Ts Eva Duarte

Ts Eva Duarte


Ts Eva Duarte
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instagram.com/eva_duarte25/Регистрация: октябрь 2018 г.
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Jude Duarte (daughter)
Vivienne (daughter)
Eva Duarte, was a human and the former wife of Madoc, with whom she had Vivienne. Afterwards, she was the wife of Justin Duarte with whom she had Taryn and Jude.
She most likely has a strong resemblance to Jude and Taryn. This is due to the fact when Jude looks in to The Lake of Masks, she thinks she sees herself. However Jude realizes she is looking at a young version of her mother. Lady Asha told Jude that she resembled her mother very strongly.
According to Madoc, Eva was clever and had a way of making everyone around her feel as though every impossible thing was possible. She was daring and never seemed cowed, not by any of the magic, not by anything.
Lady Asha tells Jude that Eva had a great appreciation for Asha's wickedness.
She was very strong. She was able to escape from Madoc and the faerie realm by burning down her house with the bones of a woman and baby inside.
She loved her family very much and tried to fight against Madoc when he came to reclaim her.
Madoc brought Eva to Faerie and she drank and danced weeks away at a time. She was at the center of every revel. But while in Faerieland, she began to find it tedious to have to do without everything from the human realm. She grew homesick, so she and Lady Asha used to sneak to the mortal realm. Eva would bring back little things that she missed, such as bars of waxy chocolate, perfume, and pantyhose.
She later escaped to the mortal world with Justin Duarte, bearing Madoc's child Vivienne with them. She left a woman and an infant's burnt remains to hide her escape. However, she was tracked down by Madoc seven years after Jude and Taryn's birth. She tried to run, but was stabbed in the back by Madoc, killing her.
Asha reveals to Jude that a hag came across Madoc's estate when Eva was pregnant with Vivienne and gave her a prophecy that said Eva's child was destined to be a greater weapon than Justin could ever forge. 
Eva and Madoc used to be in love. However, Eva no longer wanted to be with him and no longer wanted to live in Faerieland. Madoc continued to view her as his in a proprietary way. Thus, he comes after her and Vivienne ten years after she escaped. When he ends up killing her as she tried to flee, he seems genuinely upset that he killed her.
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