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Trip sitter , or sometimes a sober sitter or co-pilot , is a term used by recreational or spiritual drug users to describe a person who remains sober to ensure the safety of the drug user while he or she is under the influence of a drug; they are especially common with first-time experiences or when using psychedelics, dissociatives and deliriants. This practice can be qualified as a means of harm reduction. Guides are more common among spiritual users of entheogens. A sitter may be necessary for users of Salvia divinorum for example because the drug can sometimes cause both disorientation and a desire to move about. While the presence of a responsible, knowledgeable trip sitter or guide will reduce the risks of drug use, it is of course no guarantee that a bad trip will not occur, or that the drug user will remain free. In some cases, a trip sitter may be a medical professional, such as the nurses used in psychedelic research or a therapist who performs psychedelic psychotherapy. However, the most common trip sitter is a friend or family member whom the drug user trusts. Although an ideal sitter is one who is both personally experienced with the substance being used, as well as one trained to deal with any potential psychological or medical crisis that may arise, arguably the most important qualities may be the willingness to help, the responsibility needed to stay sober enough to be fully present, and the ability to be relaxed, accepting, and not interfere with the experience beyond the wishes of the user. A sitter should be willing to research the substance in question, and understand when to call for professional medical assistance. Especially when using a short-acting substance such as smoked DMT or Salvia divinorum , it may be possible for two people to take turns, with one being the sitter while the other takes the psychedelic. A responsible trip sitter assists a drug user before, during, and after their experience; it is their responsibility to help the user by making sure they drink enough water, assisting them in moving around when needed, and generally doing whatever necessary to ensure their comfort throughout the trip. The responsible trip sitter will thoroughly research the substance which will be ingested as well as the users in order to answer all potential questions the user may have, and to prepare for any potential crisis situations it may cause. They may have first hand experience of the drug beforehand, but this is not required, with a number of sitters choosing to the culture but not the chemical. The sitter will discuss this research in detail with the user; it is also considered important to talk to the user about any ground rules for the session, how to handle any emergencies that may arise, and what, if any, guidance will be wanted during the trip. A sitter typically remains present for the entire experience. In some cases, they may actively guide the experience of the user by adjusting their environment or through guided meditation or visualization. In other cases, they stay uninvolved except when the user has questions, fears, or needs for which the sitter can provide such as making sure the user drinks enough water. Assistance in facing fears may be especially necessary if the experience turns into a bad trip. A sitter may help the drug user to integrate or understand their experiences when the experience is complete. Just as they did before, and during the trip, they may reassure the user about any fears or worries that have occurred. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Counterculture Entheogen Smart shop Trip sitter Psychedelic microdosing. Bad trip Ecology Ego death Serotonergic psychedelic Therapy. Drug policy of the Netherlands Drug liberalization Legality of cannabis Legal status of psilocybin mushrooms Legal status of Salvia divinorum. Related topics. Recreational drug use. Calea zacatechichi Silene capensis. Coffee break Coffeehouse Latte art Tea house. Abuse Date rape drug Impaired driving Drug harmfulness Effects of cannabis Addiction Dependence Prevention Opioid replacement therapy Rehabilitation Responsible use Drug-related crime Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Long-term effects of cannabis Neurotoxicity Overdose Passive smoking of tobacco or other substances. Alcohol legality Alcohol consumption Anabolic steroid legality Cannabis legality Annual use Lifetime use Cigarette consumption Cocaine legality Cocaine use Methamphetamine legality Opiates use Psilocybin mushrooms legality Salvia legality. Categories : Drug culture Harm reduction. Hidden categories: Portal templates with all redlinked portals Portal-inline template with redlinked portals. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Part of a series on. Law Drug policy of the Netherlands Drug liberalization Legality of cannabis Legal status of psilocybin mushrooms Legal status of Salvia divinorum.

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Это всего несколько примеров того, какие мысли могут возникнуть во время бэд-трипа. Вы должны помнить, что для людей их страхи более чем реальны и они могут на них зациклиться надолго, практически, на субъективную вечность. Итак, как трип-ситтер, чем вы можете помочь? На этот вопрос нет однозначного ответа. То, что срабатывает в одном случае, может не сработать в другом, и наоборот.

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Ситтер обычно остается на весь трип. В некоторых случаях они могут активно управлять опытом пользователя, настраивая их среду или посредством медитации или визуализации.  Это очень редко, и вы не должны предполагать, что человек испытывает психоз, вызванный наркотиками. Хотя выявление и лечение кого-либо на ранних стадиях психоза может улучшить их долгосрочный результат, маловероятно, что у них психоз и гораздо более вероятно, что это бэд трип.

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Психодели́ческое состоя́ние (трип) — изменённое состояние сознания, характеризуемое отличным от типичного восприятием и интенсивным процессом осознания. Психоделические состояния могут быть вызваны различными способами, например сенсорной депривацией или приёмом психоактивных веществ класса психоделиков (Марихуана, ЛСД, ДМТ, ДОБ и т. д.). Данные состояния сознания заключаются в переживаниях иллюзий, галлюцинаций.

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Люди, вместе употребляющие психоделики, часто приходят к решению, что им необходим трип-ситтер. Это такой человек, который будет оказывать помощь группе и в случае чего сможет применить свою свободную от воздействия веществ голову. В чем-то этот человек похож на бэби-ситтера, потому что помощь тр.

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