Travel to Peru

Travel to Peru

MCS AlexClimb

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Questions about mountaineering, rockclimbing, trekking and excursion programs in Peru

What preparation is needed to climb Alpamayo?
Machu Picchu Mystery
What are the features of trekking in Cordillera Huayhuash?
Do coca leaves help to deal with altitude?
Trip to Machu Picchu - before or after climbing mountains?
Is Alpamayo really the most beautiful mountain in the world?
How to get to Cordillera Blanca?
Can I climb or trek in Peru on my own?
What mountains in Peru can climb a beginner?
Do I need acclimatization to climb Alpamayo?

The purpose of the articles in this section is to give you a general idea of the possibilities, features and nuances of travel and mountain climbing in Peru.

Peru's most famous landmark definitely is Machu Picchu.

Peru is an amazing country in which almost everything is interesting for a traveler - from the turbulent metropolitan life of Lima to the silent, mysterious ruins of prehistoric civilizations. In addition, the diversity of the landscape of this country opens up endless possibilities for any form of active tourism, extreme sports, ethnographic, gastronomic, paleontological tours…

Statue of Christ on the site of the former town of Yungai, which completely perished in 1975 under a mudflow from Mount Huascaran

Traveling to Peru, you can meet and get personal experience with any forms of relief and climatic zones – not many countries in the world can boast such a variety and diversity. Starting from the ocean coast, one can alternately move to the zones of the tropical coastal strip, the foothill desert with sand dunes, the rocky landscape of the foot of the Andean Range, the high mountain desert - Sierra. And further - into the endless blue of the distant snowy peaks, of which there is an incredible number in Peru - enough for many generations of enthusiastic climbers and mountain tourists.

Colorful sunset in the Cordillera Blanca

Of the most famous tourist sites in Peru (this is just the tip of the colossal iceberg of them), of course, first of all, it is necessary to mention the famous abandoned city of Machu Picchu - breathtaking evidence of how little we know about our world and its history. Full of secrets and mysteries the Nazca plateau with fantastic drawings visible only from the stratosphere. The incredible beauty of the alpine Lake Titicaca, which millions of years ago was part of the world's oceans, and conceals in its depths the secrets of the disappeared civilizations.

Sunrise on the peaks of the Cordillera Real, Lake Titicaca

The famous mountain range of the Cordillera Blanca (White Ridge), in which the most popular mountain of Peru are located: Huascaran - the third highest peak in South America, Artesonraju - a mountain known to the whole world, as it has been placed on the logo of the Paramount Pictures film company, the most beautiful mountain in the world - Alpamayo.

The famous Alpamayo - the most beautiful mountain in the world

The opposite side of the high mountain range is also of great interest to the most desperate travelers - to the east of the Andean Mountain Chain begins the Selva - an incredible length, impassable and unexplored territory of the world's largest freshwater river basin - the Amazon. Traveling to the Amazon selva is also quite a popular and developed form of tourism in Peru. The areas of Puerto Maldonado and Iquitos offer incredible experiences from a civilized acquaintance with the nature of the Amazon Selva.

Alpaca is an incredibly kind, friendly and smiling animal, symbolizing the hospitality of the Peruvian highlands.

And yet, maybe not so obvious, but absolutely priceless feature of Peru. Due to the difficulty of access, many areas of Peru have preserved what can be called a real human treasure - centuries-old traditions, language, culture of the distant ancestors. These ethnographic treasures of Peru are still waiting to be explored...

After all, the answers to many questions of our time probably lie in the recesses of Peru, that our ancestors passed on to us in the form of ancient customs, legends and strange rituals.

The author of the texts and photos of the section is Alex Trubachev


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