Truth Or Dare Sex Stories

Truth Or Dare Sex Stories


Truth Or Dare Sex Stories



December 28, 2014

Age when it happend: 16 Where it happened: His House Langauge: English Sex: Female Rating: 10
Category: Straight

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Copyright 2019. My First Time. Site by Paradigmnext
I look back on this day and it pains me to know what happened, how it happened, and who I lost my virginty too. I went out that night like normal, me and a bunch of girl firneds, and we rode to Whiteville to ride the strip. We rode for about 15 minutes and found the guys we wanted. Most of them were hott and they were standing on the side walk or sitting on there cars. We parked our car walked over and introduced ourselves. We had one guy with us and he was hot his name was Chris and it was the first time I had met him, he knew some of the guys and we all ended up going to Joeys house to get drunk. Well I had a little exprience in that area not much though and was excited that I was going to get drunk with all these guys. There was about 6 of them and 3 girls. Me and Michelle hoped in the car with Joey and we made a stop at the ABC store. He asked us what we wanted so Michelle and I told him Vodka and Puckers… he came back with a ton of Vodka and 24 puckers and three bottles of Wild Turkey. Which I had never tasted. After that we went to his house which was his parents he was 23 and still living at home but his parents were out for the night and we had the place to ourselves. We came in and all sat at the table and began to take shots. I had like 6 shots of vodka 8 of wild turkey and 8 bottles of puckers. Apple flavored b/c after a shot of vodka or wild turkey I would wash it down with puckers. Well before long Michelle P, Michelle N, and I wanted to go swimming b/c there was a big ass pool. By know I am already drunk (a first time for me…) and we stripped off our tops left our pants and bras on and jumped in the chilly water. All the guys Joey, Chris, John, and the others who I since forgot there names came out to watch us. I just new I was going to drown!!! But lucky for me I didn’t and Joey got us some towels and we dried off kinda and went back in the house for some more drinking. After about 5 more shots of vodka and wild turkey I had to excuss myself from the room to go puke over the banister. While I was in the middle of vomiting Chris came out to check on me I said I was fine and went ba ck inside and being the dumb ass I am got ride of the taste with more liquor. About this time we started a game of truth or dare. The usual kissing, lifting your shirts, strip teases, the guys exposing there self, take 4 shots back to back stuff like that. Well I was having a great time. I never back down from a dare, and had already kissed every guy there. When Michlle P. Dared me to fuck joey. So I grabbed him by the hand and headed out of the room. I was a virgin but all the booze had me not scared. I don’t know how I made it up stairs without falling but I did and we went into his sisters room. Joey asked me if I was sure and I said yeah. I got out of my cloths which was a mirical in its self. and layed down on the bed. Joey got on top of me and asked if I was sure I said yeah. He didn’t take the time to enter me gently he did it with such force that I screamed. It felt like a thousand needles sticking in me at one time. I hated it I cried softly while he worked his self up. I told him I wanted to stop and he begged for five more minutes which I allowed. I don’t know how it happened but we ended up in a 69 which wasn’t enjoyable because my pussy ached and he kept shoving his fingers in and out of me causing more pain. I was so drunk that his dick kept falling out of my mouth (he was on top) after a while we stoped dressed and left the room (well kinda dressed I ended up with my panties in my pocket and my bra in my hand b/c i couldn’t figure out how to put them back on…) We came down stairs and I went to this guy named chris the one that came with us and made out with him to get Joey off of my mind. I look back know its been 7 months and I’ve had sex with one guys since and I plan on many more. I’ve done it like 5 times and it still hurts. But this weekend I don’t care if it hurts or not I have my eyes set on this guy…..hmmmm. But I see Joey ever know and then we live 45 minutes from each other and when ever I am in whiteville we talk. But neither of us mention it except this one time when i slapped the hell out of him but thats another story…. peace make sure you do it with some one you romotly care for the first time.

