Ts Chelsie

Ts Chelsie


Ts Chelsie
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The latest Chelsea news, transfer rumours, team news, fixtures and more from Stamford Bridge. Breaking CFC rumours & news now, 24/7.
Founded in 1905, Chelsea are one of English football's most successful football clubs. Chelsea won their first league title in 1955, but have experienced the best period of their history in the last two decades. They have achieved domestic and European success, including winning two Champions League titles in 2012 and 2021.
NewsNow aims to be the world's most accurate and comprehensive Chelsea FC news aggregator, bringing you the latest Blues headlines from the best Chelsea sites and other key national and international news sources. Whether it's the very latest transfer news from Stamford Bridge, quotes from a Thomas Tuchel press conference, match previews and reports, or news about the Blues' progress in the Premier League and in Europe, we've got it covered. Breaking news from each site is brought to you automatically and continuously 24/7, within around 10 minutes of publication. N.B. Relevance is automatically assessed, so some headlines not qualifying as Chelsea news might appear. Please feel free to contact us regarding any persistent issues.

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