Tranny Men

Tranny Men


Tranny Men
For trannies and the men who love them, Divas is the place


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It's after midnight at Divas. The lower-level bar is packed. Coco is lip-synching to Christina Aguilera . It's loud and rocking. Men sit at the bar and nuzzle women standing next to them. Two girls start dancing in the aisle, getting closer and closer until they're bumping and grinding, to the cheers of the people around them.
Pretty young women circulate through the crowd. "What are you here for?" they ask strangers.
It's a good question. Because this is not just any bar in any city. This is Divas, the most famous, or possibly notorious, transgender bar in San Francisco. It is the hangout for post-op transsexuals, pre-ops, cross-dressers, gender-benders, female impersonators and the men who love them.
"I don't know why people think this place is so scary," said one patron. "It's just another bar."
In some ways, Divas is just like any other bar. There are three levels open to the public. The ground-floor bar, when it's not being used for the lip- synch show, is just another bar. Men sit on stools and banter with the bartender. Televisions are on either end of the bar.
The third floor has a dance floor and a stripper pole. There are topless shows some nights, and the place is like a regular strip club. Women dance and tease. Men tuck dollar bills in G-strings. There's the requisite disco ball hanging from the ceiling.
The fourth floor is a more intimate bar setting, with the best-looking bartenders serving drinks, and a few sofas and easy chairs for socializing.
But that's where normalcy, as American society would define it, ends.
This is the sexual frontier. There are no easy identifiers for the women who go there, nor for the men. It's not as simple as gay or straight, male or female.
"I'd say 85 percent of the men who come here are married, and a lot of them have kids," said bartender Alexis Miranda .
The owner, Steve Berkey , said the majority of the male patrons consider themselves straight. They just like their women to have a little something extra.
The men are called "trannie chasers" by some of the girls, and there is a real love-hate relationship between them.
Alana Murtaugh , a 25-year-old transsexual from South Texas, said a lot of the men at Divas tend to objectify the girls, or they simply have a fetish for T-girls, as they are sometimes called.
"For a lot of them, the girls are just sexual playthings," she said. "Plus, the men have the luxury of just visiting. They can come in and have fun and they go back to their nice, easy lives. We live in this world."
The men come in all sizes, shapes and ethnicities. I went to the bar several times and saw white, Asian, Latino and African American patrons. There were men in suits, men in jeans, men in windbreakers. Men with distinguished gray hair and young hip-hop types with shaved heads and baggy pants.
The women are just as diverse. They range from extremely beautiful to, well, men in dresses. But most are divalike. They are carefully made up and dress exotically. They say a straight man can't tell the difference, most of the time, between a transsexual woman and biological woman. That's probably true. The one tip-off is that the transgender women are almost too perfect. You spot a beautiful woman out of the corner of your eye and turn to look. Even in a place like Divas where you know the women are transsexual, you can't help yourself.
The interaction between men and women at Divas is similar to that of any bar, or pickup joint, except that the women are more likely to approach the men. There are two reasons for this. For one thing, they are perhaps more interested in finding a mate. A lot of the women have spent their entire lives trying to find their feminine selves, and they want validation that they are, in fact, women.
And then there is the second reason: Some of them are working girls.
Divas is in Polk Gulch, ground zero for gay, straight and trannie prostitution in the city. Some women work the street and then step into Divas for a drink, to rest their feet and maybe see if they can find a trick inside.
And because the place has a liquor license, the stakes are high. Divas has an order for a 30-day suspension and a year's probation as a result of a prostitution investigation earlier this year. The order is under appeal.
"I don't want that kind of thing going on in here," Berkey said. "That kind of suspension would kill me. But I can't watch everyone all the time. The best I can do is keep it low-key."
Berkey estimates that 90 percent of the women at the club have worked in the sex industry, in some form or another, at some point in their lives. There are many reasons for that. Part of it is a combination of society and economics. The women need jobs, but a lot of companies aren't comfortable having transgendered people as employees. And being a transsexual can be expensive, depending on how far the woman takes it. There are hormones to take, surgeries to be performed.
Beyond that, sex with a man validates a male-to-female transsexual's femininity. "And a lot of these girls need all the validation they can get," Berkey said. "Sex is a rite of passage for them."
In the Divas world, almost everything is about sex. Alexis the bartender said most of the men who like trannies want hard, raw sex with someone who also wants it. They are more likely, she said, to get it from a transsexual than a biological woman.
