Transgender Urban Dictionary

Transgender Urban Dictionary


Transgender Urban Dictionary
a word that doesn't exist, that is 9 times out of 10 used by a conservative who doesn't realize that transgender is already an adjective, although sometimes used by allies who don't know the terminology either
person 1: oh you're transgendered?
person 2: transgendered isn't a word , but yes I'm trans
The grammatically incorrect way of saying transgender
Person 1: Are you transgendered?
Person 2: You mean transgender ?
Person 1: ...Wait, THAT’S how you say it ? Oh.
A person who defines themself by a gender other than the physical gender they were born into. I disagree with the above example because it says "he" wears feminine clothes because he is transgendered , etc. Transgendered people live their lives in what they feel is their 'real' gender, and shouldn't have to still be referred to as their birth gender if it doesn't apply to them. Being transgended does not indicate homosexuality or bisexuality in a person.
Brad wears feminine clothing because she is transgendered. Brad has also asked me to call her Britney , since her birth name 'Brad' makes her feel uncomfortable.
A broad term referring to any individual whose gender expression is different from their biological or genetic sex. It includes everything from a crossdresser who is happy with their birth sex to a transsexual having sexually reassignment surgery to become the opposite sex. It should be noted that being transgendered is not an indication of whether or not a person is gay.
Bill wears feminine clothes because he is transgendered.

Mary wears masucline clothes because she is transgendered.

Someone like me who defines themselves as another gender. Some get sex changes , some don't. It's nothing to be insecure over.

Dont call me a woman wannabee , im a transgendered.
This word is grammatically incorrect. It is used by conservatives that believe it is ok to discriminate against transgender people. The "Transgendered" are women that were born with male sex characteristics/men born with female sex characteristics (or non-binary people whose gender doesn't fit the binary). This isn't a made up story, as doctors can prove it with MRI scans.
Transgender is similar to intersex , but while for intersex people the problem is phisycal (reproductive organs partially/not functional) for the transgender person the problem is neurological.
Despite their physical attributes, trans women are women and trans men are men.
I used to call Jasper my brother before they came out as transgender.
My friend got diagnosed with gender dysphoria and she will soon take hormones to appear as feminine as she is inside.
A transphobic lady told my sibling that the transgendered are just trying to spread the trans agenda, but they ignored her.
Transgender is an umbrella term for people who don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth
She is transgender , which means she was born a male but is really a female Urban Dictionary apparently has a lot of transphobes
by yourlocaltransprince January 20, 2019

A concise word for referring to anything and everything within and behind the state, experience, theory, ideology, perspective, premise, perspective, belief, philosophy, etc, of that which is, was, or can be "transgender". It is simply the corollary of words like "homosexuality", "gayness", " lesbianism ", or "bisexuality". The word itself has no positive or negative implication. Anyone who tells you that it does, is an overreactive activist.
I'm so tired of arguments online over transgenderism.
by jouissancepastance August 28, 2018
Transgenderism is a somewhat dated word meaning "being transgender," which has been misappropriated by transphobic pundits and spoken about as though it were an ideology. This latter use is a shibboleth for members of the far right and trans-exclusionary radical feminists (if there is still any difference between the two).
1. There is nothing wrong with transgenderism; the problems are caused by transphobia .
2. I don't subscribe to the ideology of transgenderism, therefore I don't have to care about the violence transgender people encounter.
A term people who don't know anything about transgender people use to define transgender people.
The religious group Deeply Closeted Christians of America referred to transgenderism as the greatest threat to their moral superiority .
Guanita was transgenderized Friday morning at Vulveeta Memorial Hospital.
Paul's transgenderization into Paula was no big deal . He already looked like a woman anyway.
Little Timothy isn't going to become little Tina . If you are born as a male (penis and balls) you are a man. If you are born as a female (vagina), you are a woman.
Some Karen : I'm going to take my son to become a woman. Me: TRANSGENDERISM DOESN'T WORK KAREN

A Transtrender person is simply a person who identifies as transgender as a trend, often than not they will not actually understand what it means to be transgender. This term is not to be mistaken for a person who is gender non-comforming as it is demeaning when used in that way .
Person A: I took a personality quiz and it said i'm transgender, so i am now using that label. Person B: Jessica please reserch what being trans is before someone calls you a transtrender , you twat .
A term used against trans people by people who think they know everything about gender ever, including someone elses gender identity , because apparently gender is just a neat little box.
Person 1: "Max is such a transtrender because he doesn't want to go on hormones and identifies as some " demiboy " bs"
Person 2: "You do realize gender is a spectrum and just because you don't experience a gender doesn't mean it doesn't exist"
A term that is used to discredit the identities of those who do not fit into the very narrow definition of transgender that many people uphold . Usually used to exclude genderqueer and non-binary individuals from the larger trans community.
"You may wear dresses, but you don't take hormones . You're just a transtrender !"
"That's BS ."
a person who often claims it isnt nessecary to pass or have gender dyshoria to be trans, they will typically try to look like a very feminine trans man or a very masculine trans women
Did you see that kid? Supposedly they’re trans but im pretty sure they’re just a transtrender !
1. A slur used by transmedicalists to call any non-dysphoric transgender person , that implies that they aren’t REAL trans people and are just identifying as trans to be “cute” or “trendy.” Of course, non-dysphoric trans are just as legitimate as dysphoric trans people, and dysphoric trans aren’t actually “cis people pretending to be trans for attention.” Which is why this term is only a slur and not a legitimate label. 2. This term is also sometimes used for any transgender who’s gender identity falls outside of the gender binary. Some truescum, believe there are only two genders, so any transgender who identifies as any gender besides “man” and “woman” is a fake trans person. This of course is not true either since non-binary trans identities are just as valid as binary trans identities. Which is why this term is only a slur. See also transcute and tucute
Trans guy: “Hi, I’m James and I’m a trans guy. I don’t really have any physical dysphoria , so I don’t want to surgically transition, but I do plan on socially and legally transitioning and even take some hormones.” Truescum: “You’re a transtrender ! All trans people MUST hate their bodies and want to completely alter it, otherwise they’re not a REAL trans person!” Trans guy: “Don’t be a truescum, medicalizing trans experiences is harmful to the trans community and implies that transness is literally only a mental disorder with no basis in biology or neurological science, so just stop.”
Does not exist. Made up by transphobic people to invalidate all trans people by insisting trans people's gender identities aren't consistent and or they're doing it because being trans is "cool" (Because being murdered is so cool)
Transphobe : Stacey is such a transtrender , she's only doing it to be cool. Normal person: That's not a real thing. No one risks losing job, family, friends, and their own life just to be "cool".
A derogatory word used against some trans people because the person using said word doesn't accept the trans person's identity (because, of course, they know ALL ABOUT someone else's gender identity ). Used out of a failure to understand that gender is a social construct, and you can identify as any gender.
Also used against fake troll blogs on tumblr (that identify as fairies , moons , trees, etc.) by people who are so busy trying to make a point to trans people that they don't get realise they're being trolled.
Urgh , those stupid transtrenders are only pretending to be trans ! I don't know them at all, but I know that they aren't really trans!

Had enough unique terminology about trans-women? Guess what? There’s just a bit more - including some common slangs we use to describe ourselves and other trans-women.

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