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What is your naughtiest truth or dare story?
What is the best dirty dare you have done (able to submit pictures)?
What was the naughtiest dare you got from someone?
Truth or Dare games that became sexual, how did it escalate?
Which sites can I find dirty truth or dare videos?
What are the dirtiest school dares you've had to do?
What is the best dirty dare you have done (able to submit pictures)?
What was the naughtiest dare you got from someone?
Truth or Dare games that became sexual, how did it escalate?
Which sites can I find dirty truth or dare videos?
What are the dirtiest school dares you've had to do?
Has anyone ever played truth of dare with a brother or sister?
As a teen or child, what was the dirtiest dare you ever got?
What is the most dangerous naked dare you have done?
As a mother, would you play “truth or dare” with your adult son?
What is the wildest sexual dare you ever did?
What’s the worst time someone has walked in on a truth or dare?
What is the best naughtiest dare to a girl?
What is the naughtiest dare you have received? Did you complete the dare?
What are your ideas for naughty truth or dare questions/challenges?
What is the best dirty dare you have done (able to submit pictures)?
What was the naughtiest dare you got from someone?
Truth or Dare games that became sexual, how did it escalate?
Which sites can I find dirty truth or dare videos?
What are the dirtiest school dares you've had to do?
Has anyone ever played truth of dare with a brother or sister?
As a teen or child, what was the dirtiest dare you ever got?
What is the most dangerous naked dare you have done?
As a mother, would you play “truth or dare” with your adult son?
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so it was me and my 3 best friend girl. my name is jay and those 3 girls name are emma, kate and kelly.
i was 14 and emma was 14 as well and kate was 14 and kelly was 12 turning allmost 13.
so emma was first and asked like normal dares like dare you to knock at someones door and say like i like you and weird stuff good thing it wasnt me but it was my turn and i had a crush on kelly so i said i will blind fold but my blind fold i could see still so i pretended i couldnt see anything and pointed at kelly and said i dare you to take my pants off she said nooo dude and the other girls said he said s
so it was me and my 3 best friend girl. my name is jay and those 3 girls name are emma, kate and kelly.
i was 14 and emma was 14 as well and kate was 14 and kelly was 12 turning allmost 13.
so emma was first and asked like normal dares like dare you to knock at someones door and say like i like you and weird stuff good thing it wasnt me but it was my turn and i had a crush on kelly so i said i will blind fold but my blind fold i could see still so i pretended i couldnt see anything and pointed at kelly and said i dare you to take my pants off she said nooo dude and the other girls said he said so so she did and those 2 girls were staring at my dick it was going hard but i covred it with my hand so they could not see i told them i was joking they said too late well i wasnt and my dick is 7.5 inches. then kelly said i dare you to take your hands off i was still waring the mask so i was nervouse and did and they said wow emma and kate said but kelly didint say anything. and then it was emma turn and she said kate you go she said hmmm and said to me why your dick long and laughed i said well i didnt say anything. and then it was my turn and i said ahh i was really nervonic and i allways am and said you go kate and she said lets do spin the bottle and i said for what she said just watch who ever it lands on and she spinned it and landed on kelly and kate said i dare you kelly to jack jay dick kelly was what NO she said its a dare and i kinda new she was unconfutable but it was worth it was it and she stats jacking it aw her hands felt amazing and it was emma turn and she said i dare you kelly you both to make out i took my blind fold off and said no she said come on but i did want to so i held her hair and made out with her while she was jacking my dick of it was good. then it was kelly turn and said emma and kate you both make out they said noo she said DO IT and yea they did they didnt want to since there not gay but they had to then it was kate turn and said i dare you to give him a blowjob she was WHAT im too young kate like ohh please your 13 and i took her head and stuffed it in my dick and she starts sucking aww it was my turn and dared them so they wont keep look at me to fuck each other they what and they did and they said me to finger kelly i fingered her and it was turth or fuck now since we all were fucking kelly was now injoying it and mee to i cumed at her face and then she said harder and i fucked tit fucked her and cum was all over her boobs and then we all was laufgting and that was my favurite day
I have 2 separate stories for this question.1 took place in school and another one in our apartment.
The school story: It was the last day of school and there were five people playing this game.3 girls and 2 boys ( apart from me, let's call the boy as k and the three girls as S,R and V).initially there weren't any 18+ truth and dare. But as a few rounds passed , things started to spice up . We all knew that V had a mole in her upper chest. She was dared to show it to all of us. She removed the first button on her shirt and gave us a good view. In one dare, I had to wear R's bra. I hesitated ini
I have 2 separate stories for this question.1 took place in school and another one in our apartment.
The school story: It was the last day of school and there were five people playing this game.3 girls and 2 boys ( apart from me, let's call the boy as k and the three girls as S,R and V).initially there weren't any 18+ truth and dare. But as a few rounds passed , things started to spice up . We all knew that V had a mole in her upper chest. She was dared to show it to all of us. She removed the first button on her shirt and gave us a good view. In one dare, I had to wear R's bra. I hesitated initially, but everyone forced me to wear. It was the first time I wore a bra. I remember it to date… it was a hook bra pink in colour with black border. But the most naughtiest was that I was dared to urinate in the girls' bathroom! I said that I was afraid. But the three girls said that they would accompany me there. So when the school was over , we kept our bags downstairs and went to the bathroom in the third floor, as most people won't use it. As i entered the bathroom, i was surprised by the way girls maintain the bathroom. There were both rooms and open sinks. I didn't know why, but I had an erection. I quickly unzipped my parents and let out my urine pass. I then returned the bra to R and we left quietly as if nothing has happened . After this incident, I have worn a bra many times.
P.S I'm straight. Wearing a bra is just a kink for me. Wearing a bra gives me an erection.


