Triumphant Crewmates Galore

Triumphant Crewmates Galore

Unless you aren't conscious, one of the breakthrough video games this season is Among Us. Among Us is a social deduction game that is patterned after the popular party pastime Mafia. With its cute simple graphics together with good gameplay which involved lots of arguing and inferring, no wonder its fame skyrocketed in staggering speed. The popularity of One of Us is also reinforced by merely looking at its staggering quantity of downloads in a month The popularity of One of Us isn't going down any time soon so it is best to talk about some techniques as a crewmate.

Among Us is located in any of the three currently playable maps that are a spaceship called The Skeld, a headquarters building called Mira HQ, and a planet base with the title of Polus. There are two roles available in the game which is as crewmates and impostors. The job of crewmates is to finish tasks which were given to them without getting killed by an impostor. Being a crewmate isn't just about doing tasks but also being watchful and a keen observer. So, what are the tips and techniques you could do as a crewmate to eventually help you win the game?

1. Strength in Numbers

Impostors take advantage of situations particularly if a crewmate is lonely. For a crewmate, you have to be careful of being killed alone because it will be harder for the teammates to win. Which is why a excellent strategy is constantly moving teams and even placing your bean character in the same cell as another team partner when doing a job. Impostors always go for the kill when a crewmate is alone. Unfortunately, this strategy is not always dependable especially if you go in pairs since you might encounter an impostor.

2. Think like the enemy

If You know some tricks that an impostor might do, then you can be wary of what kind of stunt a potential impostor might pull off. An instance is understanding how the vent system works. If you use a vent system, odds are you are escaping and probably an impostor. If can you cross play among us understand how they work, you could have the ability to monitor who the impostor is fairly quickly!

3. Smart Convention

Holding Emergency meetings is a useful tool for both crewmates and impostors. As a crewmate, a perfectly timed emergency meeting can make or break the game. Calling emergency meetings is not only about random chatting, it's also a terrific way to either confuse your opponents if you're an impostor or eliminate an impostor if you're a crewmate.

4. Know your game

By understanding what the typical common tasks are, you Might be able to see who is acting and who's not. So, if you see a person doing An apparent common task that's not recorded in yours, it is very likely that they are an impostor. By being Vigilant, you can definitely win the game.

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