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‘Mostly top’ guy learns the hard way why you should never cancel on your bottom




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Andy was left disappointed after preparing to bottom. (Twitter/@FloralAndy)
A guy who identifies as “ mostly top ” found the shoe on the other foot after he spent hours preparing for bottoming, only to receive nothing but excuses.
Andy, a marketing consultant from Philadelphia, had been travelling for work for three weeks when he started “to feel a little pent up”.
In a Twitter video, he explained: “When I woke up this morning, something just hit different, or rather I wanted to be hit different.
“So I made a bold and daring move, and after eating an omelette with a lot of cheese for brunch, decided that I wanted to bottom.”
Andy told PinkNews that he made an appointment with a “a long-standing friend”, and set about getting ready.
“I spent a tonne of time in here,” he says in the video, gesturing towards a toilet.
“I was also considerate and lit a candle, and I was also considerate and made my f**king bed which I never do, and laid out a towel which I never do because I’m not a very considerate person, and all of a sudden wanting to bottom makes me nice.”
After all of this, Andy was left high and dry.
Echoing the words of a thousand bottoms before him, he ranted: “”He f**king cancelled. I swear to god, I’m going to run for public office and I’m going to make this s**t illegal.
“I’ve never one cancelled on someone and I’m very proud of it. I’m going to criminalise this s**t.
And you can bet your ass that I revenge-ate some tacos like a good pseudo-bottom.
Andy told PinkNews that he was “caught off guard” by the physical and mental preparation that often comes with bottoming.
“I’ve always hypothetically known that the process is time-consuming and somewhat emotionally draining: taking Imodium hours earlier, starting other prep hours earlier, showering, cleaning, lighting a candle, then losing hope and getting progressively angrier as the clock ticks.”
He said that his would-be top stopped responding as soon as he’d arranged the hook-up.
“An hour after we were supposed to meet (and after my stomach was full of tacos and guac) he texted me to say he had an ‘unforeseen roommate dispute and am no longer available’.
“I’m pretty sure that means he murdered his roommate, but who knows!”
Almost 250,000 people have watched Andy’s video – tops, bottoms and pseudo-bottoms alike.
Andy admitted that the experience of almost bottoming had changed him, hopefully for the better.
“I stand in solidarity with bottoms now more than ever. Tops should be more considerate in their bookings – being an upfront adult can save everyone a lot of time and emotional energy.”
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by Dan Savage on January 9th, 2013 at 12:01 AM
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I’m a straight male, 21 years old. I love women, I’ve always loved women, I’ve always loved having sex with women. However, in the last year, here and there, I’ve jerked off to transsexual porn. One night, after drinking with a friend and smoking some hash, I arranged a date with a trans sex worker. She was totally womanly, nothing manly about her, except for, you know. She licked my butt, gave me head, and fingered me. I’ve been on the receiving end of anal play before from girls, so nothing new. But somewhere during this encounter, I became the receiving partner during anal sex. At the time, I was too fucked up to care. But the next day, I started to feel really bad. She was very safe and used condoms for everything. I just can’t get past the fact that I did the gayest thing a guy can do. I feel really depressed about this traumatic situation. I can’t seem to enjoy my life anymore. I’ve even felt somewhat suicidal. (I would never kill myself—I wouldn’t do that to my family and friends.) I still want to date women and have sex with women. I don’t regret being with a trans woman because I wanted to experiment. I’ve been tested since the encounter to make sure I didn’t catch anything. What I regret is her sticking her thing in my butt. Can a single act like this make me gay? Please help.
Yes, yes: you did the gayest thing a guy can do—you allowed someone to put a dick in your man butt—but now you’re doing the second-gayest thing a guy can do. You’re being a huge drama queen about the whole thing. Stop acting so cray, as the kids say, and repeat after me: one dick in the ass does not a gay man make. Look at it this way: the difference between having a woman’s finger in your ass and having a woman’s dick in your ass is a matter of degree. If the woman’s finger was fine—to say nothing of the woman’s tongue—why freak out about the woman’s dick? Remember: you don’t sleep with men; you’re not attracted to men. You made an exception for this woman’s dick because her dick is exceptional: it’s attached to a woman.
