Truth Ir Dare Pics

Truth Ir Dare Pics


Truth Ir Dare Pics
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My husband was
out of town on business, so it seemed like a good time to let our youngest have
a slumber party. They behaved themselves
pretty well, I was upstairs in the master suite, they were in the family room,
and I could barely hear them.
About 10:30 I
went down to check on them before I turned in.
My daughter and
one of her friends were kneeling off to one side, while the three others were
sitting together.
“Ok, over with
them, you know what to do.”
”Truth or dare,
you still play that?”
“Did you ever
play it Mrs. Patterson?”
“I think the
last time was my sophomore year in college.”
“Let’s just say
that several bottles of wine were involved. Well, you girls have fun.”
“Yes Mom, we
all have to be dressed the same.”
“The other
mothers didn’t have any problems mom.”
“OK, I think
that your father’s tee shirts might fit as loosely as yours. But it might not
be as long.”
“As long as it
covers your butt Mom.”
Ten minutes
later I was back in the family room.
“You’re the
last one Mrs. Patterson.”
“Same question
that we all had Mrs. Patterson.”
“That’s all
right Mrs. Patterson, my mom chickened out too.”
“OK, OK, what
kind of dares did you guys get?”
“Just pick a
card from the bag Mrs. Patterson.”
“That way
everybody gets the same treatment.”
“Wait, now that
your Mom is here, that makes it an even number, and we could do teams.”
“Yeah mom, we
pair up and work as teams to get out of the hogtie.”
“OK, but just
how do we get out of the handcuffs?”
“Each team will
put a key someplace.”
“Everybody will
see where all the keys are, so nobody has an advantage.”
“Almost sounds
like this isn’t your first time for this.”
“Actually, my
grandmother came up with most of the rules.”
“She said it
was how they did it way back in the 50s.”
“Next you’ll be
telling me that she did this handcuff hogtie escape game.”
“No, her
arthritis was too bad for her to get her arms behind her back. She just sort of
“But we did tie
her hands in front to her ankles and gagged her.”
“My mom was
kind of upset when we took her blindfold off and she saw her mother tied up.”
“She told my
mom that what upset her was that your grandmother’s skirt was all the way up to
her hips, and it didn’t seem to bother her”
“OK, but it
sounds like a story to me. Obviously I’m the rookie here. But, we might as well
get started.”
happy with where the keys are?”
“Where did you
get all these handcuffs?”
“Party City,
they sell them with all the other party games and toys.”
“Really, wonder
for what kind of parties?”
“What’s the
shoelace on the chain for?”
“Oh, I see,
keeps you from really moving your arms around, really snugs them against your
“OK, on your
belly Mom, just like Sue and Judy.”
“How about if
one member of each team is blindfolded?”
“I guess its
OK, but I don’t think that I’ll be much use to you.” 
“All you have
to do is lie there and let me unlock your cuffs after I get the key”
“Well, I guess
that I can handle that.”
And so my
daughter was soon lying next to me, hands cuffed behind her back, tied to her
back by a shoelace around her waist, her ankles cuffed together, and pulled up
to a nice right angle. We looked almost identical, except for the fact that my
pantiehose covered butt was showing.
“Really Mom,
everybody knows that being gagged is part of being hogtied.”
Well at least
we were almost identical again, we each had a nice big scarf knot tied firmly
in our mouth.
OK, that shot
my daughter’s plan all to hell. Now I would have to somehow get her blindfold
off so she could get the key and unlock my cuffs.
At least I
could watch as Samantha hogtied and gagged herself. Surprisingly easy with
cuffs and attached shoelaces. She simply tied the cuffs together, tied the
waist rope, gagged herself, knelt down, cuffed her ankles together, laid down
on her stomach. Snapped the cuffs around her wrists, and she was hogtied and
gagged just like the rest of us.
As soon as she
was done, we all started.
I tried to get
to Alice, but moving around was even harder than I had imagined.
I was able to
make some progress and enough noise so that she could home in on me. After a few
minutes I managed to get her blindfold off.
the other teams were well on their way to the keys.
By the time
that Alice reached ours, Samantha had already got Jane’s wrist cuffs off.
I think that
they had an unfair advantage over me. Their 13 and 14 year old breasts were
smaller and firmer than my 43 year old ones, and provided much less resistance
to movement than mine did.
But by the time
it was over, their shirts had worked their way up past their hips too, so all
our pantihose covered butts were showing.
We took a
little while to get ourselves back together, get something to drink, and visit
the little girls room.
When I got back
my daughter and the second place team where standing there with their hands
behind their backs while Samantha and Judy gagged them.
“Oh, the
winners decide how the losers spend the night Mrs. Patterson.”
“But if you
don’t want to, we understand.”
“I suppose your
Mom was tied up again.”
“Both times,
Sami is a much better partner.”
“What the hell.
Can we at least be on my bed instead of the floor?”
We had our
hands and arms tied, clothesline not handcuffs, clothesline around our arms
above and below our breasts, and of course the one holding our wrists to our
Having your
wrists crossed and tied behind your back was a very different feeling than just
having them held loosely together by toy plastic handcuffs. The gag knot was
just as mouth filling and uncomfortable. 
blindfolded and gagged didn’t make it any easier to get up the stairs.
Once we got to
the bed, our knees and ankles were tied and we were moved around so that we
were facing each other. Again, it was a different feeling having your ankles
actually touching rather than just shackled. 
Alice was about
a head shorter than I was, so her chin was firmly planted in the top of my
cleavage when they tied us together.
After we were
tied together at the ankles, knees, waist, and upper arms, they just sort of
toppled us onto the bed.
It wasn’t that
crowded, since it was king size bed, and tied like that we really didn’t take
up much more room than two adults,
We just lay
there, mother and daughter, experiencing some real togetherness until my
blindfold was removed, then my gag, and soon we were free.
“Boy, Mrs.
Patterson, you really really are something. My mom got totally mad trying to
get up our basement stairs and quit.”
“I told you
guys that my Mom was something special.
Somehow that
made being tied and gagged for eight hours worth it. Even if I had to change
the bed linen because of the three big drool spots. Alice did a pretty good job
of soaking the front of my shirt. 


