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The body of our tranny Shoshanna (Merman)
If you go down to the woods today you had better not go alone……
What if all women were bigger and stronger than you? And thought they were smarter? What if women were the ones who started wars? What if too many of your friends had been raped by women wielding giant dildos and no K-Y Jelly?
What if the ability to menstruate was the prerequisite for most high-paying jobs? What if your attractiveness to women depended on the size of your penis? What if every time women saw you they’d hoot and make jerking motions with their hands? What if women were always making jokes about how ugly penises are and how bad sperm tastes?
What if you had to explain what’s wrong with your car to big sweaty women with greasy hands who stared at your crotch in a garage where you are surrounded by posters of naked men with hard-ons?
What if men’s magazines featured cover photos of 14-year-old boys with socks tucked into the front of their jeans and articles like: “How to tell if your wife is unfaithful” or “What your doctor won’t tell you about your prostate” or “The truth about impotence”? What if the doctor who examined your prostate was a woman and called you “Honey”? What if you had to inhale your boss’ stale cigar breath as she insisted that sleeping with her was part of the job?
What if you couldn’t get away because the company dress code required you wear shoes designed to keep you from running?
And what if after all that, women still wanted you to love them?
Is it wrong to be married to a woman but have feelings of wanting another man to make sweet love to me? I've been seeking a lot of tranny and crossdresser gay sex porn lately, I've been craving dressing as a woman often too. I feel like I want to be in a hotel with another man or sissy CD having passionate sex where we're filming them fucking me in the ass after I've sucked their juicy penis, culminating with me begging them to shoot their warm load of semen deep inside of me! I want to cry out for them to please make me pregnant, shoot their love deep into my belly and then reveal their creampie dripping out of my tight sexy stink!
The term dominatrix is mostly used to describe a female professional dominant (or "pro-domme") who is paid to engage in BDSM play with a submissive. Professional dominatrices are not prostitutes, despite the sensual and erotic interactions she has. An appointment or roleplay is referred to as a "session", and is often conducted in a dedicated professional play space which has been set up with specialist equipment, known as a "dungeon". Sessions may also be conducted remotely by letter or telephone, or in the contemporary era of technological connectivity by email or online chat. Most, but not all, clients of female professional dominants are men. Male or t-girl professional dominants also exist, catering predominantly to the t-girl market.
Some professional dominatrices set minimum age limits for their clients. Popular requests from clients are for dungeon play including bondage , spanking and cock and ball torture , or for medical play using hoods, gas masks and urethral sounding . Verbal erotic humiliation , such as small penis humiliation , is also popular. It is not unusual for a dominatrix to consider her profession different from that of an escort and not perform tie and tease or " happy endings ". Typically professional dominatrices do not have sexual intercourse with their clients, do not become naked with their clients and do not allow their clients to touch them. Bondage itself does not necessarily imply sadomasochism . Bondage may be used as an end in itself, as in the case of rope bondage and breast bondage . It may also be used as a part of sex or in conjunction with other BDSM activities. The letter "B" in the acronym "BDSM" comes from the word "bondage". Sexuality and erotica are an important aspect in bondage, but are often not the end in itself.
It's like kinda late where I'm at, and I'm all worn down. My apologies to people I know on here for not checking out their latest photos. I always feel bad posting when I've not taken the time to look at what others have posted. Maybe it's some innate drive, kinda related to my submissiveness, but I hate to post when I know that friends may comment, and I've not done them the service of commenting on their pictures. I'm like so ready for bed though. Long day. But like with so much of my life, both as Tabitha and my male self, I wanna yell out that I am like surrounded by the most incredible people. I am so awesomely proud of the people I know in the real world and on Flickr. I am always kinda humbled to be amongst them. If you met my colleagues and knew their professional histories, you'd want to shake their hands, and say how great they are. How this dumb lil' T-girl managed to be in their circle is kinda insane.
And this pic? Just a Zatanna/female magician bondage pic. My apologies to people who are not into this; please feel free to ignore and look at other pics. I kinda like this pic though, The ropework looks good, and I kinda like the composition. It's anonymous enough that I don't look like a T-girl and all the baggage that brings for people who hate T-girls but like bondage or those who like T-girls but assume we are all just cheap sluts. As dumb as it might sound, it's reassuring because the fact that I have a penis (that never appears in any of my pictures) can be ignored. I'm just a trussed up person in feminine clothing and heels, with decent looking legs. That might sound silly (and I'm kinda silly), but it's nice to not be 'a cause' or 'an oppressed minority', but just me, Tabitha. If I'd been born female, then I'd only have to be seen as having a kink; because I'm a T-girl, it gets so much more needless complex.
More pornography; this time "bondage stuff".
