Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a method to release muscle tension that utilizes various methods. The goal of this therapy is to relieve hypersensitive muscle regions. Trigger point are hypersensitive regions of muscles that, when stimulated by digital pressure, cause the pain. Trigger points are common and arise from repetitive muscular strain or trauma.


Trigger point therapy is the process of injecting injections of botulinum toxins into injured muscles. Although Botox is the most commonly used toxin, there is an innovative drug on the market named Xeomin. Within a single procedure, ten units of Xeomin are applied to the muscle that is affected. In addition to this the additional five units are injected into left masseter muscle, because it's larger than other muscles. Bilaterally, the muscles affected are the frontalis and the lateral Oculi of the Orbicularis.

Trigger points, places of skin that are sensitive on the body, may cause persistent painfulness. These trigger points could result of injury as well as swelling or the development of fibrosis. As a result, patients are likely to experience intense pain whenever they move their necks or shoulders. However, trigger point therapy may help those suffering from this problem recover.


The trigger point treatment includes administering local anesthetics, or steroids to trigger points. This procedure occurs within the physician's office. Patient is alert and at ease throughout the procedure and doctors can administer the injection without sedation. It takes only a few minutes and usually are finished in one session.

Post-injection pain can be experienced by some patients, however the pain is typically temporary and will go away within the course of a few days. Also, injections can cause pain or paralysis. The side effects can be reduced by using heat or ice, as well as other prescription medicines.


Trigger points are places where muscle tension is due to prolonged or unnatural activity. They're found in specific parts of the body and might cause pain, or numbness. Trigger points are typically located by bands of tautness over the top of a muscle. A trigger point is identified by a taut band at the top of the muscle. The trigger point will result in an immediate twitch, which can be confirmed via the sensation of. There are several modes of trigger point therapy. Trigger point injection is one of the best.

Trigger point therapy can be applied to treat numerous conditions related to the musculoskeletal systems. It's easy and efficient. For those who have chronic pain, they can get relief from trigger point therapy since it's safe and reliable. Trigger point therapy could appear simple enough to not be therapy however, it is beneficial if you suffer from constant pain.

Side effects

The injections of trigger point therapy can be a helpful adjunct to chronic pain treatment for some patients. The injections can be used to relieve trigger point pain in the muscles of the musculoskeletal. They should be administered by a qualified practitioner which takes less than 10 minutes. The patient may experience some discomfort following the procedure. However, this usually subsides in a few days. Corticosteroid or anesthetic may be used in the injection.

Trigger point therapy is a new treatment, which can provide positive results to some patients. However, it is dangerous if done improperly. There is a risk of serious injury to your muscles. Along with itching trigger point injections could produce anesthetic-related adverse effects. However, these side symptoms usually disappear within about three or four weeks.

Relief from pain

Trigger point therapy is an effective remedy for painfulness that results from trigger points. This is pain management which relies on muscles to relax and ease knots that cause pain. 광주출장마사지 A lot of people suffer from mild to moderate tension and pain that is caused by trigger points. The treatment procedure is straightforward, only needing one session for therapy. However, it can result in dramatic results and can make the physician seem to be a miracle worker.

Trigger point therapy involves injections for pain relief and to lessen inflammation and allow the body to restore and strengthen the muscles. Trigger points are formed when muscles are overused or have been subjected to repeated pressure. Trigger point injections are applied as an individual treatment or when used in conjunction with other methods of managing pain.

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