Трип репорт 9i nbome

Трип репорт 9i nbome

Трип репорт 9i nbome

Трип репорт 9i nbome



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Трип репорт 9i nbome

Трип репорт 9i nbome

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Трип репорт 9i nbome

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Трип репорт 9i nbome

Copyright Mind Media. Some rights reserved. Generated in 0. I hope you all enjoy the read. I have always been interested in this substance since I heard about how similar it is to LSD. I myself, love LSD. If I could eat it every day, I most likely would, unfortunately I have a job to attend, and there is this shitty thing called tolerance. So anyways, I got myself some complexed ug tabs of this 25i. It was Thursday, I just got off work, and I headed home. Later on, around 6PM, one of my buddys took off. When he left, I asked my friend who we will call A if he wanted to trip tonight. He said sure and asked if it was lucy. I told him about 25i-NBOMe. No one here in my town my age knows about this substance. I have only ran across it two times here in town, and it was being sold as LSD. Once I told him the effects, duration, and dosage, he was okay with it. So we both started off with one tab. The numbing sensation ended up making my lower jaw numb, the taste was absolutely horrible. It was worse than 2C-I in my opinion. At around PM, we both swashed around our saliva, and swallowed. We then chewed the tab up some more, rubbed it on our gums, and swallowed the tab. Minute by minute, I felt it getting stronger, and I became more and more excited. I always love a nice body high, but I was aiming for visuals for the night. Body high was present, it felt quite euphoric, yet I felt like all my energy has been drained. I had no desire to move what so ever. I was melted into my couch, staring at my ceiling. The ceiling started looking like rippling water. My sliding glass door shades looked like there was a constant wave flowing through them, and my carpet started expanding, then returning to normal shape. I felt like I was almost on a great acid trip, except I felt nausious. It was bumming my trip, so I decided to smoke a bowl with A. Now he is tripping pretty good, he was having a joy at the visuals, but he thought we shpuld have taken two tabs to begin with instead of one, and I agreed. It felt like we were on the edge of tripping, and going into a full on experience. We talked about a re dose, but I was unsure how our bodys would re act to it such as tolerance. I tried doing a quick search on here but found nothing. I grabbed out a square of four, split them so we each had two. I gave him one and he aaod 'Are you serious? Instead of having it under our tounge, we decided to put it in front of our lower gum, between the lip. I was feeling the chemical burns, it was disgusting, and the 25 minute wait, felt like hours. It was the worst case of the giggles I have ever experienced. Both A and I were laughing over the stupidest stuff. We were walking around my apartment, tripping on my melting doors, liquid counter tops, and fractle spinning ceiling. Shadows around my apartment were stretching, it was great! We both smoked another bowl, the coughing made me sick again, and I actually ended up purging a little. As I was recovering, I took a look into the mirror. To my surprise, my eyes were conpletely normal! They were not dialated one bit, nor were they red by any means from smoking. I then questioned myself to if I was even high, and that was when A yelled, 'Bro, we got to go outside. It was around PM and I was nervous that if we were to go on a walk, we would get stopped by the police some how. He ended up talking me into it, so I geared up. As I waa getting ready, the visuals kept intensifying. My walls were soon breathing, carpet had flowing rivees, I had extreme tracers, and my vision started vibrating really bad. When I would turn my head, every thing would vibrate, slowdown, have tracers, and everything ended up looking like a blur. But when I stopped turning my head, everything focused and had extreme clarity! We keep getting caught in these laughing attacks. There was one point in time, where I was actually crying from laughing so hard. Why we were laughing, we had no clue at all. It was fantastic though. I ended up loading a persy bowl right before we headed out. I took a fat rip, and as I blew out the smoke toward the light, I blew out fucking purple. I could see every smoke partical spin as it expanded throughout the air, and the purple ended up turning transparent. That was when I told myseld, we need to go. We headed outside, and started walking down this long road toward a park. The road stretched