Tranny Rapes Guy

Tranny Rapes Guy


Tranny Rapes Guy
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A TRANSGENDER woman says she lived through hell on earth when she was forced to serve her sentence in a male prison.
MARY was still as the car pulled closer towards the threatening prison gates and a place that was soon to become her hell on earth.
As she stepped into the reception area of the jail, she felt all eyes fall upon her as she continued to walk closer to her cell.
See Mary, not her real name, wasn’t just any “normal” prisoner — she was a transgender woman who was about to be locked behind bars with men.
Mary was sickened by what happened to her in that Queensland prison, Boggo Road, as it was known in the 90s.
She has lived in fear for decades, with regular flashbacks to the disturbing things she lived through while in jail.
Mary admits she was wrong, she shouldn’t have stolen the car that put her in jail in the first place, but in her mind, she was a female and yearned to be treated as such.
She couldn’t understand why she was thrown among a pack of men.
According to Mary, she was preyed on and raped once a day, sometimes even more.
When Mary made it through the jail’s reception she was ordered to strip.
The stares were menacing her as she turned around for a routine bodycheck.
By time Mary had made it to her holding cell, news had travelled through the prison that she was transgender.
She sat in the jail cell, surrounded by some male prisoners who were awaiting court, or who had just returned.
“You are basically set upon with conversations about being protected in return for sex,” Mary told
She was finally taken to the cell where she would stay and within minutes of arriving, she was approached by many men.
“They are either trying to manipulate you or threaten you into some sort of sexual contact and then, once you perform the requested threat of sex, you are then an easy target as others want their share of sex with you, which is more like rape than consensual sex,” she said.
Mary not once wanted to have sex with prisoners, she said she only did it because she was so scared of being bashed.
At times, Mary was put into a cell for prisoners who needed protection, but even then she said she was assaulted by sex offenders.
“It makes you feel sick but you have no way of defending yourself,” she said.
She transferred to other prisons across the state and while she was assaulted at all of them, she said Boggo Road was the worst and most violent.
Mary said she was forced into performing sexual acts more than 2000 times when she was serving her sentence, which was about four years long.
“It was rape and yes I was flogged and bashed to the point where I knew I had to do it in order to survive, but survival was basically for other prisoners’ pleasure,” she said.
“It was hell on earth, it was as if I died and this was my punishment.”
During her sentence, Mary was labelled a high-risk prisoner because she tried to escape three times.
“This meant I would serve all my time in maximum security with the most violent prisoners,” she said.
“I wasn’t escaping for anything else, I just had to get away from the sexual assault.”
In her first couple of nights in jail, Mary tried to defend herself and pushed prisoners off her, but she was flogged.
“Each time I said no and tried to push them away, they just force you and it’s not just one or two people, there’s a bunch of them,” she said.
But it wasn’t just the rape that has caused Mary’s distress.
When she arrived in jail, a prisoner cut her long locks into a crew cut.
“It was halfway down my back, it was horrific,” Mary said.
“It was like my identity was taken away from me.”
She was also denied her hormones, and began to grow facial hair again.
“Your hormonal levels drop so fast, you just start going haywire within a week.”
Mary tried to fight for her hormones but said it was a strict no.
There was one other person in the prison however, who did understand Mary.
She was also a transgender woman and too was targeted for sex.
Unlike Mary, this transgender woman was not able to live with what happened to her.
“She was eventually released but was arrested for breaching parole and she hung herself so she didn’t have to go back to prison,” Mary said.
She believes transgender women are raped because they look like females.
Mary had breasts, but not gender reassignment surgery, and said men just wanted sex.
She tells her story after a transgender woman in WA was put into a male prison in Perth earlier this year.
But this is something that happens all over the world.
Just last year, transgender woman Tara Hudson spent a week in an all-male prison in Gloucestershire where she was tormented.
She was moved to a female prison after people signed a petition.
Also last year, transgender woman Vicky Thompson was found dead in an all-male jail in Armley.
Her lawyer was pushing to get her into a female prison as Thompson told friends she would kill herself if she had to serve her sentence in a male prison.
Transgender advocate CeCe McDonald, who was jailed for defending herself against a group that hurled transphobic and racial slurs at her in 2011, also served her sentence in a male prison.
Mary says she just can’t understand why it happens.
“People must think if you go to a female prison, you’re going to rape women and you’re not — it doesn’t make any sense,” Mary said.
“I’d rather die than go to prison ever again in my whole life.”
Mary said transgender women who had reassignment surgery would be put in a female prison, but believed those who identified as female should have the same rights.
“You’ve seen a psychiatrist, been approved to be on hormones and that takes two years,” she said.
“I look like a woman and I think if a transgender person is genuine and they are living as the opposite sex, then they should be housed in a female prison, even if you’re in a wing on your own.
“You shouldn’t be subjected to sexual assault. You are serving a punishment for an error you made in your life.”
Mary has found it hard to move on since her life in prison.