Although "bondage stuff" may sound like a fun and exciting Thanksgiving twist on boring old regular BDSM it is in fact the description used by one of the moderators on the group that recently ejected my pictures for being pornographic (see last meltdown, c'mon, it was only a few weeks ago - I know I have a lot of them, but try to keep up). The moderator who made the comment apparently did not see the pictures that were deleted, but instinctively knew that all of the pics ejected were vile scenes of depravity. If by some strange quirk of fate or quirkafleeg they happen to visit my photostream, they can see one of the pictures that was deleted here ( ). As you will see the 'bondage stuff' that they so despise was me covering my face with a mask and baring my soul with the accompanying text.
I agree with their right to eject photographs that do not meet their standards from their groups. I also agree with their right to equate my pictures with pornography. However I would hope, in the spirit of reciprocity, that they will acknowledge my right to object to their haughty denouncement of my pictures as 'bondage stuff' without actually having seen them.
So to them, I say, you may see this mask I hide behind as 'bondage stuff', but to myself it is a safety net for my fragile feminine self, hopefully a stage on my journey to being as open with this side of myself as you are. Hopefully one day I can remove the mask. But not yet. I am not ready. You are very attractive; indeed I think I once left a positive comment on one of your photos. I am also sure that you are a kind, decent and caring person. So if by some fickle trick of the gods you happen to read this, please know, this evening you killed a little piece of my soul.
And anyone else who bothers to read this far, the next time you criticize others for being 'hairy panty wearers', or for not having pictures of their own, or having pictures of their own that only show their penis (at least I assume those pics are all of the photostream owner's own penis), please remember that there is a real human being that you are criticizing; a real human being with feelings as valid as your own. I'm male, I wear female clothing; that alone is enough to make my pictures count as pornography in a lot of people's view. So why would I dare to judge others.
Has anyone a story to tell about your first experience of sucking a cock? Well, my story is:
I had put a pink skater skirt white tank top stockings and heels and was prancing and dancing on my balcony when the building maintenance guy saw me and he said hello and that I looked so pretty and then I remembered I had a leaky faucet and I asked the maintenance guy would you like to come up and take a look at it and he said okay. So when he came up to my place and knocked on my door I said come in and he came in and I was sitting in a chair with my girly clothes on and crossed my legs and Everytime he looked at me I would cross my legs again. I knew he was looking and staring at my legs so he ask me if he could rub and feel my legs I said yes sure. So he proceeded to rub up and down my entire legs and I ask him can I please suck your dick so he pulled his penis out of his pants and it was hard big and thick. I wasted no time sucking and deep throating his lovely dick which seems like for hours then all of a sudden he let out a groan and hot sperm filled my mouth, I thought I was going to gag but I ended up swallowing his load of sperm. And I must confess, that was the sweetest most satisfying experience I've ever knew before. This guy had the sweetest tasting dick ever. He even sucked on my clitty and fondle my ass. He was like a wild man kissing all over me and my clitty was beginning to come to life. And then it was over. The next day he asked me if I would let him have sex with me in my butthole but I told him I was not ready yet, I wanted so bad to let him stick his cock deep in my ass but I couldn't because I was a virgin. And so I tried to get him to come up to my place again but he had found another job. So I waved to him goodbye and I never heard from him again. I cried. love Patricia
Work tonight? no thanks do it yourself haha
'Nother ramble, so if you just like looking at T-girls, thanks for stopping by, and hope you like this pic. I took it before I left the US about six months ago (wow, Tempus Fugit!) - so like you can skip the rest now.
I'm kinda worn out right now after a couple of weeks of existing only to work (something that I love and find exhilarating and which probably underlines a pathological shortcoming in my personality). During that time Flickr (and being Tabitha) was just a minor thought that I occasionally touched upon, probably no more often than my desire for a cigarette (quit about a decade ago and still crave an unfiltered Gauloise with my morning coffee).
I passed a milestone recently (far more fun than a gallstone); my first year posting on Flickr. My first picture was in late-ish January 2014, and immediately got me put in the naughty box, even though it was incredibly tame (my green cheerleader outfit with my cat mask - I'm guessing the mask made it a fetish pic, plus ça change...). I had originally planned to celebrate my first year of sharing Tabitha with the world with a side by side pic of my original posting next to a similar one, with my Venetian mask instead of the cat mask (maybe one day I'll be able to do away with masks altogether - crazy talk I know!). Unfortunately, this particular meaningless anniversary occurred at a time when real world duties took precedence, so Tabitha was not available to come out and play. So it goes.
I sorta assumed my extended absence from Flickr would go unnoticed. I'm not the best looking or followed of T-girls, and the mask is kinda a turn off for many, plus I kinda fall between worlds: I'm not adventurous enough to really feel at home with the sensual and free gals who embrace this side of their persona, and I'm not decent enough to be accepted by most of the respectable ladies, so I'm in a kinda lonely limbo, which after so many years alone in the closet is surprisingly/depressingly natural for me. And yet, over my time away from Flickr I received some messages, not a huge amount, but a couple of people saw that I was not posting and wanted to make sure I was ok; a friend touched base; a lovely, refined member of the community (who perhaps stupidly I'm too scared to follow in case she blocks me) dropped me a note relating to a comment I had made on one of her photographs. Nothing big perhaps, but it served as a reminder that, at least on Flickr, my secret self as a member of the Transgendered community does at least have sufficient worth to warrant acknowledgement by other people, something that never had the opportunity to happened in the preceding decades. And that means a lot to me. It means a lot because a number of people who may lead lives that have only a tangential relationship to my own or to each other, are still willing to reach out and make a connection. The real world has dumped me in hell enough times for me to be on Asmodeus' Christmas card list, but there is something of sweet value to know that my feminine side knows people who notice the human being behind the masks.
