Tranny Sapphire

Tranny Sapphire


Tranny Sapphire
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i need somone who is a man...mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty are priorities set and not as options.

someone who will protect me like his daughter, love me like his wife, and respect me like his mother.

someone who compliments, not who flatters, someone who invests and not only spends, someone who properly views me not as a property, who will love and not lust, truly believing that i am the best gift God has given him!

it is non-negotiable for u to know my true worth!

i need somone who is a man...mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty are priorities set and not as options.

someone who will protect me like his daughter, love me like his wife, and respect me like his mother.

someone who compliments, not who flatters, someone who invests and not only spends, someone who properly views me not as a property, who will love and not lust, truly believing that i am the best gift God has given him!

it is non-negotiable for u to know my true worth!
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This user is not verified yet. Before meeting you should ask them to get verified by any of the above to avoid catfish and fakes.

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This user is not verified yet. Before meeting you should ask them to get verified by any of the above to avoid catfish and fakes.
Login to view distance · real and serious

i need somone who is a man...mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty are priorities set and not as options.

someone who will protect me like his daughter, love me like his wife, and respect me like his mother.

someone who compliments, not who flatters, someone who invests and not only spends, someone who properly views me not as a property, who will love and not lust, truly believing that i am the best gift God has given him!

it is non-negotiable for u to know my true worth!

i need somone who is a man...mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty are priorities set and not as options.

someone who will protect me like his daughter, love me like his wife, and respect me like his mother.

someone who compliments, not who flatters, someone who invests and not only spends, someone who properly views me not as a property, who will love and not lust, truly believing that i am the best gift God has given him!

it is non-negotiable for u to know my true worth!
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Photo Verification The user is verified with a clear photo of them holding a piece of paper with the website name + their username on it by their face.
Video Verification The user is verified with a short 5 to 30 second video of them introducing themselves, waving hello, and saying "Message me on TSmatch dot com"


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Last edited 2 months ago by testasamid © Copyright 2012-2021
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With the SapphireFoxx Beyond subscriptions launching today, the new uncensored site is finally here! Thank you so much for your patience over the last several months everyone. We hope you enjoy all the hard work we’ve be putting into the uncensored re-releases and the new Beyond comics!
For $15 per month, you get access to all of the following SapphireFoxx Beyond perks:
Thinking about becoming a subscriber? Check out our animation trailers and 125 comic pages all for free! If you like what you see, click on Become a Subscriber at the top of the page, and enjoy hundreds of comic pages, dozens of animations, new animations every month, and a new comic page every day.

Comics are series that last for about a year before they conclude and a new comic takes its place for the daily released pages. You can see the first 25 pages of each series below.

“Oliver is a struggling professional model trying to get his career off the ground in the fierce streets of New York. He gets some divine help in his hour of need, but it’s not exactly what he was expecting. Soon enough his career is the least of Oliver’s problems.”
“Welcome to the land of Mysteria! Age of Adventurers is the world’s first MMORPG to utilize the revolutionary Neural Virtual Reality gaming system. Explore a massive world of majestic landscapes and lifelike battles like you’ve never experienced before in a game. Join your friends as you pick up your arms to fight against real life goblins, ogres, demons, and dragons. Age of Adventurers is an innovative gaming experience that you’ll never escape from.”
Meet Blake, Evan, Matthew, and Kyle. These four rotten men have zero regard for others, and don’t care who gets in their way. When a certain Fox tries to protect someone they are abusing, they turn their sights on him. Even being shattered into thousands of pieces won’t stop Fox from getting back at these four.
Different Perspectives is the story of Chris Young, a guy in high school who finds out he has the power to transform into people by wearing their clothes. Weirdly, it only works on girls’ clothes. Chris frequently uses his power to help out the people he knows or for his own personal gain, but his plans always seem to backfire on him while he’s transformed. He has a number of girls to choice from including his girlfriend, sister, mother, teacher, and his female self.
Can you offer a discount for the anniversary
I know this is of f topic but who on here is gonna watch the Star Wars Kenobi Series on Disney+?
I don’t trust easily I’m in love with sapphire fox’s content and want to subscribe but am nervous about entering my payment info
They are legit and safe… I’ve been a member off and on for a couple years… Any time I’ve decided to stop my subscription I’ve been able to do so with no issue
Cinder Isle, but it’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid (sort of):
happy mothers day to all the mothers of the staff of and . hope you have a wonderful day today .
Are the dragon and other magical creatures shown in The Heist part of the sorcerer world’s own unique biota?
hi does anyone know how the coming soon page went down?? Just because its been down since this morning along woth most other pages on the site
Is it just me, or are the art styles of this guy’s and SF coincidentally similar?
Guys like SaberSpark should make a video or two covering SapphireFoxx. It’s seriously underrated outside the core fanbase. We’re only JUST NOW getting a well-developed SF wiki.
The wiki still has a long way to go, as far as content is concerned. However, I’m glad that the effort we’re making with developing it is being recognized, so thanks for that.
Not much, ATM, but I made two video memes today, one of them only SF fans will understand.
Everything is down apart from the homepage
edit: nvm everything is back to normal with the tabs
Do you use subtitles (CC) on our videos?

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