for miles, trees were bending and waving their branches, the concrete was flowing, everything was just there! The best part about this, was we were both completely clear headed.. Well, for now. I jog this park everyday, so I know the trails quite well. We were walking the trail and he said 'These are awesome bridges! We get out to the middle of the field in the park, some street lights provide light in the distance, but for the most part, everything is dark. I started noticing transparent fractles forming in my vision. It was like i was wearing a pair of transparent sunglasses that had liquid fractles of the colors green, orange, red, and yellow, all flowing on my eyes. I looked down at the grass, which i could actually see pretty well, and it looked like there was chickenwire everywhere. As i went to touch it, it disappeared. I was shocked. I look up in the sky to see the stars, and I see the entire universe in front of my eyed. Stars were flashing everywhere in the sky, clouds were swirling, it was so beautiful. I had such a spiritual connection with the universe, and nature around me. I felt like I was gathering energy from the universe, and sharing it with nature. As I was looking at the clouds, I noticed these very faint green lasers appearing and beaming through the sky. I saw fucking lasers. Coming from the sky. I then looked off into the field, and I noticed patches of light shining on the field, yet there was no light source. I then started seeing flashes of light coming from the corner of my eyes, as if a strobe light was turned on behind me, as I looked, it was just darkness. It was starting to frighten me, because this same visual occured when I was sober, a couple weeks shortly after my 2C-I trip. I had to leave the field, I felt like if the flashes continued, they would never leave, and I would enter my mental psychosis again. Both A and I ended up walking further into the park to the play structure. So at this point in time, I forgot I even had a phone, or such technologies even existed. I had no sense of time, and a mindfuck started occuring. My visuals were raging, and I felt like I was on the most powerful substance in my life. The visuals would not go away or fade, they just kept getting stronger. The barkdust was crawling, the play structure was shaking. As I was brousing the play area, I seen the most awesome idea ever. The swing set. I literally ran to the swing, hopped on, and prepared for lift off. I give myself a big push back and take off, feet straight into the air and I looked straight up to the stars, I felt like I was on a rocket, and as I was coming backwards, all the stars turned to lines, as if I entered warp speed in star trek. I was having so much fun, the wind in my hair, the laughing, the flying sensasion, it was beautiful, I felt like a kid again. I decided to get off, and go climb the structure. One, two, three I slid down the fireman pole and landed straight on my ass. Hurt like a bitch. A started another laugh attack, which was contagious which I then started busting up laughing. We decided to head home. Last year, I was on 2C-I, and I was tripping with my friend who happened to live in the apartment complex I now live in. Well there is this big grassy hole in the ground, which has a dome in the middle, with a medium size tree on top. We decided to sit next to it, and we sat there for three hours tripping. The best part was, although we were right next to a street, we were sitting below the street, so no cars could see us! I walk by this beautiful spot each day on my way home from work, and never get to sit next to that tree. As I did, I felt connected with nature again. I felt reunited. It was like seeing a long lost friend. I felt at home. It was amazing. A ended up whining and I had to leave. As we got home, I wanted to take a shower. It was so refreshing, as I was washing my long thick soapy hair, i got the image that my hair was covered in slime. It was odd. I got all dressed in comfy cloths and went out to the living room. We smoked a bowl, then turned on some video games. I put in Battlefield 3 and prepared myself for battle. This was the most intense game in my life. Explosions in front of my, debris of buildings flying in front of me. Bullets whisping past my head. I felt like I was in the war. I had this thought that if I were to die, I would be dead in real life. It was scary. I was yet destroying. My reactions were so quick, I actually had my sensitivity nearly doubled what I nearly played at. I ended up going 23 and fuckin 2. ON 25I! I ended up letting A play for a bit, which we then hooked up netflix. It was now around AM, my body high was gone, my visuals were decreasing, and