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I am embarassed by something that I did in high school. As a teen, I was the girl-next-door. I wasn't beautiful, but I was pleasing enough...just this side of pretty, if that makes sense. I knew that guys looked at me and I looked at them. I went out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. When I was 16 (11th grade) and at a sleepover we decided to play truth or dare. One of the girls suggested that we make it a sexual version. Asking questions about sexual experience, daring each other to do things like taking off our shirts to show off our b****** , to m********* ourselves, call a guy that we liked and ask him if he wanted to have phone s** (if he did, then go through with it), etc. I wasn't too in to the idea, especially since I was a virgin but I went along with it. I was dared to have s** with a girl. I didn't know what to do. But, I ended up having s** with one of the other girls there. The girl I had s** with was known for having s** with guys and girls. It felt really good. I was embarassed about how good it felt, especially since I had an o***** . I was devestated when I got to school the following Monday to find out that it had all been a set up. The girls had set up a small camera in the room and video taped the s** . They sent it to some of their other friends (both guys and girls). I eventually saw the video. I got sick knowing that half the school saw the video. Some of the teachers even saw it. Some of the girls started calling me names, trying to imply that I was a lesbian. I wasn't a lesbian then and I'm not a lesbian now. The number of guys that asked me out reduced drastically. And the guys that did ask me out wanted me to be in a threesome with them and the girl from the video. They'd ask me this after kissing me and as they'd rub my b****** or as they were trying to stick their hands up my skirt. I always said no, but then, they'd tell their guy friends that they had s** with me. I didn't have s** with a guy until I was in my second semester of sophomore year. I dated the guy, my then boyfriend for a year (started dating my second semester in college). After we had been dating for awhile, the topic of s** came up. I told him what had happened in high school and that I was hesitant about having s** . He wasn't a virgin but he knew that I was. We did have oral s** but it was awhile before we had vaginal s** . He had been patient with me about having s** . It hit me one day, when I was listening to him talk about something that he was passionate about. I was very turned on by him, sexually and intellectually. All I could remember was that I blurted out that I wanted to have s** with him. He seemed surprised because we hadn't talked about it in awhile. He took it slow, he was so good about it. Even though, it hurt a bit, when he first started, it felt really nice. He was very gentle and was very good at making it feel good. Even though we broke up the next year, I'm glad that I lost my virginity to him.

Is there any girls in Missoula that want to have there p****** licked and sucked I love to eat p****

I'm sorry but why the f*** do you put * on lesbian? like that's a bad thing?

Can i f*** you i am 23 with a 7' c*** and you sound hot and sexy

if you live anywhere near me lemme know ill drop the s*** outta those guys. why would they do that to you? sorry to hear it :(

I am really sorry that those morons did that to you :( But i don't understand, if you weren't a lesbian, why did you do it?

Because maybe some girls like to experiment with their sexuality, moron.

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