Tree Loppers Darwin

Tree Loppers Darwin

Tree Lopping and its effects

Many homeowners prefer to avail of tree lopping services these days. It means cutting of branches or stems. The Protection Act of 2005 prohibits carrying out lopping activities since it is regarded to be a damaging activity. However, the licensed Tree Loppers Darwin knows the ways by which the tree or the surrounding environment is not damaged.

Why avoid lopping?

Topping or lopping is generally not opted for due to the following reasons.

· It means removing most or all leaves from the tree.

· On performing lopping, trees may fail to recover and hence, could decline or die. It occurs among trees that undergo stress at the time of lopping.

· Removing leaves will mean the removal of essential food sources. The tree loses its food store. The function of the leaves is to create as well as store starch. The tree takes in carbohydrates and converts the same into energy. On removal of the leaves, this process also gets lost. This also means that the tree has to depend on finite stores and gets depleted if drawn upon.

· Although the branch surface is the attachment point, new attached shoots could be weak. They will soon have heavy foliage and grow quickly.

The Tree Loppers Darwin knows how to carry out lopping without breaking the law or damaging the tree or property.

What are the acceptable forms of lopping?

·  Pollarding: This special pruning method is carried out at regular intervals to prune re-growth. It takes place with an interval of about 1-2 years. Extending pruning intervals might enhance branch failure risk. For young trees, pollarding is acceptable. Even for any previously lopped tree, pollarding is safe. Some trees that Tree Loppers Darwin can perform pollarding techniques are:

o  Manchuria Pear

o  Rubinia Mop Top

o  Crepe Myrtle

·  Hedging: This method involves cutting of stems in-between branch unions. There is however noticed vigorous re-growth and poorly attached unions with hedge trimming. However, it is an accepted practice due to the manner in which hedges are maintained. For 1 to 2 years, the hedges need to be trimmed and 6 months in some cases. With regular trimming, new shoots do not develop.

Trees tend to grow to a particular size after which pruning cannot alter it. The tree might become excessively big and require plenty of pruning and regular maintenance. This will only mean having to spend a lot. In such a case, you can consider taking the help of the certified Tree Loppers Darwin. They will do the needful.


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