Trule 34

Trule 34


Trule 34
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If it exists, there is porn of it — no exceptions.

Supposedly originating and popularized by the 4chan Image Boards , this was the first near-universally agreed-upon Rule Of The Internet . It is so well founded and documented with irrefutable proof that even those with only a cursory awareness of the Internet are aware of this rule even if they don't know it has a name.

While the original architects of the Internet had grandiose goals of research and data sharing, the second it fell into the hands of Joe Everyman , it became a tool for one thing and one thing only: pornography ! Now, it's not that everyone online is just looking for pornography; it's just that it's very very easy to come across. Even if you're not looking for it! Don't believe us? Do a Google image search (filters off) of, well, pretty much anything. Sometimes even with the filters on .

The key reason the scope of it is so wide and bizarre lies in what some have come to call Rule 36 : "If you've thought of it, then there's somebody out there with a Fetish for it." (And incidentally, by "it" we mean "anything that exists in the world.")

There's also Rule 35 , basically a guarantee that Rule 34 will remain true : "If there is no porn of it, it will be made". This basically means that if you notice you can't find porn of something, and point it out, somebody will be happy to draw/write/find it for you in pretty short order.

Finally, there is the concept of quantum porn. "Referring to a type of previously non-existent porn will cause online porn of that type to come into being retroactively." Nobody takes this seriously, so far as is known.

You may wish to keep a bottle of Brain Bleach handy while proving Rule 34. See also Rule 63 , which gets mixed up with this. And if you do go hunting to prove this rule false, say good-bye to your childhood first...

Not to be confused with US federal courts' Rule 34 . Or Rule 34 of the Evil Overlord List (dealing with the trope Scaled Up ). Or The 34th Rule , a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine book (the 34th Rule of Acquisition reads " War is good for business "). Or Wolfram 's Rule 34. Or Charles Stross 's novel Rule 34 (although it is the origin of the Stross title).

Nobody's sure if it's a coincidence that Lyons Township High School 's rule book has #34: No Pornography; mostly because nobody's ever dared to ask.

No examples, please. This applies to everything (except for Discworld , illustrated on several websites, as well as fellow novel runs Leviathan and Mortal Engines), so the list would be as long as ... everything. [1] Also, we're not really interested in being the Net's "How To Find Rule 34 Stuff" — you will need to look elsewhere if you want to find that kind of thing.

For a list of creator reactions to the phenomenon that are definitely not examples, see here .

