Tranny 3d

Tranny 3d


Tranny 3d
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Connecting people through photography.

Lots more photos on my website!
Lots more photos on my website!
(Rescuing a few photos from my broken website)
Just digging out some old photos, this one was from last March
You know it's been a while when all your mascaras are rock solid! I need to buy some new makeup.
Striking a quick pose on the Catwalk at S4 in Dallas.
It is summer time again. Time for cool dresses but old fashioned and still wear stockings (plus gloves and hat) when go out.
Dressed and ready to go out. Feeling great. Hope he likes the outfit.
I mean Ozzie singing backing vocals with the Treacles!
A huge Handbag full of thanks to gUido for waving his magic wand in my direction! This man is the 'too many DJ's of photoshop!
I'll be taping this to some wall around town when I have some free time.
nice "obligatory boob grab" shot, josie... hey, is it just me, or does it look like you have a little more to grab? ;)
i'm sure you've heard this story by now, but my laptop got stolen by some dude that brought a tranny hooker back to our office.
anyway, we got ahold of the security video footage (youtube = soon!) but till then, i took this snapshot of the video. three gents in the elevator, two dressed as chicks. one made it out, the other (pink) slept on our couch. good times!
(no word yet on whether i'm getting my laptop back)
tranny dressed in lolita outfit, harajuku, tokyo, japan.
Think Ive just finished my magic trick. Where is my sexy assistant.
Does INS check for trannies from Venus?
Me and Nell, taken by Radders June 09
If its not neon lights all over the place, then its this bloody fire thing, its a real pain in the ass
mmmmm, green eyebrows, large pink eyes, bright red lips, and random green glitter stuff around my face.
yes that is a hairbrush in my hand, I was using it as a mic and a lightsaber
took a load of pics with me just lit up by my lighter, some worked ok but most were crap
So like I'd planned on heading to bed early tonite!
I've been slacking off work a bit to treat myself to relaxing with all the awesome people here on Flickr for a while. I'd like promised myself no more than two-ish Malibus & Cokes, then brush my teeth, get into my PJs, and hop into bed by 9:30.
But, yeah, this is like a bit of an addiction for me :)
And, like, someone got me a feeling all a lil', how can I say, frisky. Ready to purrrr as someone pets me all over.
So like this is one of the pics I took over the weekend. It's kinda a club outfit for me to go out and shake my lil' booty in! Course, I took a video of me wearing it and trying to twerk and, yeah, my inner dork shines thru!!!!!!!!!!!! I should like so put that up as well to give you all a laugh!
Still, it really would be as sweet as honey to be able to go out clubbing wearing this lil' get up. Maybe head out alone or with the gals and see where it leads...
And I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but the collar I'm wearing in the pic is an actual pet collar with 'KITTY' on it in sparkly stones. Yeah, kinda tacky and cheap I suppose (so like it suits me!), but who knows, maybe someone will take pity on a lil' stray and feed her some cream ;)

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Elana Champion of Lust, Chapter 1(updated 05/27/2019)

Con-Quest! Poké-con (Version 0.06)

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A common city girl wakes up after having dreamed of a mysterious wizard calling her name. In the morning he goes out for shopping, but magically he realizes he is no longer in the city where he was, everything has changed now. His home, the world he lives in ... She discovers that the mage evoked her there, and she is the chosen one summoned to save the 4 kingdoms from the dark demon thanks to a magical artifact: the cockring!
In this game you will find:
4 different realms (Humans - Elven - Dwarves - Dark Elvens)
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this game has lots of potental but its very low budget, work the 3d models are the biggest issue like how the dick looks very off putting.
maybe make it so we also lvl up to get attacks because having like, 20 seems weird.
keep up the work and i bet you can make this great.
My game froze during the talk with the queen. *sigh* and it was looking promising too.
i cant exactly figure out where the story is supposed to take you after your audience with the queen since i went everywhere i could and just havent found anything story based after that point
why are the sex scenes in 3D?like why tho..
would've been better off 2D
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