"Look around at women today," she said. "They dress like men, or they're in sweats or whatever. They're not sexy. They're not feminine. A transgendered person works hard to be feminine, and they still have the male sexual hunger. So it's a perfect match."
Many of the trannie chasers might consider themselves heterosexual, but Jeff is a straight-up bisexual. Has been since he was a young boy playing games with other boys in the backyards of the East Bay.
He likes women and will probably marry one someday. And he likes transsexuals because they are beautiful and sexual.
"Primarily, I like women," he said. "It's a cliche, but this really is the best of both worlds."
Jeff, who asked that his last name not be used, said the men he knows at Divas are not interested in "guy sex." But they're into a kind of sex that a lot of wives and girlfriends don't like.
Although sex may be the primary concern of the patrons, Divas means something more to the women who go there.
For Alana, it's almost a second home. It's the transgender equivalent of the bar in "Cheers."
"This is a place where I can be myself," she said. "I don't have to worry about what anyone thinks. I can just show up and know I'll find people I know, people I can talk to and have a good time."
Alana is pretty, with soft white skin, and can easily pass for a woman in a store or on the street. She's fortunate that way. And she recognizes that she and her friends go there to meet men who want them. Everyone knows what the score is. A woman doesn't have to wonder how the man will react when he finds out she was not born a woman. It is a complementary relationship.
Even so, it's a murky world. There are various stages of transgenderdom, and everyone has his or her own particular likes, wants and needs in a partner. If you're a man and have sex with a post-op transsexual, are you straight? What if the person dresses as a woman but still has a penis?
"You know, these questions go round and round and round," Berkey said. "There are countless discussions, countless variations of gender identity and sexual identity.
"In the end, what I've figured out is, 'Who cares?' It's all about what you like, and what feels good. Definitions don't mean anything."
Berkey is 56, an amiable Midwesterner who looks a little like the actor Robert Conrad. He worked in the construction industry for years before he bought Divas. The career change had much to do with the fact that he is married to a post-op transsexual and he thought they could run the club together.
He's owned Divas for about three years. The bar used to be known as the Motherlode, a block away at Post and Larkin.
"If I weren't married, I could have a lot of fun here," he said Saturday night as the lip-synching reached a fevered pitch. He shined a flashlight on the rump of a woman dancing in the aisle. "My wife thinks that's all I'm after, so I have to be careful not to give her anything to be jealous over."
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Michael McBride at Classy Cafe in Rancho Cucamonga
Twenty-eight year old Chicago native Michael McBride has always thought of himself as masculine. He plays sports, works as a foreman on a construction crew, drives a 2005 Ford pickup and hunts deer with his close male friends in Wisconsin during autumn.
“I’m your typical, all American guy. I like to chase tail just like any other dude. I never thought anything like this would happen to me. It kind of shakes you to your core, you know? What the hell is this world coming to?
At 6’4, he weighs 190 pounds and has crystal blue eyes that convey a sense of innocence. The well-built McBride adds, “ I go to the gym all the time and have seen the gays.There’s always one or two that hit on me” he says with a deep voice.“I just don’t roll that way."
McBride is coming forward now to share his story in hopes of warning other straight men on the west coast of the potential dangers of hooking up with smartphones.
Mister Hollywood met with him at him at the Classy Café in Rancho Cucamonga, California, a suburb just outside of Los Angeles in San Bernardino County. He was in the area visiting his parents who retired here several years ago.
According to McBride, on December 28, 2013, he downloaded Tinder onto his iPhone, an app that is designed for heterosexuals to socialize and potentially meet, much like Grindr works for gay men.
It was then that he began chatting with someone who reported to be 21 years old and went by the name Amy.
What follows is McBride's responses to interview questions.
Yeah [pause] I had heard from a good buddy of mine about this phone app called Tinder that you could use to meet girls for dating. I figured why not, ya know? [pause] I downloaded it to my iPhone and then spent some time putting in my picture and filling out vitals. It was pretty easy really.
Anyway, I started chatting with different chicks pretty fast. There were plenty that were cuties but there was this one chic named Amy who kind of stood out. She had a small frame, dirty blonde hair and a nice smile. We started chatting it up and decided to meet, ya know [pause] for a hook up.
So we decided to meet at the Roadway Inn at Ontario Mills Mall. I had never been there before because I an’t from around here.
Amy said it was a decent place, ya know [pause] clean. I think it cost less than $75.00 to rent the room because I offered to pay to make it easier. After all, she was making an effort so it is the least I could do.