“I don’t have a relationship and I don’t trust men and never will ever again in my life — I’ve not had a relationship since prison,” she said.
“We are human beings and most of us were born this way and we want to just live our lives but are ridiculed by society because we have the guts to be who we are.”
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Michael McBride at Classy Cafe in Rancho Cucamonga
Twenty-eight year old Chicago native Michael McBride has always thought of himself as masculine. He plays sports, works as a foreman on a construction crew, drives a 2005 Ford pickup and hunts deer with his close male friends in Wisconsin during autumn.
“I’m your typical, all American guy. I like to chase tail just like any other dude. I never thought anything like this would happen to me. It kind of shakes you to your core, you know? What the hell is this world coming to?
At 6’4, he weighs 190 pounds and has crystal blue eyes that convey a sense of innocence. The well-built McBride adds, “ I go to the gym all the time and have seen the gays.There’s always one or two that hit on me” he says with a deep voice.“I just don’t roll that way."
McBride is coming forward now to share his story in hopes of warning other straight men on the west coast of the potential dangers of hooking up with smartphones.
Mister Hollywood met with him at him at the Classy Café in Rancho Cucamonga, California, a suburb just outside of Los Angeles in San Bernardino County. He was in the area visiting his parents who retired here several years ago.
According to McBride, on December 28, 2013, he downloaded Tinder onto his iPhone, an app that is designed for heterosexuals to socialize and potentially meet, much like Grindr works for gay men.
It was then that he began chatting with someone who reported to be 21 years old and went by the name Amy.
What follows is McBride's responses to interview questions.
Yeah [pause] I had heard from a good buddy of mine about this phone app called Tinder that you could use to meet girls for dating. I figured why not, ya know? [pause] I downloaded it to my iPhone and then spent some time putting in my picture and filling out vitals. It was pretty easy really.
Anyway, I started chatting with different chicks pretty fast. There were plenty that were cuties but there was this one chic named Amy who kind of stood out. She had a small frame, dirty blonde hair and a nice smile. We started chatting it up and decided to meet, ya know [pause] for a hook up.
So we decided to meet at the Roadway Inn at Ontario Mills Mall. I had never been there before because I an’t from around here.
Amy said it was a decent place, ya know [pause] clean. I think it cost less than $75.00 to rent the room because I offered to pay to make it easier. After all, she was making an effort so it is the least I could do.
So after we traded a few more pics, it seemed cool because we were both into each other. We exchanged digits and even talked on the phone for a few to make sure we were both legit. She totally sounded like some 21 year old college girl and she giggled a lot ...[pause...] she was very believable.
Anyway, I borrowed my dad’s Chevy Caprice and plugged in the directions to the motel into my phone’s GPS. And so before I knew it, I was there.
Nothing really ... [pause] ... I did as we had agreed to on the phone. I checked into the joint, tidied up the place up a bit and took a shower. Then I got dressed and waited for her.
She was coming by at 10 ...[pause]...she asked that I keep the lights a little low because she didn’t want to draw attention to the room. I didn’t think much of it at the time.
And so right at 10 she showed up like clockwork.
We sat down on the bed, started talking a bit and before I knew it we were making out. It was exciting because I’ve never done anything like that, you know?
Did she look like her pictures from Tinder?
Oh for sure ...[pause]... you bet man. She looked really hot from everything I saw and exactly like the pictures she showed me on Tinder. She was a nice looking broad. I an't gonna lie. And nothing about her was setting off any alarm bells.
I was pretty worked up after we start making out and wanted to go a bit further. I tried to touch her in different places but she kept pushing my hand away. I figured she thought I was moving too fast so I stopped. But then after awhile she started to become more relaxed.
And so here we are sitting on the bed and we got to the point where we started to get busy...[pause] ... if you know what I mean. things were going great when all of the sudden I noticed some gray, shiny duct-tape hanging out of the side of her jeans. She had on them low waist designer types on and the tape was just sticking out a little bit.
Well ...[pause] ... nothing at first. I was not really focused on it at first, ya know?. But after a while that duct tape was making me curious and so I pulled on it and laughed. I was trying to be romantic and have some fun.
Well she didn’t like that at all and stopped In her tracks. She was kind of surprised I did that I guess. And then real quick like she shoved the tape back in her jeans like she was trying to hide it.
That kind of freaked me out a little bit and so I got up and asked her what was wrong. That’s when she told me.
She said that she was “pre-op” [pre-operation] or some BS. I didn’t know what she was talking about at first because I was so confused ...[pause]...anybody would be.
She spent a few minutes trying to explain it all to me but I think I was mentally checked out. It took me a few minutes for it to all sink in. Then she ...[pause]... I mean he wanted to keep doing it!
I was so upset that I started to go after him. I think I would probably have seriously messed him up. I never got the chance because he screamed like a banshee and tore off out of the room. He left behind a piece of that fricking tape too. I still have it as a way of remembering what happened.