I had originally planned to make a point about the disparate nature of fate that throws us all together in this loose affiliate of desires and identities, and how my acquaintances may encompass beautiful, passable ladies, 'Hairy Panty Wearers', fetishists, sensualists, artists, transvestites, transsexuals, admirers, and who knows what else, but we are all people, who should learn to respect (even if we feel unable to accept) each other's quirks, and focus on what unites us rather than snipe at those who dare to show their penises, or don't shave their legs, or whatever other trait we disagree with. As I say, I had originally planned to make such a point. Sleep deprivation, two glasses of blended whisky, and my own lack of wits has kinda messed up my ability to do so though. So like, c'mon, you all know what I'm trying to say about mutual respect, so why don't we try it for once?
of the corset not my penis...I think.
Sometimes things just don't add up.
I never use Photoshop or any retouching of any kind
Naughty Naughty Peeping at my panties!

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[made@home] Concept settings pose and lights with:
Taken at tha Killaz' third gig. Photo: Luis Drayton.
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Doesn't get much more gay than this.
Video created by dou_ble_you to acompany the Six Inch Killaz song; 30/09/09.
Music: Six Inch Killaz : "Rubber Drugette".
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Photo of Holly taken some time before tha Killaz formed in Nov 94.
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Video created by dou_ble_you to acompany the Six Inch Killaz song; 19/09/09.
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And its this big, no not my cock, but the invisible fish I found swimming in my bath.
Holly on stage with tha Killaz at indie club Kitsch Bitch, which on this occasion was held at Madame Jojo's. It was Jasmine's last gig with the Killaz, and the group's second-last ever. Photo: Sarah Demetriou. Originally appeared in Miss K's Killaz flickrset .
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L-R: Miss K (lead guitar), Luis Hatred (bass), Holly Cock (vocals), Jasmine Salome (vocals), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar).
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L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Holly Cock (vocals). Photo: Pearl.
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Holly outside Cyberia, following our performance there. Photo: Luis Drayton.
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Flyer produced by me to advertise tha Killaz' performance at Club Vaseline. Model: Mary Kelly.
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L-R: Jasmoine Salome (vocals), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar), Luis Hatred (bass), Holly Cock (vocals). Photo: Pearl.
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Killaz merchandise! (Ths little package is headed for my good friend Bridget Love ...)
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L-R: Luis Hatred (bass), Jasmine Salome (vocals), Holly Cock (vocals), Miss K (lead guitar), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar).
Photo: Pearl. Image altered late 2006.
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Holly on stage at tha Killaz' third gig. Photo: Pearl.
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L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Holly Cock (vocals), Miss K (rhythm guitar). Photo: Pearl.
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Find out more about Six Inch Killaz here ...
Article on tha Killaz first published in Skin Two magazine. L-R: Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar), Holly Cock (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Miss K (lead guitar).
Original montage: Michael Fearnley; 1996. Image altered late Mar 2007.
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This interview, conducted backstage at our last gig on April 8th 1999, was, apart from meeting to formally split up, the last thing we did together as a group.
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* Click here and here to see craig r4 's version of the above image...
Find out more about Six Inch Killaz here ...
L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Holly Cock (vocals), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar).
Photo: Pearl. Originally appeared in Miss K's Killaz flickrset . Image altered early 2007.
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L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar), Holly Cock (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Miss K (lead guitar).
Photo: Pearl. Montage created Jul 1996.
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Six Inch Killaz montage which I created in early 1995, shortly before Miss K joined.
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L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Holly Cock (vocals), Miss K (lead guitar). Photo: Pearl.
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Article on tha Killaz, which appeared in the May 97 issue of dtour magazine. L-R: Jasmine Salome (vocals), Luis Hatred (bass), Mona Compleine (rhythm guitar), Holly Cock (vocals), Miss K (lead guitar). Photo: Pearl; 20/04/96.
Find out more about Six Inch Killaz here ...
Photo of Mona and Holly, which appeared on the inside cover of dtour magazine in May 1997. Photo: Pearl; 20/04/96.
Find out more about Six Inch Killaz here ...
I just had to buy this gorgeous vintage sequined 1980s cocktail dress as soon as I saw it. The colours are so bright and the sequins really catch the light. I love wearing it. I feel so glam!
Oh my gosh I can never decide what shade of pantyhose and which shoes to wear though! I spend ages trying different looks and posing in the mirror. Being a woman is so hard!
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