Travelgirls Scam

Travelgirls Scam


Travelgirls Scam

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World's #1 Dating Search Engine - Find The Best Dating Site For Your Dating Style

On the Travelgirls-dating website, basic search criteria includes:

With Photo only
Online now

Extended searches are available using more specialized criteria.

Regional searches are available to identify people interested in dating in your location.
Typically, on large dating sites it can be hard to receive enough attention from other members. This is primarily because there are too many members with similar profiles making it difficult to stand out. Fortunately, Travelgirls-dating offers a paid Priority Listing in their search results, which enables your profile to be seen by more searches.

travelgirls-dating com provides the ability to block selected members from contacting you.
This can be particularly useful if you are receiving too many responses from members you are not interested in.

Have you found someone that you are interested in, but don’t know what to say? Sending a virtual gift can be a great way to break the ice!

There are no Trial Plans. Plan: Premium Subscription This plan is recurring. You must cancel it to stop payments. 1 Month costs $21.99 3 Months cost $49.47 6 Months cost $79.13 You can pay this plan with: Credit Card, Direct Debit Authorisation (SEPA) and Wire transfer. Plan: Vip Add-On Subscription This plan is recurring. You must cancel it to stop payments. 1 Month costs $16.39 You can pay this plan with: Credit Card, Direct Debit Authorisation (SEPA) and Wire transfer. There are no Coin Plans.

Travelgirls-dating has a medium length registration form with a total of 7 required fields.

If you use the site with a mobile device such as a smartphone, there is an optimized mobile version.
However, a mobile app is not yet available.

Travelgirls-dating is a public site. Any person who visits this site can see your profile. If you need full privacy and discretion, this is not the site for you!
Since there is no way to mask your images on Travelgirls-dating, anybody can see you.
Usually, you can upload a series of pictures to your profile.
Travelgirls-dating offers the option to add private photos and only allow access to those members who you approve.
Some dating sites offer a panic button enabling users to immediately redirect to another website.
This feature is not available on Travelgirls-dating.
All data on is sent through an SSL connection making it technically impossible for anyone to intercept your messages.

In its terms of service (TOS), Travelgirls-dating acknowledges the use of moderators / animateurs to encourage conversation and premium memberships. However, most users find this to be deceptive as there is no possibility to actually date these individuals.
Before using your account on Travelgirls-dating, you must confirm your email address.
Additionally, all pictures must be approved by a moderator before they are visible on the site. This prevents the photos that are clearly not of the member (e.g. a pet, a cartoon character, a celebrity, etc.) will get uploaded.
If you think that a certain member is fake, you can report them for further investigation.

If you decide to purchase a premium membership on Travelgirls-dating, then it is important to know how/when you can cancel.
If you wish to terminate a recurring membership on Travelgirls-dating, you can cancel it online.

This dating site allows members to cancel their paid membership but keep their online profiles active.
To remove your profile from the site, you have two options. Deactivating your profile will hide the profile and members will not be able to view it. This option allows you to login and reactivate your profile at any time. Alternatively, you can close your account and your profile will be deleted. Once deleted, a new profile must be created, if you wish to use the site in the future.
On Travelgirls-dating you cannot deactivate your account,
but you
can close your account.
However, if you should decide to close your account, you can do that free-of-charge.
Additionally, you can always unsubscribe to any of the email lists/distributions.


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Travelgirls-dating got switched off. You cannot use that site anymore.
The dating website "Travelgirls-dating" is in the Travel Dating category.
This site welcomes people with
straight, gay and lesbian sexual orientation.
Founded in 2013, it is now 9 years old.
The frontpage of the site does not contain adult images.
This site is a part of a network of dating sites, that all share one database of user-profiles.

Unfortunately, there are no coupons or discounts available.

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As with most dating sites, the terms of service (TOS) are quite lengthy.

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