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3 reasons men are choosing the transgender side chick

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Men going to transgender escorts is nothing new and in countries like Brazil, it is common practice. The recent scandal involving R&B singer Bobby V has drawn attention to men who choose to have sex with transgenders. Bobby V has stated that he did not know escort Reima Houston was a man and ran from the apartment when he realized this was the case. Some are disputing Bobby V’s claim that he did not know the person he was with was transgender. The debate as to what actually happened continues. Still, the incident has presented a topic of discussion many avoid. It appears that many men are choosing to have a transgender side chick. Whether for exploration or living a taboo alternative lifestyle, there are a variety of reasons men are choosing this option.
1. Looks. According to porn star TS Madison during an interview with rolling out, looks do play a part. She stated, “I do not consider any heterosexual man that has an attraction to a transgender woman a homosexual. A transgender personifies a genetic woman, some say we over-exaggerate a woman because we go to the extreme of larger breasts, hips, and buttocks but at the end of the day we still look like women. We are the ones who put in the time to look like a woman. So, when a man is attracted to a transgender woman, he does not say, ‘Oh my God look at the good-looking guy.’ He’s looking and saying this is a beautiful woman. When you tell him you have male genitalia, it makes people label you gay. There are some men who will go through their relationship with transgender women and have nothing to do with the penis. But yet they want it to be there because it is taboo.”
2. Taboo sex: Some male customers enjoy the aspect of power and sexual domination that they may not receive from a female lover. In 2015, pro boxer Yusaf Mack , came out as gay and announced that he was looking forward to having a transgender relationship and exploring his sexual identity.
3. Pleasure : For some men , anal penetration is pleasurable and stimulates the prostate, known as the male G-spot. Last year, Amber Rose sent out a tweet about former lover Kanye West that read:
Even among heterosexual partners, some couples engage in what is known as “pegging“ where the man is anally penetrated by his female partner with a strap-on dildo or other sex toy. The whole purpose of this is to reach the male equivalent of the “G-spot” and has nothing to do with being homosexual. There are some men who are frustrated that they can not engage in this practice with their female partner and choose a transgender escort. Being able to engage in this behavior without emotional attachment through prostitution is an outlet for some men.
1st of all y’all don’t look like women…You like MEN !…Cause that’s what u ARE!!!…Miss me with the bullshit!!!
If a man has sex with ANOTHER man he’s gay…That’s no competition for a Queen… !!…Have several seats !
Of a MAN…Thats wants to be a WOMAN???….U must be one….LOL!!…Picture that!!…
What bothers me is the attempt to normalize this behavior by suggesting straight men date trans women. Straight men do not engage in this behavior, if they do they are not straight, which is fine but let’s call it what it is. Hetero men do not wish to be with trans women.
Absolutely. It cracks me how some people try and alter or rearrange fact and truth to legitimize or validate their own agenda. You are absolutely right if you have sex with a man you are gay. Period. Next question……
so every man in jail that gets his dck sucked is gay??
Absolutely, without a doubt. He’s a sagoony.
Pretty much. They catch all types of stuff. Then they get medical to treat it before they get released
Gayer …than the rainbow flag!! And if that happens, thats a low vibration male. Why he in jail getting his dick sucked in the first place…??? I don’t know any woman who wants a man who willing had sex with other men for pleasure, jail or not. Is manhood really that fragile… his own masculinity is reduced to busting a nutt with anyone?! Wow.
Women do the same exact thing when they are locked up. Human nature requires that you have sex. I think a man can be gay in jail an straight on the outside.
Sex is a choice not a requirement. If ppl engage in sexual activity with both genders then they are bi-sexual or more than likely gay. Let’s face facts.
So if a gay person has sex with a female then he is straight?
