Трип-репорты Конопли Миасс

Трип-репорты Конопли Миасс

Трип-репорты Конопли Миасс

Сделал для вас трипы про траву, каннабис, марихуанну, почти улетели в космос с Илоном Маском.


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The use of hallucinogenic mushrooms is not easy fun for people who are bored and tired of everyday life. In past times, this occupation was endowed with special spiritual significance. Under the influence of psilocybin in a person, certain parts of the brain are blocked, which are responsible for filtering information coming from outside. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, this process is associated with a temporary disconnection of consciousness from the ego. The famous founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, and also Carl Jung spoke about the same thing. Subject to certain rules and maintaining the appropriate attitude, a person after consuming magic mushrooms can receive many answers, plunge into a transcendental state and experience the deepest spiritual experience in his life. You can read about what experience the users of our forum have experienced in this section of the forum. The impact of marijuana on the body can sometimes be unpredictable, and sometimes saturated with creative inspiration, philosophical speculations, increased social activity, euphoria, unbridled laughter or pleasant relaxation, immersing in a marvelous state bordering on visions and sleep. For someone, a smoked jamb can be an incentive to play sports, and for someone, marijuana is the key to oneself and is used before meditation. What effects and unusual discoveries users of our forum experienced under the influence of cannabis can be found in this section. Given such a complex set of roundabouts, it is safe to say that the impact can be unpredictable, and there is no guarantee that two different people will survive the same trip. Each case is purely individual. The use of entheogens and marijuana may be the deepest spiritual experience in human life. Upon returning from the trip, novice travelers will undoubtedly have questions, speculations, and a clear misunderstanding of what happened to them. In this section, forum participants have the opportunity to ask their question and get an answer from experienced psychonauts. Feel free to ask, share your impressions post topics. The first wandering around the inner world under the influence of entheogens, as a rule, leaves more questions than answers, but with each new wandering the traveler becomes more seasoned and begins to understand something that he did not even suspect before. Each psychedelic experience leaves an amazing trace in the mind and memory of the traveler. Sometimes wanderers in the world of abstract images and incredible visions cannot directly express their experiences and dress them in poems, amazing tales, stories and poems. Creativity speaks to the world of the soul and it is not surprising that after consuming psilocybin mushrooms or cacti, a person will want to draw a picture, capturing ever-moving colorful patterns on it or to compose a song, poem or story. Psychoactive substances stimulate creative activity, dig out the deep roots of self-doubt and help a person to feel the world with every cell of his body. Take a look at the work of Salvador Dali. No one says that he took entheogens, but his paintings show that he was in a border state, which can be achieved, including with the help of 'magic' substances. This section is dedicated to the creativity of our participants under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms or marijuana. The awakened creative forces after the use of cannabis or psilocybin will rebel in the mind of a person until they find a way out and are captured in the form of a picture or entertaining drawings. This section of the forum is dedicated to the visual arts of our participants. If you also draw after a smoked pigtail, then do not hesitate to create a theme and post your creativity in it, because it is a gift whose results belong not only to the artist, but to all of humanity. Share and get new inspiration. This is how the Law of the Universe works. Хочешь гровить на личном авто? Розыгрыш GanjaCoin - Экзотические блюда. Конкурс 'Фото месяца - Октябрь - Харвест! Конкурс 'Занимательные истории'. Итоги голосования 'Фото месяца - Сентябрь - Я люблю! Trip report Mushrooms The use of hallucinogenic mushrooms is not easy fun for people who are bored and tired of everyday life. Trip report Marijuana The impact of marijuana on the body can sometimes be unpredictable, and sometimes saturated with creative inspiration, philosophical speculations, increased social activity, euphoria, unbridled laughter or pleasant relaxation, immersing in a marvelous state bordering on visions and sleep. Questions The use of entheogens and marijuana may be the deepest spiritual experience in human life. Trip creativity This section is dedicated to the creativity of our participants under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms or marijuana. Канна-кухня vs курение. В чем разница? By hron , June Странный эффект By Erman36, December 13, Нужна помощь и совет опытных грибоедов By Sergey, November 5, Трипрепорты By kanifas, October 1, Интересный случай-Тут крокодилы дружат с человеком! Северная Индия. By hron , January 22, By Jal, May 4, Сальвия Х5 By Alchy, November 5, Шаман исцеление через душу. By Хронос, September 6, Трип сальвия 1 2 By Serg, June 19, Опыт запредельной дозировки. By Хронос, August 23, Сучай или байка про провоз дури через границу By мутный, July 9, Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Конкурсы Sign In Sign Up.

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Пожарить коноплю в сливочном масле, отжать и всё. А из этого масла, уже хоть, что угодно готовь. Хоть кексы, хоть в макароны его добавь.  вот в этом вся и разница, что незаконно- вот я в Лондоне живу, у нас конопля де-факто легальна, во дворе я курю по выходным ее, но кофи-шопов официальных нет. Самый смак в том, чтобы посидеть в кофи-шопе, побазарить с людьми, послушать музыку- то есть сделать все культурно, а не просто с женой во дворе обкуриться.

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Трип репорт (Марихуана). Воздействие марихуаны на организм порой может быть непредсказуемым, а иногда насыщенным творческим вдохновением, философскими измышлениями, повышенной социальной активностью, эйфорией, безудержным смехом или приятной расслабленностью, погружающей в дивное состояние, граничащее с видениями и сном. Для кого-то выкуренный косячок может быть стимулом заняться спортом, а для кого-то марихуана является ключом к самому себе и используется перед медитацией.

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