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As I understand it, is Syria. I have considerable experience. Weekly payment we do not have, we charge for the month. In the preparation of the landfill - is 80 thousand rubles a month. When leaving on a business trip - thousand. Physical training, on medicine and the specialty. You will check in all directions. If you have a machine gunner - on fire. Petersburg, Who do I contact? Fighters gaining private military company does not advertise the names of. Commanders and fighters never give interviews, their photographs with Ukrainian trophies do not appear in social networks, they are not mentioned in the official release authority LNR and DNR. Wagner and his team is credited with shooting from the grenade chief of staff of the 4th Brigade DNR Alexander Bednova Batman , undermining the brigade commander 'Ghost' Alexey Brain, disarmament task teams 'Odessa', repression of 'Cossacks', to operate in the eastern Luhansk region. The commander of the formation of the Ukrainian press considers the current Russian officer, Deputy Commander of the Interior Ministry of the Russian group of forces in the North Caucasus, former commander of the special forces 'Vityaz' internal troops colonel Eugene Wagner. The core of the future 'PMC Wagner' was formed in the same place, where the soldiers went today, - the territory of the Syrian Republic. In the autumn , Russian managers of private military company Moran Security Group, Vadim Gusev and Yevgeny Sidorov formed a detachment of 'Contractors' for the 'protection of deposits and oil' in a belligerent country. After a month of training camp in Latakia instead of drilling rigs 'Slavic corpus' guard got involved in combat engagement with parts of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant LIH - banned organization in Russia and after wounding six of their fighters retreated. The result is not the unplanned battle, not the money of misunderstandings with the customer was the disarmament of 'body' and evacuated to Moscow. Vnukovo two charter from Syria met with the investigators of the FSB. Gusev and Sidorova was detained, charged with mercenary activities. Fighters questioned and sent home, withdrawing the pre-electronic media. Six months later,, as told participants, Many of them met in the Crimea as a 'polite people', disarm the Ukrainian military bases. Over a year in the South-East of Ukraine did not appear previously known, well-armed and equipped department. Less than two years, as the depleted battalion in combat once again plunged into the aircraft heading to Syria. Famous 'Fontanka' condottieri of PMCs Wagner were extremely reticent in communicating with journalists, but part of the knowledge shared. According to them,, 'Slavic housing' as a single unit has ceased to exist in October of the year, when commanders went under arrest, and the men left for their regions. Once again the service they have come back to another customer. He called their colleague, He became commander of a fighter, - Wagner. Last place of service - the commander of one of the individual sections of the second separate brigade of Spetsnaz GRU, which is deployed near Pskov. Discharged as a lieutenant colonel. He worked under contract with the Moran Security Group, guard ships in dangerous areas from pirate attacks. He was not yet the commander was not Wagner. Pathetic call he took after the Syrian mission. As they say his colleagues, 'Flowed roof': Imagine yourself Aryan '. The first work was supposedly in Crimea: Disarmed the Ukrainian base, established by the Russian order '. This work is remembered with nostalgia the good: We pay little, but the climate is pleasant, live not in the trenches and risk rated. In addition to 'PMC operators' from the former 'Slavic housing' Wagner pulled pros from around the country: Taught by experience of predecessors, PMC owners try not to leave any traces on the Net. But, despite the lack of advertising, Any military expert in two or three phone calls may find its way into the unit. When actions 'to restore order' in the territory, controlled LC, — thousand rubles a month. During the fighting with the Ukrainian units - 'combat' 60 thousand rubles per week plus salary. Cost of Living - promised 3 million rubles family. Each fighter at the entry sign contract, which is symbolic, since clear, in which case the money for it is impossible to recover from the 'employer'. A lot of money invested, solid equipment, solid preparation '. Even proven and experienced in the conflict zone come only through the training center. How to tell our interlocutors, preparation before getting to cross the border was held in Rostov region, then the base was transferred to Molkino near Krasnodar. A lot of money is allocated, very crazy. And the press in Ukraine, and many commentators from among the Luhansk militia believe Wagner performer murder of the chief of staff of the 4th Brigade of LC Alexander Bednova and