficients for change this), and for the front-to-rear axis most aircrafts are lengthy stylized shapes, so much less drag usually with cd of 0.05 to 0.1 and usually the symmetric shapes which helps to integrate every single element into a global small drag surface parallel to the front plane. Wings top-down profile depending on the shape can be from 0.8 to 2.0 cd.
So that explains how the examples work: squared airplates trying to respect the local area on the side and top blueprint planes and a single small plate parallel to the front plane (the drag plate), and depending on the aircraft shapes a value of 4 or 5 in the global multiplier in the GAircraft component.
The drag plate can be sized by running the simulation and setting the engine to the cruise %, at the cruise height at the cruise speed and resizing the drag plate until the cruise speed is approximately stable.
As saw in the adding control surfaces and mixings, pivots are maybe the second most important elements of the aircraft.
Once you have the blueprints and you have rotated the wings to respect the attack angles, and the wheels are in place, you may place the center of mass.
The center of mass first positioning limit comes from the wheels: place it too much far from recommended point will make the aircraft rise one or more of the wheels from the ground.
Usually the center of mass is a little after the main wings, or at least near the main wings (the wheels positions usually helps also to identify it). On some aircrafts center of mass can be moved without problem and flight will remain stable, on others a little change will make the aircraft bank.
Once the center of mass is placed, it comes the last step: you may trim the elevator until the aircraft is stable at cruise speed.
Now, how to do all these: the first is to add pivots.
To add a pivot you add a empty GameObject inside the GAircraft group. Then you can attach GPivot script or rename it to _pivot_. It is faster and more light to use _pivot_ renaming, but no problem if you use for pivots the GPivot script. Select around which axis will rotate the pivot. You can place the pivot GameObject inside other elements and rotate parents. Remember the pivot rotating axis is local. You can see local axes by adjusting pivot-local in the toolbar of Unity 3D. The red axis is right, the blue is forward and the green is up.
You can rotate parent to modify then the pivots rotation without problem. If you rotate the pivot itself, maybe you will need to adjust then the Rotation around Forward/Right/Up Offset values depending on the version of Aircraft Toolkit that you use.
Finally comes the adjustment of the source channels for the rotation: you can set up to three channels: you can make for example to rotate on elevator, ailerons and on flaps values. In the practice more than three channels can be added because each pivot has an Id and you can use one pivot Id as a channel too in other pivot. This allows pivot and channel arithmetic without effort. Remember altitude, accelerations and gear positions are also available, avionic controllers also add channels... and you can use pivots not only for control surfaces: also for engines, rotors, gears, cockpit controls and gauges so this setup allows you to control every single aircraft part easily.
Even a bird's wing can be controlled by pivots.
Instead of using classic drives, for helicopters you may use rotor and tailrotor drives when variable pitch rotors may be simulated. To enable a drive as a rotor use the type parameter.
The rotor drive type allows not only configure one channel for collective, but also other two input channels for cyclic. You can even use a Pivot output as input channel.
To place the rotor or the tailrotor, please do not rotate the drive. The rotor type generate the lift upwards, in the direction of the green arrow, and the tail rotor generates lift in the right axis, the red one.
Rotor simulation is performed using the blade parameters, so please configure the number of blades and its geometry. In next release the simulation will include also embedded virtual surfaces (now you may place four surfaces in the rotor) and momentum. For now the gyroscopic effect is included.
Tailrotor allows you to use it like a rudder.

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