So maybe you took a longer walk on the wild side than you might have if you’d gone on that walk sober, WSOWS, but, thankfully, your sex worker was conscientious and responsible and used condoms. So you didn’t emerge from this encounter with anything more devastating than a touch of gay panic. Be a man about this—be a straight man about this—and walk it off, as the football coaches say.
Maybe this will help: like a lot of gay men, I had sex with a woman before I came out. I did the straightest thing a guy can do—I put my dick in a vag—and it didn’t make me straight. You did the gayest thing a guy can do—you let someone put a dick in your ass—but that didn’t make you gay. Because you’re not gay, WSOWS, and one ride on a trans escort’s dick can’t change that.
If nothing I’ve said has made you feel better, WSOWS, maybe this will: gay men don’t hire trans women sex workers. Wanting to be with a woman who has a dick is an almost exclusively straight-male kink/obsession/wild side. Gay men are into dick, of course, but what we’re really into is dudes. There are gay men out there who date and fuck and shack up with trans men—men with pussies—so not all gay men are after dick. What we’re all after is dude.
If our gayness can’t be defined solely by dick, WSOWS, then surely your straightness can’t be undone entirely by dick.
I’m a married straight man. I recently spent a lovely day snorkelling with my wife in Mexico. We were grouped with three men who were obviously in a committed three-person relationship. I lacked the cojones to ask directly, but they had an extensive travel history together and lived together, everything was “we” this or that, and there were various PDA pairings during the day. They were lovely people. I wish we all lived in the same city, as it’s hard to meet cool people who aren’t exactly like you when you’re married with kids. Several questions: 1) What do gay people call such a union? 2) Does the gay community think it’s odd? Unremarkable? Sensible? 3) How does a union like that form? A couple adds a third? 4) Do these relationships last? Lots of pros and cons, just curious how it plays out.
> Three-way Relationship Intrigues Oblivious Straights
1. Such unions are referred to as “throuples” by gays and straights. For a picture of the inner workings of a gay throuple, TRIOS, check out Molly Young’s profile of one in New York magazine’s most recent “Sex Issue”. Benny, Jason, and Adrian are the men behind the popular “gipster” porn site , and you can read Young’s piece about their home, work, and sex lives.
2. Some gay people think throuples are odd, some think they’re unremarkable, and some think they’re sensible. And some gay people—some dumb ones—think gay throuples are bad PR at a time when gay couples are fighting for the right to marry. But our fight is for equal rights, not double standards, and no one argues that straight marriage should be banned because of all the straight throuples, quadles, quintles, sextetles, et cetera, out there.
3. In my experience, yes, that’s usually how it happens.
4. Throupledom presents unique challenges: major life decisions require buy-in from three people; two can gang up against one during arguments; the partners who were coupled before the third came along may treat the third as a junior partner, not an equal partner, et cetera. But throupledom presents unique benefits, too: another set of hands to help around the house, another income to pay down the mortgage, another smiling face to sit on, et cetera. And it’s not like coupledom is a sure-fire recipe for success. Half of all marriages—those traditional “one man, one woman, for life” marriages—end in divorce. Yet discussions of throupledom all seem to begin with the assumption that coupledom is a self-evidently more stable arrangement. Maybe it is; maybe it isn’t. I’d like to see some research comparing throuples to couples before I accept that premise.
I recently used the term “saddlebacking” to indicate the position where a man rubs his penis between his partner’s ass cheeks as either foreplay or nonintercourse sex. My girlfriend, a regular reader of your column, insists that I used the term incorrectly. Did I?