Commander 'Ghost' Alexey Brain, who were in a protracted conflict with the head of the republic Igor Carpentry. Note, that among supporters of Batman and brain is no single point of view on the involvement of PMCs Wagner to these liquidations. If the story of the death of the commanders of the militia is taboo, then on the seizure of 'separate brigade MGB LC' Odessa 'and the arrest of its commander Alexey Fomichev Thomas speak quietly and do not hide their role in 'bringing order', demonstrating blatant contempt for the fighting qualities of militia and Cossack units. Note, Cossacks pay 'vagnerovtsam' of the same coin, considering them dudes, bыvavshymy not in the trenches. In the trenches CHVK Wagner, apparently, indeed rarely sits, fighters, they said, It involved mainly in the part of subversive-intelligence and intelligence groups, they also control the supply base and accompanied by a VIP in the 'green zone'. Contract year, normal operation - a month in, 10 days at home. From this period takes place when two weeks in Ukraine, when three. Sometimes the group returned in a few days, if their much prizhmut and they will suffer loss. Accurate data on casualties from 'Fontanka' is not - their number lies between 30 and 80 dead. Among them, least, one from St. Petersburg, lost 21 August of the year. Syrian theme always present. In the autumn , the first team, say people familiar with the interlocutors, left and from Wagner. Strict prohibition traces acts sotsseti, they could not be found. How to set the 'Fontanka', in fact, this photo of the 'Slavic housing' is dated 17 October of the year, day clash with LIH. Summer year - a turning point. In August Molkino formed a serious team. In September, the men begin to decrease to the post. How many contractors PMC ferried into Syria, hard to say, evaluations vary widely, But if before September This year there were dozens of fighters, today - hundreds, if not thousands,. And every promise of rubles per month of fighting. Funding is the biggest secret PMCs. Most of the soldiers good luck and do not know the names of their commander, About, who pays, almost no one knows. Russian corporations, which can be regarded as private military companies, known naperechet, and their leaders claim, that have no relation to the Ukrainian events, nor to send mercenaries to Syria, nor to Wagner personally. Employees, directly involved in the protection of the courts in the areas piratoopasnyh, enter into a temporary contract for a specified period, then their relationship with Moran Security Group terminated '. As for Syria, Boris is assured Chikin: If the proposals go - look at '. Under great secrecy and whisper call name of a famous restaurant-, close to the supreme authority and the Ministry of Defense. But, as far as 'Fontanka', obscure firma- 'gasket', on behalf of which are at war contracts, formally has nothing to do neither with himself restaurateur, or controlled companies they. Reliable information about the actions and casualties in Syria in the fall of PMCs year yet. The terrorists have lost up human, including two emirs. Russian casualties - 6 wounded. Unparalleled success of this type of military operation in modern history there. But his fighters are fighting '. Not served but really want to get into Syria mercenary me 25 years has sports podgatovka live in Novosibirsk He served contracted in g. Petropavlovsk — Kamchatsky h I want to get into Syria was already there once as minomechtchika. The trip was official. All my life hunting. I want to fight. Dmitriy 38 years, emergency service VDV, the police service, Russian citizenship, have a passport. Health, is hardy, Krasnodar region. Dmitriy 38 years, emergency service VDV, the police service, Russian citizenship. Behind the back of one contract. I have experience in combat half a year. Now I am civil to me 21god growth the weight 70 physically hardy. How can I get to you if you do not serve a good preparation but visas dogfight Greco Roman shooting medals have survival school. Growth physically developed and hardy served the Armed Forces in the half year Srochko r. Not officially served in the CA and RA , but something which at the time had been trained have certificates and awards….. Something much written already gathered the whole army so that. Instead of site regulations. Yes pizdec, the army was not , but I would like to pass Srochko in hot spots , someone tell me what to do? I would like to work in PMC. I want to fight,I served as an excellent health,for good pay,willing to risk their lives,in civilian life do not what does not work like other people family children a normal life do not see the point,I want to martial fraternity but not for nothing , please feel free to call the desire for more. Reserve officer Captain 42goda. Experience in the conduct of hostilities, 6 travel to Chechnya as a platoon leader, company. He graduated from The St. Petersburg School of explosives on the profile of the commander of a