I felt conpletely sober in the head. A on the other hand was still tripping pretty hard, and he eventually got himself stuck in a mind fuck. As he was mindfucking himself, I was laying on my couch feeling my jaw. My left side of my jaw felt really swollen, and my right side wasnt at all. It felt like my teeth werent matching up either. I started panicing and thought i dislocated my jaw sometime in the night while laughing so hard. It was fucking with me so hard, it actually started scaring me. It was enough to the point where I made a thread in the pub asking for help. I wanted to go to sleep so I could wake up and check while I was sober, but A was tripping so hard still, that he asked me to be up with him cause he didnt want to be left alone. So as a good friend, I stayed awake, trying not to have a panic attack about my jaw. I went and grabbed both A and I 10mg of Melatonin a piece. We popped them and smoked our final, and only bowl of herb. Within 20 minutees I could barely hold my eyes open I was so tired, yet A still had fully dialated pupils, and was still tripping the fuck out. He has been fed all the 'stuck in a trip turn to a glass of orange juice' bullshit. I reassured him that it is impossible for that to happen, and I would always have his back. It was around AM when I could finally let him be by himself, as soon as I got to bed, I passed the fuck out. Woke up 12 hours later drenched on sweat, with a pounding headache. This was by far the most intense trip I have ever had in ny life. This was more visual than my DMT experience. Also, way way way stronger than my 25mg 2C-I dose. I finally got to see visuals get on the same level as fear and loathing. And honestly, I think that has satisfied my interests in psychedelics for awhile. Definitely taking a break from psychs for a good while, not because of my trip by any means, it is just that i need a break, and this 25i is a great way to go out with a bang. I can say at around roughly ug that this substance is very very similar to LSD, infact, it is scary close. On 25i-NBOMe, I have a spiritual connection with nature around me, the objects we see everyday, but never actually take the time to appreciate them. We have such an amazing planet with so much variety. This was definitely, one of the best experiences I have ever encountered. Thank you all for reading. Damn, that took an hour and a half to write out from on my phone. Ugh I need a computer. Man epic trip report I enjoyed reading that. I can definitely relate to the need to go walk abouts. I also can relate to playing computer games, its one of most engrossing fun things ever when tripping So after your experience if you were to do 25i again, what dosage would u aim for? Well, I have quite a few trips under my belt, so I feel confortable between 1. I feel 2. Also, thanks for your reply. Yeah over 2mg sounds intense. Good post. Makes me wanna try this 25i soon. Gotta agree. Epic report. If you need a break, take one! Its like its all brand new yet familiar and comfortable after a nice long break. Gave you plus 5 for being such a good, responsible trip buddy to your friend. Well done, sir! Any information, statement, or assertion contained therein should be considered pure unadulterated bullshit. If you have a question, ask it in the appropriate thread. Quote: allseeingike said: i took 3. Yes very, 3 tabs was about 9x stronger than one tab. Quote: Nature Boy said: Gotta agree. Thanks N. I do need a break, the last break I took was between Sept. Dosed on some lucy and it was fantastic. Ever since I started selling and giving away lucy, ive been digging into my stash WAY too much. So I am gunna stop selling and just chill for a couple months. Also, thanks man. It is only the respectful thing to do. Quote: MushyMatt said: You sir are crazy. This report was great because it was neither all glowing praise for the substance or negative dismissal, I felt it was very well rounded. Good to know about all the body load, but also the intensity, very interesting stuff indeed! Much Love! Thanks man! If I had a computer I could write it out a lot better, I love writing, I feel like I always kmow how to suck the reader in. XD I appreciate the feedback everyone. If any of you have any questions just shoot a. Home Community Message Board. You are not signed in. Sign In New Account Username:. Forgot your password? Remember me. Jump to first unread post. Quick Reply. Re: 2. Makes me wanna try this 25i soon Useful bulk substrate calculator Post Extras:. Post Extras:. You sir are crazy. Jump to top. All my shroom experiences have been bad. The Threshold effect x3. Negative Salvia experiences. Extra information. Search this thread:.