These people haven’t the first clue about what sexual orientation is all about. Lots of prejudice, no education
Gay men don’t want trans men either. If they’re not straight, they’re still not gay.
you wouldnt say that to a jail ngga to his face tho hahaha
I probably wouldn’t. It doesn’t mean he’s not a man or even a tough guy that could kick ass. Just means he’s not straight. Sorry if that offends you.
Me as a gay male, I don’t see anything attractive about a transgender because I like men, masculinity not feminity. I have been propositioned by transgenders and turned them down because I don’t want anything feminine sexually.
Yeah, sexuality is ultimately fluid. You may have a preference (gay, straight, bi, whatever) but you’re gonna like what you’re gonna like. People are attracted to people at the end of the day. As a man who identifies as gay, I have been attracted to women before. I’m generally not attracted to them and prefer men. Also, gay isn’t the attraction to masculinity. It’s the attraction to men, which is not the same thing because all men are not masculine. Some gay men do prefer a more masculine men. There are also straight women who like their men a little (sometimes a lot) soft. Sexuality isn’t as black and white as people would like think it is.
Another thing is that there are more bisexual persons in the world than straight or gay.
Then that’s why you stay faithful to your woman and won’t have to worry about sleeping with a trans. More men are on the dl anyway. No one forces them to sleep around
I know many gay men some are friends, some are work colleagues and some mere acquaintances. I have not met a SINGLE gay man who finds a transsexual sexually attractive. There must be two things at play with you: (a) You do not know any gay men, (b) you have not the first clue about human sexuality
Why don’t you just worry about who YOU want to be with and let other people make their own choices. This is what I do and it works very well for me.
I’m going to chime in., How is a women that is born naturally as a women jealous of a Man who is born to be a man, but has allowed the adversary to trick his mind and heart into thinking he is a women trap inside a Man body jealous of a Man! Yes what she said you must be a tranny as well!
Why do people get mad @ the truth???…Look @ me…Why would I be mad??…The truth needs no support##online gangsta##REALWOMAN HERE##KISSES##
Man… Women like you are the first one whose man would sleep with a transgender or gay man. #IPromise #StopTalkingAndPayAttention #YouMightLearnSomething
Here’s one that definitely looks better than you, bitch.
You sick af if you think a man pretending to be a woman looks better than a natural born woman! A man dressed up as a woman doesn’t even look better than the ugliest natural woman. Period!
This is not an honest answer. If you did not know she was trans then, she would probably be the most gorgeous thing ever. So i guess when you find out she becomes ugly.
The straight upper arms, huge hands, face shape (forehead, cheeks) and eyes are dead giveaways. The fact that 1 out of every 1,000 photos pass because they have the right amount of airbrushing, filters, perfect angles and careful makeup shading doesn’t make a person attractive or a woman. A look at multiple photos shows this one isn’t passing. None are.
Yawn. You jealous, angry trannies are trying to reverse your psychosis and make women envy you and want to be like or look like you, something that will never happen. We don’t want to be you, and don’t want any man you could “take.”
Trannies are deeply jealous of women, so you mutilate your bodies with unnatural hormones and surgery trying (and failing) to be something like us. In the end, you look bizarre. Your male features will always be mixed in with the synthetic parts. In airbrushed photos in perfect lighting, filtering, careful angles, and careful makeup, 2% pass and look decent. The rest only pass for a night with drunken, desperate hornbags who found you in dark clubs or on dark street corners.
Most factual paragraph ever posted when it comes down to this subject.
Thank you. So sick and fuckin tired of these MEN who play dress up and get turned into women being glorified and ppl telling them they look beautiful. Im not even tryna bash but these MEN look like monsters with makeup on. And the fact that Bruce Jenner won woman of the year is a slap in the face to every woman who has ever graced the earth, but more disturbing is when REAL women support this bullshit!
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Well if they look this way why all these dl men sis? Someone is fuckin them sis?
Where was the outrage when Laverne Cox won woman of the year?