Look, I just want dudes to know that if they are hooking up in the LA area through a phone, they really need to check these broads out. I found out later from a couple of locals that this kind of thing is not new and has been happening for some time.
Maybe this is the crazy crap people do out here in California but back home in Chicago you know what you are getting. None of this switch and bait crap.
I don't feel like a man anymore and now I'm worried that I might have caught something from that night. I bet there are a bunch of other guys this has happened to. Has to have. No way I am the only one.
There have apparently been other incidents such as the one McBride disclosed in the greater Los Angeles area. On December 28.2011, a man identifying himself as “Andy” shared on a Topix Forum that he had a similar experience.
He explained in detail how he was fooled by a person posing as a female that was so believable that he had no idea of the person’s true gender, which was male.
He discusses how he was fooled by a person posing as a female that was so believable that he still can't fathom how the person did it so well. The two had apparently spent an entire evening together before the reality of the situation became apparent, horrifying the Topix poster and causing him deep psychological trauma.
At the end our brief interview, McBride explained that he was feeling bit out of sorts over the incident and that he would likely need counseling. Before leaving the coffee shop and back to his parents home off Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, he shared these final thoughts.
“I’ve never had any attraction towards men. I can’t believe I couldn’t tell that was a dude in that hotel room and not a girl. But man, she sounded like one on the phone and when we connected, she looked real. Does this mean I am gay?"
- Mister Hollywood attempted to speak to Amy from Tinder but she refused to comment
Ramianne from France on February 12, 2020:
The level of transphobia in this article is astounding. First of all, "tranny" is derogatory. She's a transgender woman.
Secondly, spending the entire article using her actual pronouns, only to switch and start misgendering her when you know she has a penis, shows how stupid this is. If you believe she's a man, then use "he/him" pronouns from the start and own your transphobia. If you have no problem using her actual pronouns for most of your article, then use it up until the end. Inconsistency is stupid; people don't switch gender just like that (or more precisely, gender-fluid people do switch, but if you can't wrap your head about transgender people, gender-fluid people are way out of your league).
Thirdly, it is ok for a guy to be confused when he realises his match is transgender. It is even ok to be so confused that it kills off your attraction to them. But saying things like "I started to go after 'him'" and "I was going to mess 'him' up" as if it's a legitimate response is definitely not ok. Assaulting people, no matter in what context, is never ok. If that's too much for you, then you say no, "sorry" if you're polite, and you go. Attacking her just makes you an asshole.
Finally, transgender people don't "trick you", they don't "pretend".They simply are. She is a woman, no matter how you see it. The fact that you don't understand transgender people is acceptable (even though usually, when you're ignorant about something, you try to understand it and know the subject better instead of staying ignorant); but blaming her and saying it's her fault just because she is who she is, is definitely not ok.
This is precisely why transgender people, especially women, are murdered everyday in every part of the world. You don't attack and you don't kill someone because you don't understand them; you talk to them and try to understand them.
Ethan Tibbets from Quanah, TX on January 03, 2020:
I think this post is generally homophobic and transphobic and should be taken down. What does it matter that some dude got more than he bargained for on Tinder. Have you ever been seriously catfished? And to the people below me, you guys are pretty immature to be saying stuff like "one of those things."
It doesn't make you look big, and it doesn't make you more manly. A penis doesn't necessarily make you a man.
Rape by deception on August 29, 2016:
Some states have a "rape by deception" law, and in my opinion, "Amy" committed rape by deception. From the very beginning, Amy portrayed himself as a female to McBride. Amy gained sexual compliance from McBride fraudulently, by intentionally withholding the fact that he is male, knowing that McBride was a heterosexual male and not interested in sexually in males.
The sole purpose of the Tinder is to bring together people up for heterosexual sex. Amy misrepresented himself to McBride by pretending to be a woman. Amy committed rape by deception when he conned McBride into thinking he was a woman. McBride consented to sex with a woman, not a man. Amy deliberately lied and misrepresented himself.
Michaela from USA on January 11, 2016:
Regardless of how you all feel about Amy's unfortunate faux pas of not mentioning that she was trans before the hookup, using derogatory language and intentionally misgendering trans people is not doing you any favors and making the rest of you look like backwater douche-bags.
In many cases, it's very traumatizing and dangerous for a trans person to come out to others when it comes to dating and that's only going to get worse when this sort of scenario is perpetuated as the worst thing that could happen on a date.
The people that actually side with the "girl" in this case absolutely astound me. In my mind, a tranny not telling the other person about their "condition" is essentially equivalent to someone with chlamydia not mentioning that fact. Sure, it's personal and nobody else's business until you decide to hook up with them and MAKE IT their business. They're not lying by not saying anything, but they're still a selfish prick who deserves a good ass-whooping for doing so.
Cheryl Auber on September 12, 2015:
Yeah man, you're definitely gay now. They say it only takes one accepted touch from one and you're officially turned.
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