Tranny In The Bathroom

Tranny In The Bathroom


Tranny In The Bathroom
New terms are entering the cultural lexicon as people endeavor to codify their sexual orientation or gender. These definitions, which have been edited, are primarily from the LGBTQ advocacy group The Trevor Project. The gender fluid definition is from Visit The Trevor Project for more details .
Story highlights Around the country, communities and legislators are debating transgender rights Arguments tend to focus on public safety and whether gender identity should be protected
Supporters of so-called bathroom bills say they will protect public safety by ensuring that all people, including transgender men and women, use public restrooms that correspond to their sex at birth.
Opponents say their impact is much wider. Critics call them thinly veiled attempts to discriminate against and stigmatize transgender people to score political points.
Supporters make their case with a variety of arguments -- some relate to public safety, others question the entire concept of gender identity. But is there evidence to back some of their claims? What can we glean from places with protections for transgender people?
Here's a rundown of how those claims stand up to scrutiny.
The claim: Sexual predators will take advantage of public accommodations laws and policies covering transgender people to attack women and children in bathrooms.
The facts: Anti-discrimination protections covering gender identity have been around for years, and there is no evidence they lead to attacks in public facilities.
Explained: As of March 2017, 19 states, the District of Columbia and more than 200 municipalities have anti-discrimination laws and ordinances allowing transgender people to use public facilities that correspond to their gender identity.
CNN found one case of a Seattle man who allegedly undressed in a women's locker room in 2016, citing Washington's anti-discrimination law as motivation.
Otherwise, whenever the topic comes up in the news, prosecutors, law enforcement agencies and state human rights commissions have consistently denied that there is any correlation between such policies and a spike in assaults.
CNN reached out to 20 law enforcement agencies in states with anti-discrimination policies covering gender identity. None who answered reported any bathroom assaults after the policies took effect.
Michael Dunton, chief records clerk of Rhode Island's Cranston Police Department, told CNN his department was "hard-pressed" to find such a case: "We track our sex offenders very carefully and we haven't seen any instance of sexual predators assaulting in bathrooms."
In Maine, which has had gender identity protections in its state civil rights law for more than 11 years, the state Human Rights Commission was unaware of a single incident.
"I know there is a lot of anxiety associated with this issue, but it seems to be based on fear rather than facts. Given this, it is really disheartening to see so many states (and now our federal government) choose to treat people who are transgender with what looks like hatred," Maine Human Rights Commission Executive Director Amy Sneirson said.
More common, civil rights groups say, are reports of transgender people being assaulted in bathrooms that don't match their gender identity.
In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.
Transgender identity, in their words 02:44
Transgender people don't deserve protections
The claim: Being transgender is not a valid condition. Transgender people are mentally ill and should not be afforded the same legal protections or healthcare guarantees as gay and lesbian Americans.
The facts: The clear majority of mainstream medical, psychiatric and psychological communities agree that being transgender is not a concocted fantasy or mental illness. It's simply a valid state in which one's gender does not match what was assigned at birth.
Explained: The medical community defines gender identity as the way in which people perceive themselves, which could be different from their gender at birth. A transgender person's gender identity is different from cultural expectations based on the gender they were born with.
Characterizing transgender identity as a mental disorder contributes to precarious legal status, human rights violations, and barriers to appropriate health care, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2016 .
A condition is designated a mental illness when it causes significant distress. For many, simply being transgender does not cause dysfunction -- it's the social stigma and barriers to expressing one's identity that cause problems, according to the American Psychological Association , the American Medical Association and other healthcare organizations.
The World Health Organization is set to adopt the same position in its next edition of the International Classification of Diseases, due out in 2018.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) includes the term "gender dysphoria" to describe the distress some feel. The term was adopted in 2013 to replace "gender identity disorder," which designated transgender identity a mental illness. The change bore echoes of a 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.
Letting children identify as transgender is harmful
Claim: Children are too young to know if they are transgender, and supporting a child who identifies as transgender is child abuse.
The facts: Research shows that not allowing transgender children to live their gender identity is harmful, and can be deadly.
Explained: Decades of research suggest that when it comes to psychological traits and abilities, boys and girls are more alike than they are different. A child's parents and environment are more likely to influence their gender expression than the body parts they were born with, and the concept of gender becomes more fixed as we grow.
Just as it advises for adults, the medical community endorses letting children live their gender identity to avoid gender dysphoria or other conditions that may hinder mental or social developmental.
Groups including Family Research Council, considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, cite the American College of Pediatrics in arguments against supporting transgender children. The American College of Pediatrics is estimated to have only a few hundred members compared to the 64,000 members belonging to the well-established American Academy of Pediatrics, which supports allowing transgender children to socially transition at an early age.
Social transition does not involve the use of cross sex hormones or hormone blockers until the age of puberty, and only then if a patient and healthcare professional deem such treatment necessary.
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Updated 0219 GMT (1019 HKT) March 8, 2017
(CNN) The debate over transgender rights in America often gets reduced to bathroom talk.
See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter .
Controversy erupts after transgender boy wins Texas state girls wrestling title
CNN's Kwegyirba Croffie contributed to this report.