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Web-страница: Очумелые ручки: как скрутить добротный джоинт Способ первый - косой для новичка В этом случае будем крутить обычный прямой джоинт без всяческих извращений. Шаг первый - подготавливаем продукт Пожалуй, это самый главный этап. Нужно удалить из смеси все палочки, стебельки и прочую шелуху. Убедитесь, что консистенция единообразна. Также перепроверьте бумагу - она должна быть полностью сухой. Шаг второй - определяем форму косого Форма напрямую зависит от того, как вы распределите продукт внутри джоинта. Классические косяки имеют коническую форму, они более…. У нас дружная семья, своих не бросаем. Уникальная возможность стать основой перспективного шопа. На 10 кладов уходит минут. С нашей минимальной платой р за один клад, получается вы зарабатываете р в день. А что если вы работаете всю неделю без выходных? Ведь мин в день уделить сможет каждый. А что если вы делаете не 10 кладов, а 20, или даже 25? Опытные курьеры могут делать вплоть до кладов в день! Я уже не говорю о повышении до склада или перевозке товара, где прибыль может доходить до млн в месяц. Сейчас бытует мнение что кладмены это расходный материал, и что они долго не задерживаются на этой должности. Работники которые следуют простым правилам безопасности, которым мы конечно же обучаем, работают очень долго, зарабатывают большие суммы, покупают машины, квартиры и круто меняют свою жизнь в лучшую сторону. Мы своих людей бережем и очень ценим! Пиши мне: samuraychip. Первое на очереди DMT, сильнейший психоделик для сильнейших людей. Зафиксированы смерти от него. И все наркотики являются смертоносными для человека. Наркоумельцами ежегодно создаются все История Экстази. От открытия до запрета. Всем советую к прочтению. Web-страница: МДМА. MDMA был впервые синтезирован при попытках найти новые средства для улучшения свёртываемости крови в году немецким химиком Антоном Опиаты и опиоиды. Худшие из того, что можно попробовать. Web-страница: Наркотики-опиаты и опиоиды Опиаты и опиоиды — разновидность наркотических средств, получаемых из снотворного мака или синтетическим способом. Во всем мире Трип репорт экстази Если хочешь, чтобы твой трип репорт появился тут - присылай его админу. Web-страница: первый опыт с экстази Это было в том году. Мне нравился гашиш. Очень нравился. Мне нравилось то, что от него практически нет зависимости. Легче и приятнее употребляется, нежели алкоголь. И эффект круче. Поэтому перед своим выпускным я без сомнений купил единичку хорошего гашиша. Увы, ненаход. Было печально, пришлось идти на выпускной трезвым. Думаю, многие согласятся, что даже будучи выпускниками, для учителей мы всё равно дети, поэтому у нас сначала была прогулка по набережной, с детскими аниматорами, глупыми конкурсами и не смешными…. Трип - репорт. Время чтения минут. Есть много всяких разных историй, но еще никогда не писал репортов. Дело было в Европе, примерно год назад. До этого момента я пробовал кислоту не больше раз и никогда ни с чем не смешивал. Дело происходило в коттедже, так как я и еще 9 моих друзей и подруг решили объедениться и нахуй съехать с общаги, найти себе дом вдали от дома так сказать В тот день я зависал вместе с одной знакомой. Она не была барыгой, скорее просто перекупщиком. Но не смотря на всё это доступ к мариджону и ксану у меня был постоянный. Амфетамин - злая штука. Подробнее можете прочитать в статье. Собрал для вас как можно больше информации. Web-страница: Всё об амфетамине: виды, стоимость, состав, влияние и последствия. Амфетамин является наркотиком, обладающим возбуждающим психостимулирующим действием. Данный психотроп влияет на ЦНС и приводит Ну тот, который всем наваривал и рассказывал истории из жизни. Не помнишь? А кто угарал над ним, не задумывался о его накуренных теориях. Мой хороший друг очень похож на этого сидящего около Водного. Не буду рассказывать про него все , что знаю, лучше сам загляни и вспомнишь его. На канале этого паренька можно встретить ещё много всяких чудес. Как наркотики влияют на организм человека. Часть 2. Web-страница: Влияние наркотиков на организм. Часть 1. Каждый из них знал о негативном влиянии наркотиков на организм, но никто Подписывайтесь на ProDrugs. На этом канале я буду разбирать для вас действия разных веществ, их доступность, вредный и полезные свойства. Будьте первыми, кто увидит новые статьи! Вот и первая статья. В ней я расскажу о большинстве типов наркотиков в краце. Далее буду разбирать для вас каждое вещество досконально! Web-страница: Как действуют наркотики? Известно несколько сотен типов таких наркотиков. По своему воздействию они подразделяются на: седативные депрессанты

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