motorized infantry division. Basically I possess all kinds of small arms and weapons of armored vehicles. Work a little now, better know how to do that instead of boxes of bananas in shops unload. Want,the same in Syria,served in radiorazvedke,American aircraft caught,if you need a reply,always ready! Army, this, participant of the competition among the power-to-hand, shooting, MDF, etc. Trained coaches of the highest category, zms, veterans pennant, Cross stand easy, still on the 8km run, I shoot from just about, intuitive mastery of any new weapons,He participated in the preparation of the Russian Champions, Martial Arts World,preparation of contract and all special forces of the FSB, not married, stable psyche, no one abundance, Article kidnapping more than once a work in the 90s in this case, plus, I do not give up at all…. I want to Syria I did not want to fight no one really looking forward to decide on the number This again Troopers 24 Year forgot to tell an engineer designer well versed in electronics communication devices in aircraft equipment aircraft engines know the device how it works, and I drive almost all the navigation techniques are well versed in auto and motorcycle I think that I certainly of use to you ready for any conditions and any contract at least until 10 years. Troopers 24goda was uakraine in Crimea athlete good physical good shot unarmed combat skills know how to survive in extreme conditions, excellent communication skills Diplomatic and Adapts quickly adapt to the environment want to Syria mercenary or somewhere else will take will not regret, I guarantee you. There is experience in Afghanistan as nach. I have experience in Afghanistan in the post nach. How to get this job. You say how I was thought up until then , very simply need money. Served in Chechnya and Dagestan have discharge sniper shooting engaged in Sambo, I want to earn good money, I work only for the Russian intiresy. How to get to Syria were not served with the law right now, but I want to clean peck amerekosov ready for anything that requires nothing to lose. Tell me how to get to the PMC, in Syria I have not served, but confident in his abilities where to go? Hello how to get served at the rank ml. I am a girl, but I want to fight. Not for some fun. And in order to give back to their homeland. How to get to Syria? Tired,we must give the honor of the motherland,instead of Cobra,all bedyat,tell,where to go,What is the take,crumble in the salad,come bodies. It would be not bad just to throw me in there with SVD but at least with what as cannon fodder, give ammo, food to hunger had not die… and all… more I do not need anything, you can forget about me. I like to use die, and in my opinion is a great option like me to hot spots to throw. Wonderful are your works, O Lord. Romance is not enough? Please tell me how to get to the PMC? I want to get a job 5 time was in Chechnya problem with cutlets on this I want to fight a former police officer. H… know for what but pulls in Syria terrorists wet,vario have to go? Guys tell me how to get to the volunteers in Syria. And will protect,and teach children! Hello how to get to Syria ,himself serving on a contract for the fifth year ,if there are options unsubscribe!!! To me 36 he served as urgent vshms transferred to the reserve I d want to volunteer in Syria To me 36 he served as urgent vshms transferred to the reserve I d want to volunteer in Syria. Is their lack of understanding! Pawns off the board first flying. About their country should care. Our hunger and pinseonery maloimushie breathe will soon be, and you Syria! Luchsheby care of children at home and vaspitvvali. Special Forces, BB intelligence. Now boys 9 February. Can insert them in the w…. We Russ or not. Think again, you so much want to become mercenaries and fall under prosecution? Look for the civil work and not destroy ourselves and other life. Sorry for the bad spelling finally I will say… There you can earn,but you can die. I will say not much. In Syria, there still have the right to sllovestno…worry about property…they have a term. This transfer tage in words. It was a setup. Silent Massacre 4 minutes. And further promote the week. And then they said about Syrians. Money is money all just chasing nimi. All I can no longer in Donetsk,no more strength to do nothing,want to go to hell so as not to understand that a living or not. You can consider me crazy but,of this I can understand that people who can not sleep in peace,who saw a straight RPG flies on him,Sometimes just looking death straight in the eye you know that you live in the present, can be the ideology of UTB all that is in some people. Emergency service has been on a submarine. Later 3 year contract 74 team as a senior mechanic driver BMP. I want to tell me where to go for the contract in Syria? How to access the service in Syria? He served in Ingushetia scout bomber in the reconnaissance battalion! I want to get to Syria served earlier in