True Private

True Private


True Private

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6 years, 4 months ago

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As far as MSBuild is concerned, ProjectReference is an item group (i.e., list) and Private is item metadata for the included item. The answer to your question lies in what any includes do with it. In more general terms, what specific type of project is it? Maybe tag your question with csharp.

–  Tom Blodget
Oct 8 '14 at 4:12

I meant "Imports" not "includes".

–  Tom Blodget
Oct 8 '14 at 4:35

@malexander: I think your answer was good if you'd undelete it...

–  Billy ONeal
Oct 8 '14 at 19:45

@Tom: Sure, strictly speaking that's true. On the other hand, the ProjectReference item is recognized by (at least) the C# and C++ MSBuild supporting infrastructure; it looks like it is handled mostly in the Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets file.

–  Billy ONeal
Oct 8 '14 at 19:46

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As Mitch said it controls the Copy Local setting in the properties for a reference. Additionally, it can only contain the values True and False. If it is absent then the default value of True is assumed

–  GPR
Mar 23 '18 at 17:12

If the is missing, then it's not equivalent to True . Search for "MSBuild CopyLocal bug". E.g. see

–  xmedeko
Jun 28 '18 at 12:45

@xmedeko, That's correct. I'm not sure where @GPR got "If it is absent then the default value of True is assumed" since the answer explicitly says "[Missing] means this task will decide whether to treat this reference as CopyLocal or not". Most of the logic is in msbuild\Reference.cs:949

–  Mitch
Jun 28 '18 at 19:05

Is it possible that even if is set to True , MSBuild still does not include the reference in the Output if its not used by the application? This is the current behavior that I am getting locally...

–  Ninja
Dec 28 '19 at 0:58

@Ninja, this most frequently happens if MSBuild cannot locate the referenced assembly. If it is not directly used by the code, it may still compile successfully. You can troubleshoot with procmon or MSBuild detailed logging

–  Mitch
Dec 28 '19 at 4:05

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I saw this in a project file the other day:
Every node in a ProjectReference appears to be self explanatory (the referenced project file, GUID, name to show in the solution explorer, and whether or not the current project should link to the referenced project) except Private , and the Common MSBuild Project Items page doesn't document this value. (There's a Private setting documented for Reference rather than ProjectReference -- but it has Never , Always , and PreserveNewest settings, not true and false)
The Private tag maintains the user-override to the "Copy Local" checkbox in the Visual Studio References folder. This controls whether the reference is used from the GAC or whether it will copy the referenced assembly to the build directory.
While I cannot find any MSDN documentation to this effect (quelle surprise), it is evident from behavior and from the comment in Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets:1742 where it is applied:
I want just to state, that false (which you can apply to ProjectReference s) may not work when using and project $(MSBuildProjectFullPath) have ProjectReference s that have PreserveNewest
. I've read the source code around and found the solution. You need to define _GetChildProjectCopyToPublishDirectoryItems=false so an example would be:

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Social media shouldn’t be creepy and it doesn’t have to be. True has been designed to protect your privacy with private threaded, beautiful sharing. • Focused on people you really know, we’re making social a safe, happy place again without personal data mining • It’s the quality of relationships, not quantity, that make us happier. We’re building new ways to tell your story, connect with friends and strengthen your community • No manipulative algorithms, genuine connections, original content from real people • We don’t spy on you, read your cookies or follow you around the internet. You own your data, forever, and we’ll never sell or share it with anyone It’s time to try an honest solution. True is real friends and real life without commercial interruption. The True Story True was founded in Mill Valley. It’s a lovely little mountain town in northern California filled with giant redwoods, beautiful valleys and neighbors who look after each other. It’s this real-life Happy Valley that inspired us to build a company that gets back to things that matter. Real friends and real life without commercial interruption. It’s the quality of our relationships, not the quantity, that make us happier. It’s the joy of making new friends and connecting with old ones that strengthen our sense of community. Somehow, in a rush for growth and profit, these feelings have been lost. Social today no longer feels like a Happy Valley, it’s more like we’re all living in a big creepy commercial. Big social companies are in the middle of our relationships. They’re taking our best intentions and selling them to the highest bidder. Well, we’re just not going to do that anymore. Why Should I Trust You Guys? There’s a lot of talk about privacy. Every few weeks, another big company gets caught in a new scandal. But there is never anything really done about it and we go on accepting the problem. The crazy thing is, this is never going to stop. As long as these companies make money by selling our personal information, they will find ever more devious ways to collect it. But we never signed up for this. We didn’t post our lives, families and personal relationships for sale. We did not agree to let these companies make money from being in the middle of our friendships. We believe you should be free to share your life without big brands competing for your attention. You should own your information and decide what you want to do with it. 3rd parties should never have access to your data. You should not be the product. We believe your privacy matters. We take it into consideration with every decision we make. You should believe we respect your privacy and trust we’ll do the right thing with your information. What’s Different About It? We just don’t think you can be yourself in a world of perfect pictures awash in a sea of influencers. Old-school social is for blasting your life to people you don’t really know, measured by standards you will never achieve. So we’ve built a new kind of threaded sharing that is private by default. Until now, no one has tried this before. It gives you control over things you want to share and who you want to share them with. By combining beautiful, edge-to-edge storytelling with private messaging, it’s the best of both worlds. What do we all love? Updates from real friends. But original thoughts and stories have gone missing in big social. Sadly, most content today is created by companies with an agenda. We share an endless stream of news and ideas pushed by these companies and no longer share our real lives. So we built a platform that only allows original content. There are no outside links or political arguments here. You come to True to see real updates from friends. Content they created themselves, not clickbait designed to hold your attention and manipulate opinion. True lets you… be you. Real sharing from real friends, we’re making social a safe, happy place again.
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The new version of True is absolutely terrific. It's private and there's no advertising. I get to create private threads with the people in my life that I want to hear from; and share all kinds of stories, photos and content. Finally a social media app with integrity. I love it!
I don't feel safe with this app. It tracks my route and always asking where I am at. It does have a privacy button but I am not sure what people can and not can not see because, unlike other apps, I cannot view my profile as others can see it.
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