Thank You Queen….They mad @ me though##unbothered##KISSES##
No disrespect to any born females, but there are some transgender women out here that are beautiful and don’t look like men! You may not want to admit it but their are some transgender women out there that will sit you down in a whole row of seats!
The only hoes out here are these males that will lay up with any and everything whether it’s a woman or not because they don’t give a damn who they bed hop with.
Next they’ll be screwing pit bulls and saying they are into trans species relationships and talk about how they are just like women. FOH!
A male will never be a woman no matter how much lipstick or makeup or wigs they wear or how many injections and surgeries they get. So just leave your denial already and accept the fact that you are gay, instead of making it seem like your desire for penis has anything to do with women when it doesn’t. It will make things easier for all involved.
Well said !
Yes they may look good but at the end of the day when HE drops his pants and his dick falls out and man still want to have sex with him he’s gay. You want the look of a women but the touch of a man
as long she can suk a dk better than you we good!
Why do you have to compare her to a natural born woman?if you enjoy than enjoy it. It’s not necessary to compare. Transgender women should not even be compared to natural born women. Sorry you will never be a natural born woman and that alone makes me more confident idgaf how good you look lol. I am proud to be a woman and I won’t sit here and be compared to a man that’s playing dress up it’s just not the same no matter how gorgeous how good they suck you. I am not against people that enjoy that. But please stop comparing the two it’s offensive. We are in two different categories.
I would not have even bothered replying. He’s obviously a confused closet case.
Thats stupid. Trans spend their whole lives comparing themselves to real women. thats the whole point — to look like or better than most real women. DUH. And if they throat game is good a ngga gonna be happy cuz she dont even have to take her clothes off to give head. In that sense, you just got head from a hot chic!
Once again its the fake look… Because if a straight man knew it was a male with makeup they wouldn’t dare… Its plenty of women who give head so thats no excuse… Playing with people mental….Now if they curious its different..
&& they should not compare themselves to natural born women either. If you want to dress up get a sex change because you are more comfortable than that is fine but once again you will never be a natural born woman. I feel like it makes you feel better to compare it to a natural born woman because you obviously feel bad that you are attracted to that. Just accept that you would not mind getting some amazing head from a TRANS woman and thats it lol why say I basically got head from a woman. your just trying to make yourself feel better
just an ex-con. In prison, you dont have to be gay to get your dik sucked — its the guy who likes to suck dick or take it in da bootie is gay. Anything can get a dik hard,, they got pumps that get your dick hard. So thats what its all about. Trannies can get it, if they good with the thoat, they dont even have to take their clothes off. They faces look better than most real girls. u good.
You right Barrystjohn,i seen some with my own eye`s
That is so true Barry
I have seen some beautiful transgender men.
Transgender men and women take better care of themselves than some other people.
Yeah,except for that surgically pus filled man-hole,only men have that.
Transgender have more STDs, clinical depressiin, and with suicide attempts at 41% compared to 4.6% if the general population. Working in the medical field you cime to learn that a lot if the sexual behavior them anal penetrating men, and becoming with STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia which flare in the area the infection was received. These transgender men have mental issues a lot of them are homeless, living in homes with multiple people in one room, unemployed, no education, on antidepressant, in and out of jail for Petty crimes. They coming to a clinic I volunteer at month after month for free medication and walk around with delusions of grandeur. Most appear to be good people but I can clearly see a mental struggle. I have no negative feelings towards them, but I would never compare them to a real woman.
I hope you commented on the this writers other story about what he calls the “double standard” when it comes to lesbian women. You just explained perfectly why it does exist. Overwhelmingly the numbers show stds are passed along through anal s3x.
Im not in competition…You see im woman by birth…I had a child grow in my womb…I have a cycle every MONTH that solidify s my NATURE…You cant COMPETE with that …Again…I dont judge…If there are beautiful transgender women out here…I say ok (applause)….But AGAIN…I am woman…here me ROAR…##QUEENIN##MOTHER##FRIEND##
I just had to pass the collection plate around cause you’re PREACHING up in here!!!!
