Treat Radiation And Rash With CBD

Treat Radiation And Rash With CBD

Lost Remedy

Two common conditions CBD topicals are really helpful with treating are burns from radiation treatment and skin rashes such as eczema and psoriasis. Each condition is unique, and both respond well to CBD topical treatment.

 The best CBD cream for radiation burns

During treatment for cancer, radiation destroys cancer cells, as well as healthy cells, and can even shrink tumors. However, burning often accompanies the treatment. What if, rather than facing burning and blistering you could buy CBD cream for radiation burns that could alleviate some of the cancer treatment side effects without causing burning and blistering.

Turns out, cannabis might just be the thing. Anyone who has undergone radiation treatment knows that at about three weeks into it, the burning starts. Beyond burning, a patient also deals with a blistering, increased appearance of aging, dermatitis and sensitivity to sunlight.

In general, doctors recommend aloe vera or other creams to help soothe the burning from radiation. As most cancer survivors know, however, they don’t do the trick. At Lost Remedy, we created the Burn Formula so you can buy CBD cream for radiation burns to prevent radiation treatment side effects.

The best CBD cream for radiation burns will have several properties. Pure, organic aloe vera gel is the basis for its soothing, burn-relieving formula. Added protein and vitamin-rich avocado oil are combined with carefully selected essential oils organic and hemp-derived CBD oil to complete the package. The simplicity of this formula translates to instant, cooling relief.

The way to prevent burns is to apply the CBD topical to the skin surrounding the area of radiation because the effects of radiation will go beyond the actual treatment area. Apply CBD cream for radiation burns as soon after treatment as possible. If needed, apply several hours later. Make sure that the area to be treated with radiation is clean and free of any residue before the next treatment. Also, apply to the area on days you don’t have radiation.

CBD for eczema and psoriasis

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition, meaning it’s been around for a while. It causes dry, flaky, itchy skin. Although the cause of eczema isn’t known, it tends to run in families. It also seems linked to asthma and allergies known as immune hypersensitivity disorders. In adults, eczema appears most often on hands, feet, back of the knees and elbow folds. Skin redness and swelling.

Psoriasis, similar to eczema, is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, flaky, itchy skin. However, this condition seems to run in cycles. Sometimes it flares, then recedes. Apply CBD for eczema and psoriasis to avoid too much rubbing and scratching, which can tear the skin and lead to infection.

How to use CBD topicals for skin

CBD for eczema and psoriasis penetrates the skin, providing relief in minutes, not hours. As you apply topicals, the friction caused by rubbing the product thoroughly opens the pores, helping to transfer CBD to the affected area. For individuals with pain or a condition in more than one area of the body, these kinds of products can often provide relief in more than one location at a time.


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