Translators Introduction

Translators Introduction

Translators Introduction

Translators Introduction

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По всему сайту В разделе Везде кроме раздела Search. Файлы Языки и языкознание Перевод и переводоведение. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation. London and New York, Offering suggestions for discussion, activities, and hints for the teaching of translation, the second edition of Becoming a Translator remains invaluable for students on and teachers of courses in translation, as well as for professional translators and scholars of translation and language. Книга для изучающих и преподающих перевод. Delivering a thoroughly revised and updated version of the most authoritative reference work in the field, this new and expanded edition of the 'Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies' draws on the expertise of over ninety contributors from all over the world, providing an unparalleled global perspective which makes this What a translator is and what a translator does. The Education of a Translator. Process and Result of Translation. The role of the translator. Problems of Translating Idioms. Idiom as a Stylistic Device. Grammatical Peculiarities of Idioms. Syntactical Peculiarities of Idioms. Phrasal Verbs and Common English phrases. Slang as a Problem of Translation. Sociolinguistic Aspects of Slang. The authors examine the theory and practice of translation from a variety of linguistic and cultural angles. Учебное пособие состоит из двух разделов — теоретического и практического. В первом собраны сведения, необходимые для формирования представлений о будущей профессии, о ее

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Robinson D. Becoming a Translator. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation

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Robinson D. Becoming a Translator. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation

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