You did, RTWW. “Saddlebacking”, as defined by Savage Love readers (the Académie française of sexual neologisms), is when two straight teenagers, endeavouring to preserve an evangelical girl’s virginity, engage in anal intercourse. This is a thing that really happens. Since anal sex isn’t really sex, according to the abstinence educators evangelical teens are exposed to, many good Christian teenagers rationalize that getting fucked in the ass doesn’t really count against a girl’s virginity.
The act to which you refer—rubbing your penis between someone’s ass cheeks as foreplay or as a substitute for intercourse—is known variously as frottage, outercourse, the Princeton Rub, or “the pearl tramp stamp”. But in Chicago, it’s known as “the Cardinal George”.
Download the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) at . Email: . Follow me on Twitter at @fakedansavage .
If I did this with that same or opposite sex person/listened to that band/read that book/had that fantasy/watched that tv show/ate that food or had that drink/went to that club/dressed in those clothes/watched that kind of porn/did that particular sex act and liked it, does that make me _____ (gay/straight/bi/pan/other/none of the above)? If it was just about what we did, we'd all be some or all of these at any given time of the day/month/season/semester/year/decade.
In fact is not necessarily be that have so, but the question is whether it was really fun that act either finger or cock'? I convinced that there is no fun in the universe need soul only and returns to it and comply and obey an unprecedented seen before, because it found what you're looking for does not want to to stay away away from that feeling in sexual passion for interesting Soft-core Like that ... I started since young age fondling and sucking of cocks until originated this habit that I have now dramatically, and I can not I die this insatiable sexual exciting does it's mean that i am gayness?
NO!!!! , if a gay (lets say the stereotypical one) has sex with a woman, does he become straight???? no...
just stop being fucked even if that made u enjoy, otherwise u could be considered as bisexual, well being fucked by a girl or a ts isn't really that gay,
YOU BORN GAY OR YOU BORN STRAIGHT, u cant change it (at least someone makes you a new genetically modification that probably doesn't exist)
yea, fuck all the gays, u wont become gay! OK?
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It all started innocently enough. I never meant to do it, it just sort of happened. I got home from school, when I was in the 10th grade. I put my bag down on my desk, and noticed that mom had left the laundry basket on my bed. This was her signal that I was supposed to put the clothes away in my drawers, and bring down any dirty clothes I had.
So I put everything away, except when I came to the underwear, there was a problem. Mom had accidentally left one of Jody’s panties in my pile. Jody is my elder sister who is just 2 years older than me. I held her panty in my hands, feeling the silky material. I was a typical 10th grade boy, so as you can imagine, my mind raced at the thought that I was holding panties in my hand.
I had naughty thoughts on the mind all the time, and I had wanted to get into a lot of girl’s pants at school. For some reason, I had an urge to try them on, to see how they felt. I locked my door, closed all the shades, and put them on.
They were so different! Not rough or clingy like what I wore, but the smoothest, silkiest feeling, like I was wrapped in softness.

“Nick, are you in there? Why is your door locked!” said mom.
I didn’t know what to do, so I quickly pulled on my jeans, and then went to unlock the door.
“Why are all your blinds closed? What were you up to? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t think I want to know” she said.
I was so close to being busted! I was lucky she didn’t see me. What would she have said?
“Come on, we’re late. We’re taking your father out to dinner tonight for his birthday. Don’t you remember?”
“Oh yeah” I said. She dragged me on out of the house, and we got in the car. With every step I took, I noticed the panties. The silkiness against my skin. I felt so turned on! I couldn’t explain it. And now I was wearing them in public! Without anybody knowing! When we sat down and the waitress came out to serve us, all I could think of was the fact that I was wearing panties, just like her.
Needless to say, I was excited all night. When we got home, instead of putting the panties back in Jody’s room, I hid them in my closet. It was only a few days later that I wore the panties again. And again, I got really excited. So for some reason, I decided to sneak into my sister’s room. Nobody was home, so who would know?
I dug through her underwear drawer, until I found her bras. If the
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