Transformers Cartoon

Transformers Cartoon


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TRANSFORMERS OFFICIAL•1,3 млн просмотров
Cartoon Network UK•448 тыс. просмотров
Grizzy & les Lemmings•84 млн просмотров
Show and Tell Toys•14 млн просмотров
Cartoon Network UKНовинка29 тыс. просмотров
Cartoon Network UK•2,1 млн просмотров

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Перевести · Строк: 42 · Formerly known by the working title, Transformers: Heroes, Transformers: Animated debuted December 26, 2007, on Cartoon Network, and represents yet another fresh start for the animated Transformers …
Перевести · 13.06.2017 · Bumblebee has an awesome makeover and can fly now! Subscribe to the Cartoon Network UK YouTube channel: Visit the Cartoon …
TRANSFORMERS: CYBERVERSE Trailer (2018) Cartoon Network
All Main Transformers Cartoon Intros HD (1984 - 2018) G1 to Cyberverse
Transformers Bumblebee Compilation of Animations
TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON Trailer (2020) Netflix Animated Series
Transformers: Cyberverse Season 2 Trailer (Cartoon Network)
OPTIMUS PRIME: Evolution in Movies and Cartoons (1984-2020) TRANSFORMERS
No. of episodes: 98 (list of episodes)
Original network: First-run syndication …
No. of seasons: 4
Original release: September 17, 1984 –, November 11, 1987
The Transformers is an American animated television series which originally aired from September 17, 1984 to November 11, 1987 in syndication. The first of many series in the Transformers franchise, it was based upon Hasbro's Transformers toy line and depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects.

The series was produced by Marvel Productio…
The Transformers is an American animated television series which originally aired from September 17, 1984 to November 11, 1987 in syndication. The first of many series in the Transformers franchise, it was based upon Hasbro's Transformers toy line and depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects.

The series was produced by Marvel Productions and Sunbow Productions in association with Japanese studio Toei Animation for first-run syndication. Toei co-produced the show and was the main animation studio for the first two seasons. In the third season Toei's involvement with the production team was reduced and the animation services were shared with the South Korean studio AKOM. The fourth season was entirely animated by AKOM. The series was supplemented by a feature film, The Transformers: The Movie (1986), taking place between the second and third seasons.

This series is also popularly known as "Generation 1", a term originally coined by fans in response to the re-branding of the franchise as Transformers: Generation 2 in 1992, which eventually made its way into official use. The series was later shown in reruns on Sci-Fi Channel, The Hub and Discovery Family. It is also the first installment in the Generation 1 cartoon era.
Перевести · 20.05.2013 · After a failed conquest of the Battle Beast's home planet, "Animatros", …
«The Transformers» — самый первый мультсериал о трансформерах — разумных роботах с планеты Кибертрон, …
Период трансляции: 17 сентября 1984—11 ноября 1987
Телесети, Период трансляции и другое
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Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · 17.09.1984 · The Transformers: With Frank …
Перевести · 10.11.2016 · Transformer Devastation Complete Movie Cartoon Movie with the movie from the Transformer 2015 complete Transformer …
What was the story of the Transformers cartoon?
What was the story of the Transformers cartoon?
The cartoon (along with the Marvel comics) set up the basic story of Transformers that most other incarnations were to follow: two warring factions of robots on the planet Cybertron leave in search of resources. The factions crash-land on Earth and, millions of years later, begin their battle anew in Reagan-era America and across the globe.
When did the Transformers TV show come out?
When did the Transformers TV show come out?
Transformers: Animated. Transformers: Animated is an American animated television series based on the Transformers toy line. It was produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Hasbro and animated by The Answer Studio, Mook Animation, and Studio 4°C (shorts). The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 26, 2007, and ended on May 23, 2009.…
Is the Transformers movie in continuity with the cartoon?
Is the Transformers movie in continuity with the cartoon?
The Transformers: The Movie is in continuity with the cartoon series, occurring 20 years after the end of Season 2 (in the then-futuristic year of 2005). It was the single biggest turning point for the series, and remains controversial.
What kind of toys are the Transformers based on?
What kind of toys are the Transformers based on?
The first of many series in the Transformers franchise, it was based upon Hasbro 's Transformers toy line (itself based upon the Diaclone and Microman toy lines originally created by Japanese toy manufacturer Takara) and depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects.…
Перевести · 09.06.2021 · The cartoon (along with the Marvel comics) set up the basic story of Transformers that most other incarnations were to follow: two warring factions of …
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List of Transformers animated series - Wikipedia
The Transformers (TV series) - Wikipedia
The Transformers (TV Series 1984–1987) - IMDb
Transformer 2015 Devastation Full Game Movie - Cartoon for ...
The Transformers (cartoon) - Transformers Wiki
Transformers Cartoon

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