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Connecting people through photography.

My first fully made up dressing in 12 years or more, 2006
Time to find some job... anyone is looking for Secretary?
Pose and Photo done by Black Dragon browser..
[made@home] Concept settings and lights
Skin Melonia Sunkiss and Medonna face skin by Sibilla
Ryan Wolowski cought up with R. Sky Palkowitz aka The Delusional Diva and John E. from New York who attended there first ever live Amanda Lepore performance. The show took place at Be Bar which is located 1318 9th St., NW Washington DC.
LGBT GLBT LGB lesbain lesbian gay bisexual transgender transexual transsexual trans people TS sex sexual orientation cross dress dresser crossdresser cross-dresser TV transvestite DQ drag queen queens king kings transvestite Transvestism androgyne intersexual intersex intersexed other quer queer and or questioning agender genderqueer third gender reassignment surgery hormones bigender identity role non heterosexual str8 homo homosexuality homosexual community culture cultures people pansexual polysexual asexual feminist girl girls lady ladies women womens girlfriend girlfriends boyfriend boyfriends boy boys man men mens guy guys butch femme dyke diva divas she male shemale shemales transition transitioning effeminate Hijra two spirit two-spirit rainbows rainbow flag flags pink triangle triangles prides pride parade parades rights marriages marriage civil union unions acceptance equality
My wife Leylah put up the Happy Birthday Banner above our home fo my Birthday!!!!
Having a bit of twinny fun in Brighton
They may happen anywhere and anytimes !
Ages i've not done some naughty and lewd pictures, though I've to remediate to it.
The ups and downs of the urge of crossdressing. Some days it’s about looking attractive, and some days you just want a man to have his way with you 😉 Today it’s the latter.
todas estas fotos las he hecho en casa yo misma, trato de mostrar lo mejor posible mi feminidad
Did a wonderful retro shoot yesterday but took a selfie before I started. A little breast growth going on 😉
Date night. Hubby is off fetching the car whilst I get the waiter’s attention
Angie had heard that her Boss, Ms Carla Hamerdawng, preferred meeting the new secretaries personally but she had no idea ...
Dunno the original artist :s If any of you know, feel free to share it in the comment section and i'll do an update, thanks you !
Getting ready for Pride month and Summer
me kissing chris doyle at the lady in the water wrap party.
his face really lit up after i told him i'd watched chungking express earlier in the week.
he replied, "that's where i live, man."
what a nice guy. it was an honor to have met him.
his shirt reads "shemales are good for you"
The feel of the weight of a false belly beneath a floral dress is delightfully kinky.
Meeting Nina for the first time at TG-Elite Domme Club
You can’t help but feel delightfully sexy in a full length, figure-hugging evening frock. The ‘man’s arm Candy’ look…
Getting ready for Pride month and Summer
Phy.ka - GA.EG. - FAGA - N-Core - Evado
For: Kupra ( ORIGINAL & BIMBO ); Kups (A & B ), Lara & LEGACY
Available in 8 colors. Each bag includes a Dress and a Gold Necklace -
The Fatpack: 8 texture with HUD + Gold Necklace. Materials and enviroment enabled - ULTRA HD texture
Compatible with all EvoX Skins and BOM facials accessories
EXLUSIVELY at SKINFAIR ( from 11th Mar )
Materials / Glow / Fullbright / Tint Hud
Boots with Long Socks / remove option
for: Erika, Freya, Kupra, Legacy. Maitreya
11 colors for big stones and small stones
Phy.Ka - FAGA - Juna Artistic Tattoo
100% original mesh, for Female & Shemale
Fit ONLY for INITHIUM Corset Squeezed ADD ON
The Fatpack HUD allows you to choice: 8 Latex texture + 3 texture for Belt | 3 Metal
Materials and enviroment enabled - ULTRA HD texture
Fit for INITHIUM, Maitreya, Legacy and Reborn
Each bag includes a HUD to allow you to change 3 " SOLE " texture and 3 ''METAL'' Texture
The Fatpack HUD allows you to choice: 8 Latex texture + 4 Special | 12 Sole | 3 Metal
Materials and enviroment enabled - ULTRA HD texture
For: INITHIUM ( Kupra & Kups ), Legacy & Maitreya
Gloves and Rings are sold separately.
- 10 Latex texture + 3 metal texture for gloves with HUD
- 5 Rings Gold 18K ( note in particular the symbol of the ring on the index finger )
Material and enviroment enabled - Super HD texture
Exclusive for The Secret Garden Open 1st February - Close 28th February
Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers (Bakes On Mesh) for body and head Lelutka EvoX in 2 tone (Dark 100% and Medium 75%);
Just you average everyday monochrome gurl.

View all All Photos Tagged trannies

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Connecting people through photography.

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Lots more photos on my website!
Lots more photos on my website!
You know it's been a while when all your mascaras are rock solid! I need to buy some new makeup.
It is summer time again. Time for cool dresses but old fashioned and still wear stockings (plus gloves and hat) when go out.
Dressed and ready to go out. Feeling great. Hope he likes the outfit.
I'll be taping this to some wall around town when I have some free time.
nice "obligatory boob grab" shot, josie... hey, is it just me, or does it look like you have a little more to grab? ;)
i'm sure you've heard this story by now, but my laptop got stolen by some dude that brought a tranny hooker back to our office.
anyway, we got ahold of the security video footage (youtube = soon!) but till then, i took this snapshot of the video. three gents in the elevator, two dressed as chicks. one made it out, the other (pink) slept on our couch. good times!
(no word yet on whether i'm getting my laptop back)
tranny dressed in lolita outfit, harajuku, tokyo, japan.
Think Ive just finished my magic trick. Where is my sexy assistant.
Does INS check for trannies from Venus?
Me and Nell, taken by Radders June 09
If its not neon lights all over the place, then its this bloody fire thing, its a real pain in the ass
mmmmm, green eyebrows, large pink eyes, bright red lips, and random green glitter stuff around my face.
yes that is a hairbrush in my hand, I was using it as a mic and a lightsaber
took a load of pics with me just lit up by my lighter, some worked ok but most were crap
So like I'd planned on heading to bed early tonite!
I've been slacking off work a bit to treat myself to relaxing with all the awesome people here on Flickr for a while. I'd like promised myself no more than two-ish Malibus & Cokes, then brush my teeth, get into my PJs, and hop into bed by 9:30.
But, yeah, this is like a bit of an addiction for me :)
And, like, someone got me a feeling all a lil', how can I say, frisky. Ready to purrrr as someone pets me all over.
So like this is one of the pics I took over the weekend. It's kinda a club outfit for me to go out and shake my lil' booty in! Course, I took a video of me wearing it and trying to twerk and, yeah, my inner dork shines thru!!!!!!!!!!!! I should like so put that up as well to give you all a laugh!
Still, it really would be as sweet as honey to be able to go out clubbing wearing this lil' get up. Maybe head out alone or with the gals and see where it leads...
And I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but the collar I'm wearing in the pic is an actual pet collar with 'KITTY' on it in sparkly stones. Yeah, kinda tacky and cheap I suppose (so like it suits me!), but who knows, maybe someone will take pity on a lil' stray and feed her some cream ;)
leather jacket - check; fetishy boots - check; unnatural postion due to ill positioned camera on self timer - check.
'She' wanted money to have her pic taken, then ran after the car as I gave her only 10 rupees.. there are a fair few trannies in Pakistan
She looks meek, but she's just tired, being sexy is a full time job!!

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