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Academic rigour, journalistic flair

The controversy over transgender bathroom rights rages on.
Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

The transgender bathroom controversy: Four essential reads

Published: February 24, 2017 2.06am GMT

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Transgender students

Anti-discrimination laws

Transgender bathroom choice

Editor’s note: The following is a roundup of archival stories related to transgender issues in education.
On Feb. 22, President Donald Trump’s administration revoked protections allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of their chosen gender identity . The joint letter from the Justice Department and Education Department rescinds the May 2016 guidelines issued by former President Barack Obama.
We’ve spoken with scholars from multiple disciplines around the world, who have weighed in on the social, psychological and political issues impacting transgender students. Here’s what you need to know.
In 2014, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a document that, among other things, clarified the federal civil rights protections of transgender students:
Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity and OCR accepts such complaints for investigation.
Why then, have school bathrooms become the center of the transgender civil rights movement?
The March 2016 “bathroom bill” in North Carolina played a big part. Banning people from using public bathrooms that don’t correspond to the biological sex listed on their birth certificates, the bill catapulted transgender rights into the national spotlight. Alison Gash, a professor of political science at the University of Oregon, breaks down why there was such a backlash on both sides of the aisle .
At the heart of the debate is a very real fear of violence. Gash explains why transgender students need “safe” bathrooms :
Studies show that transgender students could be harassed, sexually assaulted or subjected to other physical violence when they are required to use a gendered bathroom. One survey… found that 68 percent of participants were subjected to homophobic slurs while trying to use the bathroom. Nine percent confronted physical violence.
And why are bathrooms separated by sex in the first place? To put the gender-neutral controversy in perspective, Terry S. Kogan of the University of Utah writes on the origins of gendered bathrooms , a convention that came about as part of the now-discredited – and extremely sexist – “separate spheres” ideology of the early 1800s.
While the debate still rages, there are plenty of reasons for hope. Genny Beemyn, Director of the Stonewall Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst holds an optimistic view on the eventual legal protections of transgender people :
I believe my research suggests that it is only a matter of time before trans people achieve equal rights and wider social acceptance. While gender is different from sexuality, the history of the struggle for same-sex marriage in this country shows why this will be the case…
Citing a natural demographic shift over time, Beemyn points out that prevalent, accepting attitudes among America’s youth will become the dominant opinion:
Millennials generally see same-sex marriage as a basic civil rights issue and back it by a wide margin. Older generations have also become more supportive during the last decade, but by a much lesser degree. This means, demographically, the number of individuals who are supportive will grow over time, while members of older generations, who are generally less supportive, will pass away.
Meanwhile, we’ve learned that anti-LGBT legislation can harm the economic welfare of America’s communities . And governmental policy and mental health professionals agree that so-called “conversion” and “reparative” therapies can be extremely damaging to LGBT youth .
At the heart of this conversation lies the question of whether children can truly understand gender identity at a young age. Vanessa LoBue, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University Newark, found that before the age of five, children are quite flexible in their ideas of gender, but that by the age of 10 most children have incorporated gender into their concept of identity .
Diane Ehrensaft, Director of Mental Health at the Child and Adolescent Gender Center, University of California, San Francisco, asserts that there’s a double standard when it comes to accepting children’s ability to self-identify gender :
In traditional theories, it is assumed that children clearly know their own gender by the age of six, based on the sex assigned to them at birth, the early knowledge of that assignment, the gender socialization that helps a child know how their gender should be performed and the evolving cognitive understanding of the stability of their gender identity. Yet if a child deviates from the sex assigned to them at birth or rejects the rules of gender embedded in the socialization process, they are assumed to be too young to know their gender, suffering from either gender confusion or a gender disorder.
Despite these debates, there’s ample evidence that transgender students are very likely to be the victims of bullying and violence . While researchers have identified some potential help in the form of gay-straight alliances or media portrayals of transgender youths , policy remains the most likely tool for effecting change.
David Miller, a doctoral student in psychology at Northwestern University, discussed the importance of educational policy in changing attitudes toward and extending protection for transgender students . He referenced studies showing that policy and law can change not just the way people act, but the way people think as well.
Trump’s reversal of the guidelines on bathroom use is the latest in an ongoing battle over civil rights for transgender individuals across the globe.
The World Health Organization has stated that it may no longer classify being transgender as a “disorder” in the revised version of its International Classification of Diseases, due for release in 2018. Last year, the British government published a revised policy under which prisons must now recognize and respect inmates with fluid and nonbinary genders . Also last year, the U.N. adopted a landmark resolution on the “Protection Against Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” – though by a narrow margin.
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I really appreciate when I see single occupancy restrooms, often labeled “Family” restrooms, in between the binary ones. They take up hardly any space at all, require little space or maintenance, and their federally mandated inclusion in any publicly funded establishment would handily resolve this shameful and illegal attack on the transgendered. The hateful need find a more constructive outlet for their repressed energies, or they’ll end up constructing their own prison out of confirmed, positive rights, whereas social decorum used to grant them modest room to roam about, whispering in spiteful tones.

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