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I am embarassed by something that I did in high school. As a teen, I was the girl-next-door. I wasn't beautiful, but I was pleasing enough...just this side of pretty, if that makes sense. I knew that guys looked at me and I looked at them. I went out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. When I was 16 (11th grade) and at a sleepover we decided to play truth or dare. One of the girls suggested that we make it a sexual version. Asking questions about sexual experience, daring each other to do things like taking off our shirts to show off our b****** , to m********* ourselves, call a guy that we liked and ask him if he wanted to have phone s** (if he did, then go through with it), etc. I wasn't too in to the idea, especially since I was a virgin but I went along with it. I was dared to have s** with a girl. I didn't know what to do. But, I ended up having s** with one of the other girls there. The girl I had s** with was known for having s** with guys and girls. It felt really good. I was embarassed about how good it felt, especially since I had an o***** . I was devestated when I got to school the following Monday to find out that it had all been a set up. The girls had set up a small camera in the room and video taped the s** . They sent it to some of their other friends (both guys and girls). I eventually saw the video. I got sick knowing that half the school saw the video. Some of the teachers even saw it. Some of the girls started calling me names, trying to imply that I was a lesbian. I wasn't a lesbian then and I'm not a lesbian now. The number of guys that asked me out reduced drastically. And the guys that did ask me out wanted me to be in a threesome with them and the girl from the video. They'd ask me this after kissing me and as they'd rub my b****** or as they were trying to stick their hands up my skirt. I always said no, but then, they'd tell their guy friends that they had s** with me. I didn't have s** with a guy until I was in my second semester of sophomore year. I dated the guy, my then boyfriend for a year (started dating my second semester in college). After we had been dating for awhile, the topic of s** came up. I told him what had happened in high school and that I was hesitant about having s** . He wasn't a virgin but he knew that I was. We did have oral s** but it was awhile before we had vaginal s** . He had been patient with me about having s** . It hit me one day, when I was listening to him talk about something that he was passionate about. I was very turned on by him, sexually and intellectually. All I could remember was that I blurted out that I wanted to have s** with him. He seemed surprised because we hadn't talked about it in awhile. He took it slow, he was so good about it. Even though, it hurt a bit, when he first started, it felt really nice. He was very gentle and was very good at making it feel good. Even though we broke up the next year, I'm glad that I lost my virginity to him.

Is there any girls in Missoula that want to have there p****** licked and sucked I love to eat p****

I'm sorry but why the f*** do you put * on lesbian? like that's a bad thing?

Can i f*** you i am 23 with a 7' c*** and you sound hot and sexy

if you live anywhere near me lemme know ill drop the s*** outta those guys. why would they do that to you? sorry to hear it :(

I am really sorry that those morons did that to you :( But i don't understand, if you weren't a lesbian, why did you do it?

Because maybe some girls like to experiment with their sexuality, moron.

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