Dagestan and half a year in North Ossetia are now going through the service contract in the Chelyabinsk region but we were not sent if there is an opportunity to get something I am happy this is my number Guys, to me 35 , I came to Transnistria, he served there 8 years, with the rank of so. What do you mean, stunned or something?! For whom and against whom to fight something? His life is not something most? You do not see very, that Russia simply wants to show its place in foreign policy at the expense of the poor soldiers using as cannon fodder?! Think, you are welcome. Do not judge us only by the fact that in the veins is boiling and you want to be fit. This is not just a job,and life. Certainly grandmother somewhere without them. If I am able to fight, I will do this than to protect and guard the. Tell me how I get to work in Syria, he has served with me 24 year great endurance, I do not want to suffer not wine people from terror ready to give his life. I wanted to know how to get to serve in Syria by contract where to go in advance thank you very much. I want to get into Syria mercenary. Honey Commission has passed all zanogo but the attitude can not find the troops in the region since the states are cutting. Serve in Chechnya on the contract but for some reason we do not send but I did want to go to Syria to tell me what to do. I am a girl,behind no military deyatelnosti. Hochu go volunteer in Siriyu. Chto I need to do and where to go? I want to have these series. There is a shooting experience, throws grenades, races on long distances in uniform. This is the choice of everyone! I was not forced, but to sit on the ground, I can not! I went to Chechnya in the Russian Armed Forces want to beat these ranks Basurmanov served in Chechnya have experience. I do not need money Take and give up arms!!! I would like to get to Syria, 6 years of the contract in the Marine Corps DSHB, trips abroad have experience, do not judge, without bad habbits, There are about passing sklalolaznoy-mountain training certificates,I own all kinds of combined arms infantry weapons the Russian Armed Forces. I wish to work abroad. Senior Specialist of the driver. Ready to contribute to the fight against terror, mentally stable, the military is not required, soldier shooter, age 21 year, true citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Good day like you can go to Syria, he served as sergeant not judge how to get there tell the children. Welcome me 20 full years in the army want to go to fight in Syria, the news shocked look and I am from Rostov tell me where to go? What would ustroetsya and that it is necessary for that??? Hello,to me 30 years,not served in the army,reason, It was a creature with a child,because it did not go,withheld,It turned out to be a lesbian, time spent in vain. Many Soviet our grandfathers and our fathers,protecting our homeland,became Heroes,They do not serve in the army,for just ordinary peasants. I very much want to Syria, I want to bring down the freaks igil,What are the options. Thank you in advance. FROM 18 years serving in various structures. Nachinal private in the trenches, ZNOo finished as a captain. I want to go to Syria. I will not hide, because of money. I will be glad to join your ranks. Soon the site http: Be there a request. I am 31 years old. He served as a platoon commander. Was fired in the civilian world can not find yourself, you can than help. A lot of groups, and they are also at war with IG. But there is money, of course, will not be. Rather, his last will spend on the road and ammunition. Can, true, find caring of those, who himself can not go, but at least willing to help penny. There in an interview with the network. They, too, are at war with LIH and recruit volunteers. How to get to Syria??? He served in the Special Forces under contract, currently no job at all. Help or else provide the path to PMC. And then in the civilian world is no work for the soul and the cause. And generally I have experience, and do not apply where. I ate in the room There are problems with the law. In kontrobasy not take. I would like to prove every pendosam mama and suckers that no Russian troops would long ago have come in the world zvizdets. Who can help get to the PMC,call with I do not pristupnikov…. To me 40 years, We do not judge the participant database in the North Caucasus, specifically in Grozny, have license. In Syria as you can get contract, in this age? Thanks in advance for your reply. There kakaeto Lucy whined that bad to live in Russia,this monster under Yeltsin used to fucking do but sit on the ass and even eat gomyru. Good day readers,No questions and answers. To me 38 years been serving specialty air defense operator rs-shooter on weekdays from time to time visit the landfill where we shoot from virtually all types of small arms including RPG,ags,svd. From the foregoing it can I,take part in a service contract on the side of the Syrian government troops,or NPT. I do not