Trekking poles in mountaineering

Trekking poles in mountaineering

MCS AlexClimb

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MCS AlexClimb Mountain Climbing School

Technological progress in mountaineering has made accessible to us those peaks and routes that were previously conquered only by the titans of mountain climbing. In the mountains we use many technical solutions for our safety, weather protection, navigation and communication.

Climbing Mount Gestola in Caucasus, to the right of the rising sun - the massif of Mount Dykh Tau

Almost every aspect of mountaineering has undergone significant technical and tactical changes due to the continuous technological progress in this industry. But there is one invention that, despite its outward unremarkability, is still of key importance in all types of mountaineering, trekking and hiking.

This invention is called trekking poles.

A constant companion on any route in the mountains - folding trekking poles

Many will be surprised and question me this - what is so special with the ordinary trekking poles?! These are just poles, one can walk without them... However, this thesis is fundamentally incorrect, and I will try to explain and convince you that among the numerous technical devices for mountaineering, trekking poles are of highest importance.

Both to facilitate your moving over difficult mountain terrain and even to ensure your physical safety.

Trekking poles are used on any route in the mountains - from the simplest to the most difficult

Let's take a closer look at the subject of this article. What are trekking poles?

As a rule, trekking poles of today are a completely modern technological product, compact, durable and as lightweight as possible.

The folding design (in most cases telescopic) makes it easy to transport trekking poles and adjust their length. There are a lot of design and construction options - trekking poles of different models are produced by almost all manufacturers of climbing equipment.

Standard set of trekking poles

Common features of trekking poles include the following:

The maximum length of the poles in working position is 130-150 cm, when folded they are no more than 50 - 70 cm. Anatomical handle made of special material allows you to comfortably use the poles during the long treks. Material if the trekking poles in the most cases is aluminum alloys (inexpensive models, strong and durable), less often - pole are made of carbon fiber plastic which is very light, but expensive and fragile.

Broken parts of very expensive carbon trekking poles C.A.M.P. - being fragile as glass, they could not stand several days of the approach route to Cerro Torre in Patagonia

Various designs of locking sections (both external and internal) allow you to quickly move trekking poles from folded to working position and adjust them to any required length.

The working end of the poles (opposite to the handle) is usually made of plastic, with a reinforced tip made of steel or a special durable alloy.

The tip of trekking poles - as it wears out, it is possible to replace it and extend the service life of trekking poles

Why are trekking poles so important in mountaineering and mountain hiking?

First, when moving along the difficult, uneven mountainous terrain, the use of trekking poles can significantly improve your coordination.
Using the trekking poles you get two more points of balance to help you to move safely and quickly. The body control is increasing and the risk of fall is reducing - which in general rises the whole safety of your mountain trip.
Second, due to the improved distribution of the load, by partially transferring the weight of the upper body onto the trekking poles (especially important when carrying a heavy backpack), it is possible to significantly relieve the load on your breast. This makes breathing noticeably easier which is a critical point in the mountain conditions of the lack of oxygen.
Using trekking poles when walking on a glacier

Distributing the load across four points not only makes walking easier, but also increases your safety - for example, when moving with trekking poles on a closed glacier, the likelihood of falling into crevasse is reduced because of distributing the load over a larger area of the snow surface.

Climbing Mount Elbrus - crossing a closed glacier using trekking poles

Another positive aspect of using trekking poles - by analogy with cross-country skiing - when walking, by pushing the trekking pole you give yourself an additional impulse, accelerating and facilitating forward movement. It would be good to learn this technique before going to the mountains. For example, in Nordic walking courses.

Nordic walking is a specific, but quite useful type of fitness. Among other things it provides confidence in using trekking poles

Even on the terrain where the steepness of the slope not walkable anymore but requires some scrambling, trekking poles can greatly facilitate the task. They can be used as short picks when fixing yourself to the relief. This is safer and more effective than holding on to the relief with your hands, with the risk of rolling out rocks and provoke rockfall.

As a person with 25 years of experience in mountain climbing and organizing expeditions, I can say that without trekking poles I would not go even to the simplest and shortest mountain hike.

Trekking poles and climbing crampons are the only necessary equipment for climbing Mount Elbrus along the south route

Many beginners, having picked up trekking poles, do not realize that they need to be able to use this piece of equipment, just like, for example, an ice ax or crampons.

The technique of using trekking poles consists in the ability to effectively distribute body weight to the additional points of support, thereby improving balance. As well as using the energy of pushing with a pole to accelerate movement - by analogy with classical skiing technique.

Remember - if you have your trekking poles under your arm, you shouldn't expect any benefit from them.

Proper use of trekking poles reduces the load when carrying a heavy backpack

Until you learn how to use this equipment correctly, trekking poles will just get tangled under your feet, giving an advantage in movement only to those who are not too lazy to get used to them, to learn how to use them and understand the necessity of this very important element of the mountain equipment.

During ski touring trips, trekking poles significantly facilitate and speed up the moving on the snow slopes

Some points to pay attention to when practicing basic techniques for using trekking poles:

The length of the poles is short for the ascent, lengthened for the descent.
Grip of the pole - by the handle, below the handle, in the middle of the pole or even closer to the tip - depending on the steepness of the slope and required length of the working part of the trekking pole.
Using a wrist loop is not recommended on the difficult terrain, so to reduce the risk of injury. In case of a fall, you need immediately get rid of the pole.
The walking sequence is diagonal. The trekking pole is placed in front of you at the same time as the opposite leg. This technique provides maximum balance when walking.
The position of the body should be with a slight bend forward with full support on the trekking poles - as if you were walking on 4 legs.
On the difficult terrain, maximum attention should be paid to choosing a support point for the trekking pole at every step. For support can be used the uneven spots on the rocks, depressions, ice lenses - the point of the pole must be placed on the terrain in such a way that, under load, the risk of slipping it would be minimized - otherwise you can lose your balance, fall and get injured.
Trekking poles are an indispensable element of mountaineering equipment when climbing at critical altitudes

Recently, trekking poles are also gaining popularity outside of their trekking or mountaineering specialization.

A whole sports trend has appeared - “Nordic walking” - a type of outdoor activity where trekking poles are used for ordinary walking on a flat surface on the plain: in the parks, forests or walking trails.

Nordic walking is an excellent gymnastics exercise for any age or the level of physical fitness

The technique of using trekking poles when practicing Nordic walking is no different from mountain walk or classic skiing techniques. The upper body is actively involved in the movement, providing the necessary gymnastic load on the shoulders and back. Nordic walking is an excellent gymnastics for older people, as well as a rehabilitation exercise in case of injuries or diseases of the spine.

Nordic walking is higher in the intensity than normal walking, but lower intensity than running. With a better distribution of the load on the body because of use of the trekking poles

One final advice: Trekking poles are consumable equipment. They break easily, especially if you have not yet learned how to use them well. Therefore, with a large selection of different available models, you should not be guided by the principle “the more expensive is the better.”

In the case of carbon trekking poles, this principle will definitely not lead you to the right choice - that was tested in practice. Read my review of the Camp Sky Carbon Evo Trekking Poles. Spoiler: rare shit for 170 USD.

The author of the text and photos - Alex Trubachev
Your professional technical mountain guide


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