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Locarno’s Golden Leopard winner is a sensually intimate character study tackling hot-button subject matter
Dir: Julia Murat. Brazil/France. 2022. 100 mins.
A surprise winner of the Golden Leopard at Locarno — Brazil’s first such triumph since Glauber Rocha’s Terra em transe back in 1967 — Rule 34 is an intriguing and ambitious third feature from director/co-writer Julia Murat. A sensually intimate character study of Simone, a multifaceted, thirtyish Black woman in bustling Rio de Janeiro, it boasts a strong central performance by newcomer Sol Miranda that retains interest and sympathy throughout.
A picture which is itself incongruously content to remain stylistically conventional
The Locarno success will guarantee plentiful further big-screen exposure for a film which attempts to tackle several topical, hot-button issues simultaneously and is a sure-fire generator of audience discussion and future academic analysis. But while stimulating for the mind, this is far from a feast for the senses; indeed, the pervading TV-style flatness of Leo Bittencourt’s visuals mean the film will lose little impact on the small screen. The frank handling of sexual matters, including BDSM and auto-asphyxiation, render it strictly a late-night, adults-only proposition for adventurous broadcasters.
Murat — whose first two feature-length films Found Memories (aka Things That Exist Only When Remembered , 2011) and Pendular (2017) achieved measures of international attention — kicks off Rule 34 in medias res as Simone titillates her online fans with masturbatory “cam” antics. It turns out that she is engaged in a 21st century version of working her way through college, funding her legal aspirations — she is training to be a public defender — through the proceeds from her page on the globally renowned porn website Chaturbate.
Structured as a series of mainly short, episodic vignettes, the screenplay (co-written with Gabriela Capello, Rafael Lessa and Roberto Winter) allows us to observe Simone at work, rest, study and play against an unfussily-sketched evocation of Rio. She is a proud feminist in a country which suffers from, we are informed, the world’s fifth-highest rate of femicide (and where “a woman is killed every two hours”). Indeed, Simone is a Black woman fiercely conscious and critical of the effects of long-standing patriarchal structures. “You can hold an exhibition of me tied up to reiterate all the historical images that are attached to my body,” she jokingly informs her BDSM-savvy BFF Nat (Isabella Mariotto).
An enthusiastic spare-time kickboxer, Simone takes part in a loose-ish menage a trois with her pals Coyote (Lucas Andrade) and Lucia (Lorena Comparato), all apparently bisexual to various degrees. By contrast, she seldom meets Nat in real life, but the pair maintain chatty closeness with regular video contact. Simone is thus very much a woman of her time, articulate and screen-addicted, self-questioning and closely engaged in social matters, keen to push the boundaries of her sexuality — even though this is a picture which is itself incongruously content to remain stylistically conventional.
In the film’s second half, during which Lucas Marcier and Maria Berlado’s poundingly intense score is increasingly deployed, Simone’s experimentation leads her into “dangerous” zones of sadomasochism and asphyxiation (either auto- or in tandem with Coyote). She is urged towards the latter by her most avid online follower, whose handles are variations on “Mr Cock 2020”; the anticipation leading up to this shadowy figure’s in-person assignation with Simone provides Rule 34 with its suspenseful climax.
The very last image, a 75-second shot in which Simone experiences and displays a convincing range of emotions as “Mr Cock 2020” impatiently pounds on her door, is by some way the strongest moment in the film. Miranda rises to this tricky challenge in a manner that recalls iconic final close-ups such as Garbo in Queen Christina , Bob Hoskins in The Long Good Friday and Mia Farrow in The Purple Rose Of Cairo .
Miranda’s sensuality and empathy give Rule 34 (the legal-sounding title taken the dictum that says everything which exists will rapidly yield a porn equivalent) a crucial human dimension, leavening the script’s didactic tendencies and its theoretical disquisitions masquerading as dialogue. “The relationship between the functionalist theory and that of criminal cultures is not one of reciprocal exclusion,” notes Simone during a study session in her flat — the racket of Rio audible through her open window, and visible behind her sparkly pink dildo.
Production companies: Esquina Filmes, Bubbles Project
International sales: Esquina Filmes,
Producers: Tatiana Leite, Julia Murat
Screenplay: Gabriela Capello, Julia Murat, Rafael Lessa, Roberto Winter
Editing: Beatriz Pomar, Julia Murat, Mair Tavares
Music: Lucas Marcier, Maria Berlado
Main cast: Sol Miranda, Lucas Andrade, Lorena Comparato, Isabela Mariotto
Eddie Redmayne, Viola Davis, Lee Jung-jae to participate in on-stage conversations.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gabriela Capello Julia Murat Rafael Lessa Roberto Winter

Sol Miranda
Lucas Andrade
Lorena Comparato
Isabela Mariotto

Beatriz Pomar Julia Murat Mair Tavares

August 10, 2022 ( 2022-08-10 ) ( Locarno )

^ Jump up to: a b c d Young, Neil (August 14, 2022). " 'Rule 34': Locarno Review" . Screen Daily . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ "Regra 34; Júlia Murat" [Rule 34; Julia Murat]. Imovision (in Portuguese) . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ "Concorso internazionale: Regra 34 (Rule 34)" . Locarno Festival . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ Jump up to: a b c Blaney, Martin (August 13, 2022). "Brazil's 'Rule 34' wins top prize at Locarno Film Festival" . Screen Daily . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ Jump up to: a b Sennhauser, Michael (August 13, 2022). "REGRA 34 von Júlia Murat" [REGRA 34 by Julia Murat]. Sennhauser's Film Blog (in German) . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ Marie de la Fuente, Anna (August 1, 2022). "Brazil's 'Rule 34' Drops Trailer Before Locarno Main International Competition Bow (EXCLUSIVE)" . Variety . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ Lodge, Guy (August 13, 2022). "Provocative Brazilian Film 'Rule 34' Wins the Top Prize at Locarno Film Festival" . Variety . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

^ Ntim, Zac (August 13, 2022). "Locarno Film Festival Winners: 'Rule 34' Takes Golden Leopard" . Deadline . Retrieved August 17, 2022 .

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Rule 34 ( Portuguese : Regra 34 ) is a 2022 Brazil and France co-produced drama film directed by Julia Murat and starring Sol Miranda . The title of the film is based on the Internet phenomenon Rule 34 . Structured as a series of short episodes, it follows a young law student who develops a passion for defending women in abuse cases. At the same time, her own sexual interests lead her into a world dominated by v
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