So after we traded a few more pics, it seemed cool because we were both into each other. We exchanged digits and even talked on the phone for a few to make sure we were both legit. She totally sounded like some 21 year old college girl and she giggled a lot ...[pause...] she was very believable.
Anyway, I borrowed my dad’s Chevy Caprice and plugged in the directions to the motel into my phone’s GPS. And so before I knew it, I was there.
Nothing really ... [pause] ... I did as we had agreed to on the phone. I checked into the joint, tidied up the place up a bit and took a shower. Then I got dressed and waited for her.
She was coming by at 10 ...[pause]...she asked that I keep the lights a little low because she didn’t want to draw attention to the room. I didn’t think much of it at the time.
And so right at 10 she showed up like clockwork.
We sat down on the bed, started talking a bit and before I knew it we were making out. It was exciting because I’ve never done anything like that, you know?
Did she look like her pictures from Tinder?
Oh for sure ...[pause]... you bet man. She looked really hot from everything I saw and exactly like the pictures she showed me on Tinder. She was a nice looking broad. I an't gonna lie. And nothing about her was setting off any alarm bells.
I was pretty worked up after we start making out and wanted to go a bit further. I tried to touch her in different places but she kept pushing my hand away. I figured she thought I was moving too fast so I stopped. But then after awhile she started to become more relaxed.
And so here we are sitting on the bed and we got to the point where we started to get busy...[pause] ... if you know what I mean. things were going great when all of the sudden I noticed some gray, shiny duct-tape hanging out of the side of her jeans. She had on them low waist designer types on and the tape was just sticking out a little bit.
Well ...[pause] ... nothing at first. I was not really focused on it at first, ya know?. But after a while that duct tape was making me curious and so I pulled on it and laughed. I was trying to be romantic and have some fun.
Well she didn’t like that at all and stopped In her tracks. She was kind of surprised I did that I guess. And then real quick like she shoved the tape back in her jeans like she was trying to hide it.
That kind of freaked me out a little bit and so I got up and asked her what was wrong. That’s when she told me.
She said that she was “pre-op” [pre-operation] or some BS. I didn’t know what she was talking about at first because I was so confused ...[pause]...anybody would be.
She spent a few minutes trying to explain it all to me but I think I was mentally checked out. It took me a few minutes for it to all sink in. Then she ...[pause]... I mean he wanted to keep doing it!
I was so upset that I started to go after him. I think I would probably have seriously messed him up. I never got the chance because he screamed like a banshee and tore off out of the room. He left behind a piece of that fricking tape too. I still have it as a way of remembering what happened.
Look, I just want dudes to know that if they are hooking up in the LA area through a phone, they really need to check these broads out. I found out later from a couple of locals that this kind of thing is not new and has been happening for some time.
Maybe this is the crazy crap people do out here in California but back home in Chicago you know what you are getting. None of this switch and bait crap.
I don't feel like a man anymore and now I'm worried that I might have caught something from that night. I bet there are a bunch of other guys this has happened to. Has to have. No way I am the only one.
There have apparently been other incidents such as the one McBride disclosed in the greater Los Angeles area. On December 28.2011, a man identifying himself as “Andy” shared on a Topix Forum that he had a similar experience.
He explained in detail how he was fooled by a person posing as a female that was so believable that he had no idea of the person’s true gender, which was male.
He discusses how he was fooled by a person posing as a female that was so believable that he still can't fathom how the person did it so well. The two had apparently spent an entire evening together before the reality of the situation became apparent, horrifying the Topix poster and causing him deep psychological trauma.
At the end our brief interview, McBride explained that he was feeling bit out of sorts over the incident and that he would likely need counseling. Before leaving the coffee shop and back to his parents home off Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, he shared these final thoughts.
“I’ve never had any attraction towards men. I can’t believe I couldn’t tell that was a dude in that hotel room and not a girl. But man, she sounded like one on the phone and when we connected, she looked real. Does this mean I am gay?"
- Mister Hollywood attempted to speak to Amy from Tinder but she refused to comment
Ramianne from France on February 12, 2020:
The level of transphobia in this article is astounding. First of all, "tranny" is derogatory. She's a transgender woman.
Secondly, spending the entire article using her actual pronouns, only to switch and start misgendering her when you know she has a penis, shows how stupid this is. If you believe she's a man, then use "he/him" pronouns from the start and own your transphobia. If you have no problem using her actual pronouns for most of your article, then use it up until the
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