smoke, indifferent to alcohol. He served in the Army corps of engineers. I want to help the Syrian people to win this war against evil. In the army he served ; I do not smoke and do not drink ; Actively go in for sports ; I want to serve the good of the Russian Federation …. But his fighters fight. Passed military service , here is not to get into the structure. Syria or any other place ready to leave. I have, one died there, Rest in peace! He always used to say: Hmm, I would have gone there, it is a pity, so that all the top secret and not be found! I have fought in Chechnya Srochko served under contract for the first time fired for the second time on orgshtatnym not comply with at least how to get to Syria even in the DNI or LC can pregoditsya no criminal record 38 years, was dismissed from his contract I want to get to Syria, tell me where to go. To me 27 years, He served in intelligence, veteran BD! Welcome me 25 I did not serve do not have special training. I want to get to Syria! Sirota family there so nothing to lose! I would like to settle in Syria. I myself signaller, long and meritorious service 5 years, currently serving on contract. Omsk I get to Syria help or tell , himself a scout bomber , uvolin in year nesablyudeniyu 51 article voennik. I want to go to fight in Syria on the side of the government troops. Prompt, how to join the Syrian army? Hello everyone, who reads I forty-six, Twenty years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, really want, than I can, help the country, while there are forces Even through Syria. I am far from being the superspy, but who knows — how to get a job contract, prompt, I will be grateful! Th you to life howl. You,little bitch,pray for President nuzhno. Ty can offer alternative? Their mouths shut and not to bark,stuffed pendosovskoe. Ne understand, what the fuck are you doing here? Popas want to Syria under contract Serve. I was zakreplpn for aka 47 …. He served in the Special Forces! I want to kill this scum igil! Little Johnny will give you a medal.. In general, I respect you guys, let you dear God protects from disability and involuntary captivity, and death itself is pointless to be afraid — still die a few years so fly, that there is no difference. I am a warrior as my prapraprapraprapra grandfather Genghis Khan and horse will have to conquer all. I want to go to Syria on contract. The chief engineer left the telegraph. Uvolena for an administrative offense. I want to serve. And justify yourself as a good fighter. Why take the stupid bastards. Why are officers with ugolovkoy,placing himself above all,and in fighting have never been,after sitting in his headquarters. A one who does not want to give a chance to serve wholeheartedly. Respond who can take the service of Syria or the DNI. Mne49 and health give bog. And what is served is not satisfied with the cancellation of conviction? When I graduated from NSU them. Lesgaft and tower went into the army where he marred in the dismissal of two terpenes. One of them was a Marine in the past, another screw. And now, like an eagle eye and soothe Only four hands and it is not always. With work trouble, even many, courage more. But in the fall or as contractors. Type crappy soldier and who is here with white wings. I wanted to go, but the status of our army changed. Noble have all become, chump is better to take the green, Yes coolies here to grovel ….. In Raschke previous convictions are not people!!! How to go to war with terrorists in Syria? No military specialty,also civil…previously convicted age 33 of the year. I want to shoot the bastards. I would go with pleasure!!!! It stinks someone who talks a lot,while hiding behind someone else …………. Vot we have some problems and we solve also in place,as you for the debts Murka stele. Be proud that you are in Russian,and not a refugee!!!! If we do not then who??????????? Patsanov warriors would not be,spichku of 4 times would share,that would smoke or warm!!!!! Fuck them all ugly bitch…… short hands to Mother Russia to reach. Ty live in Russia where there is no war, peace,some looting and robbery da people there do not have to sweet,support only Rossiya. Demokratiya advertise so passed one get to rest. And what about those who gave their duty to the Motherland and President??? From experience better risk for something than for idealism. Enter your email address, to receive important news related adoption of laws, new appointments, set in the PMC, And so on. Outfit Footwear clothing spectacles gloves Equipment Plate carriers discharge Equipment. How and where gathering volunteers to Syria. Journalist prompted phone number, you want to call, to be in the ranks of the Russian private military company, perform specific tasks in the conflict zone. A call on the mobile number, registered in the Rostov region, said serious male voice. Information for holders Terms of use advertisement. Subscribe to news soldat.

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