I get so tired of people trying to justify this f*ckery!!!
They mad @ me….LOL!…Why??…The truth needs no support…#ALLWOMANHERE
If thats the case then how do people always yell that transgender people trick other people u sound so stupid if they look like men then other men wouldnt look or even say they were tricked but it takes a hater to make a statement like that.
Trans Identified men (transwomen) fool men, women know other women it is biology. Just like a trans Identified female (transmen) never tricks a man into believing she is a man. We recognize each other.
the men fool themselves, sweety. there are deceptive individuals in every community be it trans, gay, straight, bi, queer. trans women, generally speaking, are not out to deceive straight men.
I’m not even attracted to these surgically enhanced, plastic versions of biologically born women we see in the industry, (Kardashians, Black Chyna etc.) they do nothing for me. I love my women 100% natural with no filler. I believe this is feminist created propaganda to attack masculinity in particular black masculinity. It’s sad to see so many heterosexual men and women go along with it.
Exactly! Propaganda from the devil worshipping individuals because they know that our race is too blind to comprehend their agenda.
Why you people think “black masculinity” is so fragile that any likkle ting people do is going to destroy it? I am a straight man but never for a fleeting microsecond have I ever feel threatened by men who love men or whomever want to apply surgical engineering to their body parts. Is fi dem business. Why the hell do you all spend so much time worrying about what other people choose to do with their lives and bodies?
LMAO!!! I completely agree, Liah!!!
So how are they “tricking” people if they look like men? Get over yourself, toots
I never said they were tricking men…Instead of being mean…Educate me…I dont judge ….You are who you are…I just say be honest…I do also believe that they’re are some that cant truly pass….I do however also believe that a lot of men are aware that theyre partners are transgender and get mad and hurt people when there exposed…
Instead of lashing out…Enlighten me…How can I know if Im not taught?
if you read to understand, you’ll find the enlightenment.
Obviously you dont get It Ive wasted my time even being civil to you….Im a straight woman…How do I understand a life style without being taught…That is why people treat y’all bad….You are so filled with hate for society that you want to throw out any opinion and expect us to accept it…Life dosnt work like that…Grow up …Mentally angry person…Your blocked …I have no time for IGNORANCE!
look how mad you just got simply because i told you to reread what i said. you’re the toxic one, and you’re the ignorant one. that’s why you’re so angry. people like you treat us bad because you are ignorant and toxic. it has nothing to do with us… once again, if you read what i said without becoming so emotionally invested (another sign of guilt and anger problems) then you’ll find the enlightenment. on another note, it is not LGBTQIA individuals’ jobs to teach you how to be a decent person. whether you understand someone’s lifestyle/identity or not, you make a conscious decision on how to treat them. that is your responsibility, and if you can’t enact that in a typed discussion, i’m sure you’re just as much of a bitch in real life
I never said they were tricking men…Instead of being mean…Educate me…I dont judge ….You are who you are…I just say be honest…I do also believe that they’re are some that cant truly pass….I do however also believe that a lot of men are aware that theyre partners are transgender and get mad and hurt people when there exposed…
Instead of lashing out…Enlighten me…How can I know if Im not taught?
Frfr I’mma gay man I have been around men who are dating or into a situation with trans women and honestly asking asking “them” as far as they were concerned hair and tits = woman for the night “it confused me” however I had to look at it from their perspective now granted I get how you feel “still gotta dick #male” but to those men that ain’t the case. And as for me as a gay man I’m not putting on no wig getting tits and stuff to deal with a dude “part time” but that’s another story. My main point is I get how you feel you need to direct that to men who participate in such cause frfr they have no issues.
I have NO issues with GAY men for the record…I dont Jude…Thats Gods place…My point has always been whoever you are be HONEST about It!….Too many people are dying because of
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